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The Contest Winners!!!

22 years ago
After hours and hours of deliberation, we have made our decision. We evaluated each and every game that was eligible on three factors: creativity, entertainment value, and overall coolness. And I can assure you, it was quite a difficult decision! Well, without further ado:

-- Grand Prize Winner ($100) --
thatguy for The Wal*Mart Game

... we also decided that it just would simply be not fair to only recognize one game, so we decided to award some other prizes.

-- Close Runner Up ($25) --
karacan for Magus: Betrayal

-- Third Places ($15) --
AKJ16/solostrike for all of his games
Funkywizard for Blunder Brain Bob Baldwin of Baltimore In: No Escape

-- Honorable Mentions (10 points) --
SuperMarioJon for the Mario Island Series
beholder for Lodin's Quest: Anamandar
Missy-ga for The Quest for Pegasus
janemcg for You're the Bachelor

Congratulations to all of the winners! Thanks to everyone for entering!

-= The Ultimate Choose-Your-Own-Adventurer=-

P.S. I will personally email the winners within a few days, as for the honorable mentions, the points have been added to your account. Thanks!

re:The Contest Winners!!!

22 years ago
WOWOWOOWOWOOW I got third place!~!!

Thanks so much!


re:The Contest Winners!!!

22 years ago

I had a feeling I was running second, but I never expected me to be close. ;) Thanks for the prize, it will come in very handy indeed.

Okay, that's settled then, now I am motivated enough to write the second part. ;) But first, for all of those who complained Betrayal was too easy and too much text, there's a devious and very, very dark science-fiction game coming up... Wait for "Space Is Cold...". But you probably need to wait longer than this site needs to be updated. ;)

re:The Contest Winners!!!

22 years ago
Congrats to all! Every game on this site has pretty much been quality to some extent or another. We appreciate everyone's time and effort put into making this site the best. We'll have more contests like this in the future so keep your eyes open, and make sure you opt in to be on our mailing list!