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8 years ago

I owe you guys a story by now. A real story! A story with more than 20 pages! It worked so well the last few times I tried, but I feel like I'm so much closer this time that I should just keep updating until I'm finished.

Thus far, the ten hours or so of time that I've actually worked on it has been turbulent. I forgot to map the story and pretty much just BS'ed my way through much of the beginning. though that's usually the best way to start! I've dropped the player head first into a needlessly complex world and hopefully they'll be able to figure out which way is up.

Recent Achievements:

-Most Romantic sentence I ever wrote.

-I have lost any and all fucks that I may have given as to whether or not this is publishable.

-Dialogue is 70% less cringy than it was on day one. Still scrubbing.


8 years ago

YES! *fist pump* I do like what you have published, but I'm honestly psyched to see you do a "real" story. Good luck, man.


8 years ago

I'll be looking forward to this one.


8 years ago

Hour 12:

The ACTs have left me emotionally and inspirationally drained. I will have to continue just editting.

Actually, I did write one paragraph where you use a claymore (mine) as an improvised Melee weapon, but that may be all I have in me until further notice. I can feel the lack of thoughts in my head as a physical presence. It's like I never woke up.


8 years ago

You can no longer be an English Teacher. I scrapped that path in favor of some new thing I wrote. You'll either be running Downton Abbey or seiging castles. Live with it.


8 years ago

Judging from this and your other two progress posts, I can already tell that I'm going to fucking love this story.


8 years ago


Subtle foreshadowing may or may not actually apply, depending on which choice you make, but when you go to see Malkalack, you are dressed like Ash from Evil Dead for a reason.

Turns out, Angela is basically Sherlock Holmes with a Zweihander... Except not really.


8 years ago

I have begun the mandatory illustration for an introduction page...

Dear god...

I've spent so much of my life trying to get better at drawing people punching each other, that I never considered I could, alternatively, draw people hugging each other... But who has time for that pansy bullshit!? Ah well, we can't have two SOs punching each other now can we? Keep your cringe reflexes ready.


8 years ago

*cheers you on* I'm thrilled you're writing this, and even more thrilled you're illustrating it too!

And hooray for promoting healthy, non-abusive relationships.


8 years ago

It was a surprisingly therapeutic experience! If I'm ever really stressed out, I'll just go draw adorable things hugging.

On a related note, I may have to redesign some characters involved for additional adorableness.


8 years ago

I feel like kind of a dick just hinting at things without providing any excerpts or page numbers, but, truth be told, I have neglected to build a story skeleton, so I can't tell you how many pages I have left, and I can't submit any full pages, because all the cool ones either don't have their picture complete or are under my proofreading gaze. I might be able to show you ll the first page, in due time.


8 years ago

The demo page will be arriving today, when I finally get home and scan the picture in! Expect very few lulz. This will be the most serious story you've ever read. It's more serious than a truckload of polonium scandals and serial killers swimming around in an olympic swimming pool filled with cancer and childhood obesity.

Sneak Peek (Also, catch the reference! Or don't.)

8 years ago

Haha, just kidding, here it it is, it's not serious at all. Enjoy this! It's one of the few opportunities you'll have in life to sneak peeks at things without getting sued/arrested!

You wake up in your quaint 3 room apartment in one of the shittier sides of Louton. It's the only place in CYStia a hired gun can live nowadays, since Madglee's the chief of police around here, and he doesn't care who kills who as long as the county's mildly tasteful humor quantities are kept up to snuff. But you're not one to complain. Even though there's a gun shot every three hours and a car crash every 5, the citizens are safe from illness, drugs, and all manner of nasty computer virusses. Besides, you were living comfortably, and that was enough for you.

You got out of your squeaky brass bed. You hadn't bothered to add any covers to the stripey blue mattress because the weather was pleasantly warm, and leaving your window open a crack saved you a veritable fortune in heating bills. For the similar reasons, you took the curtains off the windows and let the light flow in during the day. Sure, it brought out all the peeling parts of the depressingly pale, patternless wallpaper, and it made the beige carpet lose its color in places, but in addition to lowering your electric bill, it made the windows harder to see into, which made your daily movements harder to track, which kept counter-assassins, evil science enclaves, the Mad Hatter's daughter, and other filthy undesirables off your trail.

As you stretched, you admired your bedside table. It was an antique mahogany totem that you stole from Malkalack's temple of Capyism because he called you a Nintendofag... And also because you needed a bedside table. Upon it were the kind of things that everyone's bedside tables have.

Most prominently, lamp which was left unplugged, since you don't use electric lighting. you kept it around because it's an excellent bludgeoning weapon.

South of the lamp was shiny tin alarm clock with a hint of rust, marked in roman numerals. You beat it by three minutes today, as usual. Mentally patting yourself on the back, you move to push the button that notifies it of defeat before it goes off uselessly and embarrasses itself.

Next to the clock are some framed stills from a birth video that was filmed by a stranger named Tim Buckley, who was creepy enough to have a camera at the time. That's not the point, though, the point is that these are pictures from your Grandson's first birthday, whose name was... Oh, fucked if I know, the point is he's a firebreathing griffin because she had sex with a forest creature named James, and they had a shotgun wedding, and it was hilarious.

And, of course, an old can that you keep as a treasured memento of your past. It once contained beer, of the bland store-brand variety, with the usual cartoon 'xxx' on the label and the Stal-Mart logo along the rim, so that the drinker would be assaulted with subliminal messaging every time they took a sip. It used to be your favorite kind of beer. They would always have it at parties and you would always drink it because you're a shameless daydrunk as well as a part-time Scottish stock character.

You met Anya's mother when drinking this beer, you met Angela when drinking this beer, you chased a once charging bull down the streets of Vegas with a hot poker when drinking this beer, your presidential campaign began and ended as a result of drinking this golden beverage. Then one day you took a sip of it casually on a particularly boring day when you weren't already drunk and realized it was the shittiest mess of industrial-grade horse piss that you ever put in your mouth, and you never drank it again.

Ever since then, you kept it there as a reminder that even though you associate good memories with it, and you can still thoroughly enjoy it when you're out of your gourd, that doesn't mean that in the end it's all really just horrible garbage, and it's okay to admit it. Case in point: Everything that's ever been made about Sonic the Hedgehog.

Boy, you sure were looking at that totem for a long time. So long that I could explain all this shit and the reader could potentially forget what the fuck I was talking about. As you finished staring at your blasphemous bedside table, you headed out of your otherwise sparsely furnished bedroom and into your bathroom.

The bathroom was a place that did it's level best to imitate a Roman bath and failed in every possible way. Where stimulating and awe-inspiring mosaics of ancient tales should have been, there were mere beige and dark beige tiled walls. Where granite floors should have been, there was cracked linoleum. Where steaming, dignified in-ground pools should have been, there was a clunky bath-shower hybrid between two walls, and your other typical porcelain fare. A room that should have been decorated with plants and lit with braziers was lit with a single hanging light bulb and decorated with brassiers. Brassiers being the ones in the various playboy and lengerie magazines you have in the room. You're not a complete manwhore, after all.

You washed your face and shined your feathers, and then you took a bottle of ancient cologne and drank it in order to get your healing factor kicked into gear. As expected, you fell writhing to the floor and died within 10 minutes before waking up good as new. You checked your watch, which you had forgotten to take off before bed on the previous night. You were only out for 8 minutes this time. A new record! You must be building up a tolerance to leadspestos or whatever the fuck they put in cologne during the early 1900s... Quickly, you realized that you would have to cut this part out of your morning routine. You bet the Sauron-esque Lich King Mardox your soul, (and he bet you a small army of skeletons) that you could go for an entire week, (starting today) only dying once a day. No deaths can carry over from previous days. But it's alright. Nothing dangerous will happen today, probably.

You then got up, brushed yourself off, (Although nothing really got on you aside from vague remnants of the cleaning chemicals you used to scrub the floor yesterday.) and casually strolled out. You headed to the kitchen/diningroom/livingroom hybrid that was the room in between the bed and bathroom in order to make breakfast. But today was Saturday, the most special of all days, and so you didn't want to exert yourself by making anything too glorious. You instead decided to eat something that was both good and required no effort: 4 cans of Chef Corleone's Ravioli.

Procuring them from the cupboard, and a fork from the drawer, you head over to the couch with the cans and sit down, staring down the Diremoose headtrophy that you hung on the wall just above the TV.

You drove your beak into the side of one of the cans and bit it open. as you turned the TV on. You spent the majority of Tom and Jerry's all-new hour chewing the tops off of cans like a goat, but it was worth not paying $30 for a can opener at that fucking overpriced hipster cooking store. Or instead, a $5 at a big chain store that tracks your purchases and has cameras all over, but then your enemies would be able to find you, and you can't have that. Damn, this was good ravioli!

You were drinking the remaining sauce out of the last can when your phone rang. Who could it have been?...




Optional Lore Database

Sneak Peek (Also, catch the reference! Or don't.)

8 years ago

This, this is just beautiful. 

Sneak Peek (Also, catch the reference! Or don't.)

8 years ago
This is just fantastic. I like the tongue-in-cheek exposition. I especially love the weird mix between very realistic, relatable thoughts (like realizing your favorite beer actually tastes like shit) and the completely off-the-wall craziness that's presented in the same matter-of-fact tone (like betting your soul to Lich King Mardox for an army of skeletons).

You have such a unique style of writing that makes even the silliest and most random things sound believable, and I'm very much looking forward to reading more of this game.

Sneak Peek (Also, catch the reference! Or don't.)

8 years ago

Well, it should sound believable! Everything that happens in this story is absolutely true, factual, and completely serious. Like 10 Vietnam Wars swimming around in an olympic swimming pool full of ozone depletion and malaria outbreaks.

Sneak Peek (Also, catch the reference! Or don't.)

8 years ago

That was a dangerous time period. *Looks cinematically into the sky*

Sneak Peek (Also, catch the reference! Or don't.)

8 years ago
Huh. You know, that would explain so much about why I nearly failed World History back in high school.

Sneak Peek (Also, catch the reference! Or don't.)

8 years ago

You've already used an "olympic swimming pool" analogy. Minus 10 points.

Sneak Peek (Also, catch the reference! Or don't.)

8 years ago

That's the point, the joke was that I didn't remember the analogy two posts ago. I was going to say, "Like I said," first, but that didn't imply that I was only talking about how serious this story is.

Which it is.

Very serious.

Like a bunch of genocidal dictators swimming around in an olympic swimming pool full of animal extinction and sexual assault.

Sneak Peek (Also, catch the reference! Or don't.)

8 years ago
Cool story! I actually liked it, lol. :P

Sneak Peek (Also, catch the reference! Or don't.)

8 years ago

This was a great piece of writing! I like the way you speak to the reader directly, especially the part where you got sidetracked on explaining so much, you even admitted it. I can't wait for the finished story.

Sneak Peek (Also, catch the reference! Or don't.)

8 years ago

The shotgun wedding was kinda funny, more funny than the shotgun prenup.

Sneak Peek (Also, catch the reference! Or don't.)

8 years ago

Wait, there was a prenup!? Do foxes even have anything worth prenupping?

Sneak Peek (Also, catch the reference! Or don't.)

8 years ago

No. I'm not even a legal person in most first world countries. I think it was mainly Anya's sadism.

Sneak Peek (Also, catch the reference! Or don't.)

8 years ago

Doesn't sound like something she would do, unless either of you happen to be into the especially bizarre, dominance-by-proxy kind of sadism. Her lawyer Geoffrey probably pressured her into doing it, since I'm pretty sure he's a human supremacist... I've never actually found proof, which is probably why she still keeps him around and hardly takes anything I say seriously, but... Then again, if foxes don't have anything anyway, maybe she just wanted to keep you within eyeshot a little longer, in which case she and I need to have a talk about what constitutes serious goddamn creepiness.

Sneak Peek (Also, catch the reference! Or don't.)

8 years ago

Awesome Sent. Glad you're writing

Sneak Peek (Also, catch the reference! Or don't.)

8 years ago

Lack of my face

2/10 would not read again

Sneak Peek (Also, catch the reference! Or don't.)

8 years ago

I didn't even know you were still here!


8 years ago

I got the majority of the Hallucination/Dream Sequence near the end of the Pirate Path done. Not that difficult, since the majority of the sequence is satirizing bad writers, but at least 70% of that is a lemony narrator telling a shitty story ironically. Still though, it's unusual for me to do more than one page in a storygame without feeling like I rushed/incurred some sort of brain damage, so I'm proud of that, I guess.

PS: If you need help writing, listen to this at optimal writing volume, it makes you feel like you're much closer to done than you actually are.


8 years ago
