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Artist for Hire

5 years ago

Heyo! I'm TreeHugger, and I love to draw! I made my own profile picture (I will admit, not very creative), and I specialize in graphic styles, not the sketchy kind. If anyone wants me to make a picture for them, just put down what you want, and it'll be done (unless I either find it inappropriate, rude, or to darn hard to make). Don’t be shy!

Artist for Hire

5 years ago
Translation: I use my finger to draw pictures on my phone screen, and they kind of suck, but I changed my profile picture to a cute dog, so pay me.

Artist for Hire

5 years ago

I’m not asking for pay, and my new profile picture is changed because I felt like it. Can't a girl show some love for her dog? Also thank you for saying he's cute. :)

Artist for Hire

5 years ago

Imma show cricket
I whipped this up just a few minutes ago. It’s you.

Artist for Hire

5 years ago
Ok, he is actually adorable. I'll give you that.

Artist for Hire

5 years ago


Artist for Hire

5 years ago

Corrections: I use a stylus when I draw, and it’s on an iPad mini.

Artist for Hire

5 years ago
Translation: it's just ArtsyGirl again, if that wasn't obvious.

I've been so proud of her for finally managing to break away from her alt naming scheme though, sometimes they can learn.

....just, not the meaning of words like 'hire'.

Artist for Hire

5 years ago
Since you seem in the mood, I would like to see what you can do with some sort of tentacled beasty, hiding in a water mellon.

Artist for Hire

5 years ago
I would like robot with a duck on its head.

Artist for Hire

5 years ago

I call it: The Robo WithRobo witho the ducko the Ducko

Artist for Hire

5 years ago
I love his expression. You don't have to upload images directly to the site to post them btw. That has a size limit anyway and it winds up formatting them weirdly. You can upload them to imgur or somewhere, and since it looks like you're using the Rich Text Editor there should be a button where you can just click and paste the URL. Or iirc you can just drag the file from your computer directly into the text box. If you turn off the Rich Text Editor in your profile (you'll need to log out and then in again for it to take effect) to post an image with html it's just < img src="imageURL.jpg" > without the spaces.

Artist for Hire

5 years ago

For BerkaZerka

here ya go!

Artist for Hire

5 years ago
Nice ^v^

Artist for Hire

5 years ago


Artist for Hire

5 years ago


Artist for Hire

5 years ago


Artist for Hire

5 years ago

the turts as requested
Derp Dem Turts

Artist for Hire

5 years ago

Colonel Cromsnaply launching the Attack Frogs.

Artist for Hire

5 years ago

Who is that?

Artist for Hire

5 years ago
I think you'll have to use your imagination on this one.

Artist for Hire

5 years ago

this is what I came up with

Artist for Hire

5 years ago
So it was Colonel Cromsnaply all along, turning the frogs gay!

Also I'm replying to Sent's post so as not edit lock you, but ArtsyGirl if you do what I explained above about posting images, they wouldn't break the thread that way.

Artist for Hire

5 years ago

Sorry :/

Also, the frogs were robot frogs

Artist for Hire

5 years ago
Can you draw me a clown playing with knives? :D Also you kinda broke the thread with the image above.

Artist for Hire

5 years ago


Artist for Hire

4 years ago
I would like a cat on a hat. Also, a dope on a rope, if you please. And perhaps a frog on a bog, if you have time. And, if you feel so inclined, a tire fire on a high wire.

Artist for Hire

4 years ago

Ill do my best

Artist for Hire

4 years ago
Pick any of the four and I’ll be very grateful. No need to do them all unless you are very bored.

Artist for Hire

4 years ago
She's 12 and very sheltered, you'll just get the Snow White dwarf hanging from a noose.

Artist for Hire

4 years ago
And I'm okay with that.

Artist for Hire

4 years ago

I figured it would have been a guy with a goofy facial expression walking the high wire

Artist for Hire

4 years ago
If it comes with all the seven dwarfs also hanging, together with Snow White from a weeping willow in a dank bog (and all of them silhouettes in the waning sunlight, obviously), I'd consider the mix up well worth it.

Artist for Hire

4 years ago
Okay kudos to you. I give you 100 intranets for your work.*

*Note: This currency may not be used as legal tender in all jurisdictions.

Artist for Hire

4 years ago
The image:


Artist for Hire

4 years ago
I like the flaming martini-olive on a toothpick.

Artist for Hire

4 years ago
I believe this along with all the other art in the thread suddenly became a lot more valuable two days ago.