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Alpharune 2

one year ago

It's here! The sequel of the worst storygame of 2022: Alpharune 2. I thought that the original story had such an unsatisfactory ending that I decided to give it a sequel. If you are unfamiliar with Alpharune, it's a storygame that I decided to publish last year; and got lots of negative reviews. If you're looking for more infromation, see this forum post.

Unlike the original storygame, this will be a short story because I thought it would flow better. However, there will be seven chapters; released in stages. Here's the release dates I intend for each chapter:

Prologue: July 1

Chapter 1: August 1

Chapter 2: September 1

Chapter 3: October 1

Chapter 4: October 31

Chapter 5: December 1

Chapter 6: January 1

Chapter 7: February 2

Please note that this story happens directly after the events of the original story. This occurs if the player decided not to spare every enemy possible. Enjoy as much as you can.

Alpharune 2

one year ago


Mike opened the doors outside, and the sights widened his eyes: Palm trees align on both sides of the streets, and speakers are blaring saxophone music along the area. To his right, he can see a looming, reddish tower with the label "The Hollywood Tower Hotel". When he looked to his left, his eyes widened even more, and his hands trembled: A dead body on the street. He rushed towards the body, and yelled:

"Princess!!! Are you okay? I'm so sorry.... I'm so sorry you've met your tragic end... It's not anyone's fault, but I'm responsible for the deaths of countless others.... Please, I hope you're happy now."

Until, Mike hears footsteps from ahead. McNoober, with his black suit, top hat, and glasses gives Mike a stare, tilting his head downwards and a frown. Beside him, are two cops with their navy blue uniforms. McNoober then shouts:

"Mike... what have you done?"