chasemeee, The Contributor
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NAME: chase AGE: older than amans stache SEX: yes please PICKUP LINE: girl are you a beaver cause damn
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gaming live streams on 5/26/2013 5:58:14 PMhey you guys long time no see i was just wanting to show you guys this guy you might think he is funny and if he gets 30 new followers on twitch by monday he will do a 24 hour live stream
I DECLARE WAR. on 4/14/2013 12:18:44 PM
i am just sitting laughing in asgard
Your aim in life... on 4/14/2013 12:17:04 AM
my aim in life is to end haters who question everything.
I DECLARE WAR. on 4/14/2013 12:12:08 AM
most of the time i see he is on its like 2am
I DECLARE WAR. on 4/13/2013 11:55:01 PM
anyone notice endmaster is not saying anything
Penguins and Mustaches on 4/12/2013 2:08:40 AM
*burst.back into the world with my mustached father screams it is time to end this*
Superhero powers? on 4/10/2013 12:24:30 AM
haha mortals allways talking about me hahaha
Dialog help on 4/10/2013 12:19:33 AM
well to dumb it down for some of the none bright users like myself i would label it just to be clear. and if its in the point of view that the person that the story is about is telling the story to someone else the i would use i replied but if its a story where your trying to make it like the reader is telling the story then i would make it you replied.
Penguins and Mustaches on 4/10/2013 12:07:27 AM
you would know
Penguins and Mustaches on 4/9/2013 11:33:40 PM
lol why dont you just go back to jacking off to reruns of oprah