Startled, I just stood there in front of the doorway. He looked like he was gonna collapse at any moment. I've never seen him look this exhausted before. The eye-bags under his eyes looked even heavier than the bags he was carrying. Despite that, his outfit was still clean and upkept with a navy v-neck sweater and a white dress shirt under, sleeves rolled up. His hair was short and a bit ruffled like usual.
As for me, I was slightly embarrassed to be in the simple, grey, fluffy turtleneck I wear to sleep. My hair was untied too, but the turtleneck was better than nothing.
I tilt my head, hair wagging to the side, "Zombie?"
"I'm alive, sorry to disappoint," he promptly dismissed, waving his hand. "can I come in?" He wearily smiled.
"Sure. You look like you haven't slept though. You okay?"
He groggily heads in, not saying anything but shrugging his shoulders. I close the front door behind him. Is it lack of sleep? Or did something happen with family? I hope not.
We walk upstairs into my room. It was where we usually studied together. I brushed off some of the plushies littered in my room off the coffee table, placing them on my bed. I sat down with the coffee table in the middle of the room. Tanaka dropped his bags onto the floor, sitting adjacent from me. His face, still far from the definition of okay.
"You sure you don't want coffee or an energy drink?"
"Nah, I think I'm alright. I don't really like the taste anyway," he replied with a somnolent voice. He took out some study material from the bag, placing them on the table, his pencil case to the side.
Still not convinced, I questioned again, "Did you stay up last night? You look like you've seen a ghost."
"It's nothing," he chuckled, but still stubborn as ever, he countered, "I just stayed a bit late last night, that's all." I raised an eyebrow, finding that hard to believe when this guy sleeps at 10:00. He even tried to start working, but his pencil simply hovered over the paper.
I leaned closer to him as if it would get me the answer. "Come onnn just tell mee!" I shook the table, forcing him to try and hold me down. "You've been studying late at night for the exam then, right? Even though sleeping up late is the bane of your existence." He seemed to perk up upon hearing that, looking away guiltily. I grinned. So I was right.
He promptly moaned in defeat as he rubbed his head, "It's normal, isn't it? Exams are coming after all. I can sacrifice some sleep. Aren't you the one that's in the red Koharu? You're going to the same university as me."
Geh, he got me right where it hurts.
"Don't try and change the subject!" I object. "Sure, I'm a little behind, but you're the one who's looking like death's right-hand man. Your grades are stellar as it is and like near the top of our school. I heard sleep is more important for exams anyways. Seriously, you don't want to break that beautiful sleep cycle." I giggled in some self-pity. Sleeping at 1:00 am isn't always the best of ideas. He laughed a bit too, cute even with his sleepy eyes.
Tanaka seemed to recover a little. He relaxed a little, leaning back on his arms. Then he grabbed a small eraser, lobbing it over to my chest. I manage to catch it though, promptly flinging it back to his forehead. On contact, he readily fell to the ground, making a dying gurgling sound as he sprawled his arms out wide. I found it dumb, bursting into a small laughing fit. He was smiling too. He stayed on the ground.
"You know, I don't understand you sometimes. How can you be so calm when exams are three days away," he commented, still looking up at the ceiling. "I know I think I'll probably be fine, but still--I'm nervous. I'm nervous for you too. I want to make sure you pass, but I'm not confident in my teaching ability..." Upon hearing that, my heart ducked under. I was pulling him down. The guilt mauled my heart.
I shook my head, forcing the thoughts away, for now, focusing on Tanaka. "You're overdoing it," I consoled him in a soft voice. I stood on my knees, shuffling over to him and sitting down beside his face on the ground, grabbing his extended hand. They were warm. "Trust in me, we'll both do fine." The thoughts in my mind told me I had to try harder from here on out. I don't want to let him down anymore.
"I really hope we do." Tanaka gripped my hand tight. He continued, "it's just that I've put so much planning and effort into the future. I studied for everything, but even so, I don't really have a plan B to fall back on. So if I somehow slip up--if I fail... I don't think I'd know what I'd do. That small chance... is scary." He laughed it off at first, but he brooded in that position for a while. Tanaka's eyes seemed to become shinier. I thought I saw tears in his eyes, but he turned his head to the side before I could get a good look. It was a bit awkward, but I don't want him to feel that way.
I smiled softly. I don't understand him sometimes. How is he able to work this hard. Whenever I'm faced with something hard, I usually distract myself with something else. Becoming someone who can stand beside Tanaka is gonna be hard.
I reciprocated his warm grasp on my hand. But, I know it'll be worth it.
With my other hand, I slap my exposed thighs under my black, comfy shorts. "You should rest for today. You can even sleep on my lap."
"I'm not a child."
"Just let me do at least this much for you."
He stayed facing away from me, covering his face with his other arm. But eventually, Tanaka coyly moved his head over onto my lap, trying to avoid my eyes. I stroked his hair as he laid like that. He was like a plushie.
"Thanks," he quietly murmured.
Exams were mere days away. Despite that talk, Tanaka kept working hard, helping me study for the university examinations. I still honestly didn't understand how he can keep pushing himself like this, but, over the next three days, I started to get it. It made me want to work just as hard. I crammed and studied like it was my only purpose in life. At times I just wanted to stop and play some video games, but I had to do even better. Better and harder than since my confession to Tanaka.
On exam day, I made sure to scrape everything I learned from Tanaka on those exhausting study sessions. It went by in a flash. By the time I finished, my heart's been drowning me ever since. Ever since, until announcement day.
The ping of an email. All of our effort, at the mercy of an email. My finger hovered over the message. I almost didn't want to open it. My body was shaking. I wanted to tell Tanaka I passed. I want him to tell me he passed. I'm confident that he got in, but did I do enough? I wonder.
I close my eyes and open the email.

First of all, I'm very sorry. I went about going excessively over the word count. This is the first time I've tried carrying a story so heavily with my characters so please, give any feedback or point out areas that might have been boring to read. Feedback in general would be wonderful too.
Second, the story might not really seem to fit with the word comprehension, although, I was thinking about the word the whole time while writing it. Hopefully, the theme comes out while you read. If it doesn't, just point it out for me if you would kindly.
Lastly, thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my short.
@Bluefur. Go ahead and take the wheel.
Your word is control.