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Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

I was reading about the Santa Fe shooter and noticed he was 17, which means he can't get the death penalty. I thought that was a shame and that he should be shot like the dog he is, but others might disagree. 

What are your thoughts on the death penalty? Is it too brutal or should the person suffer more, or should it even exist at all in the first place?

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

For murderers, rapists, child molesters, etc., they should suffer more. Death penalty is too swift and easy.

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

That's really sadistic, and you're a terrible human being. We shouldn't encourage a state that prolongs people's suffering and calls it justice.

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

I don't like to give mercy on monsters.

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

If you're not going to show compassion or mercy towards bad people, how is it you get to judge them for not having shown any to their victims? A society that supports and even causes unnecessary suffering is a cruel and evil one.

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

A society that doesn't provide true justice to the victims is a cruel an evil one. It's people like you who are the problem who have more compassion towards evil men than towards those who they killed.

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

I wouldn't consider torture justice. Our society should work to minimizing harm, not making sure every harm has a partner.

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

No, we should make sure irredeemable pieces of shit die in agony. 

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

If people are being given the brutal deaths they deserve, I'm sure others will think harder before committing that crime.

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

That's not what happens, endless studies show that harsher penalties don't act as a deterrent. People never think they're going to be caught and most don't even think rationally before this. Hell, a great deal of people are mentally infirm, so they're not even able to.

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

That's sadistic, and I don't want a society that gets off on other people's suffering. In wanting this, you've shown a willingness not only to torture the sick, insane and mentally fucked up people who do evil shit, and of course people who aren't that bad, because none of you seemed to have noticed this, but not all people who commit violent crimes are bad, but also a willingness to have innocent people, however few, suffer from this because you're a retard who lets the stupid lizard part of your brain dictate how society functions. 

Revenge feels fun and torturing bad people appeals to us, but it's one of the things like punching Neo-Nazis or eating shit tons of fatty food, that your stupid lizard brain tells you is good, but ultimately damages society as a whole.

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

For a person that has antagonized people on this site before, and has even on record told someone to kill themselves on here once upon a time ago! (Who granted hasn't committed any crime that we know of), you sure are taking a rather moralistic approach when it comes to the hypothetical criminals that have killed and wore someone's ears as decorations. (I.e, Jeepers Creepers esque)

I'm finding your stance and these chain of comments intriguing.

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

Ultimately, I'm a selfish prick, sure, and I hate most things. However, I understand that my simple attitude of "I'm the best, let's make shit great for me!" isn't one that should dictate the rules of my society. My society should be one that doesn't torture people for the sake of their suffering. It's the same way I enjoy smashing a good old scrap on the street, but I think society should be against that.

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, claw for a claw.

If someone shoots another in the head, they should be put to death via bullet to the head. If someone burns another alive, they should be put to death via burning alive. That's just how i see it.

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

An eye for an eye seems to be a really sociopathic way to live. I mean, it's impossible to implement fairly. I mean, does a man who murdered his daughter's rapist get the death penalty? What about a man who committed manslaughter? It's pretty ridiculous as a legal system. Plus, it wouldn't really work at actually stopping anyone. I mean, if Jimmy the Rapist got caught, he's getting out again after like an hour of revenge rape. 

And there's the issue of it being sadistic and to cause unjust suffering is evil, but that's really besides the point. I don't want to live in a state that burns burns people alive, because that's fucking barbaric, and we should be better than doing that because we're not evil people.

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

I agree, we should castrate Jimmy the Rapist instead. No more rape for him. 

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

Castrate and rape.

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

Alright, about a year later you found out Jimmy wasn't a rapist, and you've castrated an innocent man, and now you can't un-castrate him. 

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

That's the beauty of chemical castration, it's always reversible. 

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago
Apparently vasectomies are potentially reversible now.

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

They are, my dad had a kid after he reversed his vasectomy.

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

Oh, it appears chemical castration has greatly advanced since the Turing days. I presumed you were talking about traditional castration. In regards to a safe, reversible chemical form of castration, I have no objections as of now, fair point.

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

I completely agree with this.

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

It's not like the US is ever going to allow torture, so the death penalty is the next best option.

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

Suffering is an immoral thing we as a people should try to evolve. While of course, the idea of flaying Jimmy Saville would certainly be enjoyable, it's ultimately just the lizard part of my brain talking and morally, that suffering does no one any good. 

I don't have any problem with the death penalty in theory. If I a known mass murderer who we're putting in jail for the rest of his life, I think it's fair to just execute him and be done with it. Jailing should be used for rehabilitation, and if we're locking people up and throwing away the key, seems like it'd be easier and more merciful to just kill them.

However, in practice, I think it's an incredibly flawed idea. Just looking at the rates of people on death row who were found to be innocent, the idea's nonsense and should never be considered. We shouldn't kill people because there's always a chance of innocence, and a pardon's of far more use to a living man than a corpse. The fact that there's so many cases of innocent people being executed tells me the death penalty isn't a good idea and should be avoided.

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

Mistakes don't justify the complete abolishment of the death penalty. It calls for establishing a higher level of proof. In cases like this with multiple witnesses, guilt is pretty clear, so there is no chance of mistaken conviction.

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago
There were plenty of witnesses in the Jim Crow south. And even if no one actually saw the crime being committed, everyone knew what color the perpetrator was so it was just a matter of getting enough people together who'd willingly testify under oath.

It's not as easy nowadays what with nearly everyone having some sort of camera on them at all times, but there's still the possibility of mistaken identity. Especially in cases where the races of the offender and the witnesses are different.

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

You’re ignoring my main point. There are clear cut cases where the identity of the perpetrator is not under dispute. This is true of almost all major shootings and bombings. The fact that some cases have more ambiguous perpetrators does not mean that the death penalty should be abolished for those cases where the perpetrator is known and confirmed. In addition, you would be pretty hard pressed to find 12 Jim Crow racists to serve on a single jury these days. If anything, you have cases like OJ Simpson’s, where a nearly all black jury refuses to convict a known murderer because he’s also black.

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

Well no, it does. A higher standard for proof beyond what we have now is going to lead to quite a few more murderers getting away with it because we couldn't meet this super high standard of proof. And even then, there's still mistakes that are going to occur. There's cases that seemed absolutely airtight at the time that we now know weren't.

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago
I do have a problem with the death penalty not being metered out fairly. When wealth can no longer buy you a less severe sentence and innocent people aren't sentenced for crimes that they didn't commit then it might be a viable option, but until then I don't really mind my tax dollars going to housing them on the off chance that some vital evidence may come to light and they end up being cleared of all charges.

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

Do you have any evidence of anyone buying their way out of capital punishment? Also, if you want to house these despicable people, why don’t you house them in your own home? I for one don’t enjoy having serial killers mooching off of my taxes.

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago
Hey Aristotle, did you know it takes more money to kill a prisoner than to put them in jail for life? :)

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

Well if we stopped allowing so many appeals and just shot them in the back of the head right away that would solve that issue. Not like there’s a shortage of guns and bullets in this country.

Of course we could just use the Serial killers and pedos for medical experiments instead of animals. Surely at least the animal rights crowd shouldn’t object to that too much.

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

Personally I think we  should all just turn the prisoners loose and have an apocalyptic party, not like we aren't a few weeks away from fucking Doomsday anyway 

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago
And that's how Fred earned his medical degree.

Death Penalty: Good or Bad?

5 years ago

Make criminals battle to the death,