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Mobile non-linear storygame with RPG elements

10 years ago

Hey folks.

My name is Chris Enders, I'm an indie mobile game developer and a huge CYOA fan.  

I hope it's okay to post this here, I'm putting the word out about a game I just released called "Overlive".  It's a zombie survival RPG that plays like a non-linear gamebook/storybook.  It seems to be a big hit with people that enjoy gamebooks, so I thought I'd share the link here.

It's available on iOS and Android.  I'd LOVE your feedback on it, and I can share a few promo codes so you can download the game for free if you're interested.  Mods, I looked for rules and didn't see any so I figured this was the best place to post this.

Please let me know what you think :)

Mobile non-linear storygame with RPG elements

10 years ago

If I get a promo code (although which platform would you use it with; Barnes and noble?), I'll critique after I've played for some hours. If not, well, I'm a cheapskate, so... :P

It does look pretty interesting on that website, though, so I would be happy to give it a try.

Mobile non-linear storygame with RPG elements

10 years ago

Hey Cynical.  What market do you have access to?  I can give a promo for iOS, or just refund you on Google Play.

Mobile non-linear storygame with RPG elements

10 years ago

I can do Google Play, or Amazon; anything for Android, basically.

Mobile non-linear storygame with RPG elements

10 years ago

yeah same with me Android or Amazon. 

I just downloaded the New Choice of games story so I am occupied with figuring out which of the 3 choices actually effect the game. Fuckin minimalists.

Mobile non-linear storygame with RPG elements

10 years ago

Yeah... most of Choiceofgame's newer stuff really falls flat. Although, there are some exception (for example some of their older stuff, like Choice of the Vampire and Choice of the Dragon were awesome; Slammed is pretty new, but that's pretty good.). And most of the games in the Hosted Games section 1,000x better than their main games (for example, Way Walkers 1&2, Sabres of Infinity, Life of a Wizard, Apex Patrol, Zombie Exodus). My biggest problem with CoG is that that have most of their games behind a fucking paywall, and as if that's not worse, some have fucking IN-APP purchases. The worse example of this is Burn(t), which is so goddamn poorly written that most choices that result in your death make no fucking sense. And guess what, if you wanna start over right away, you can either buy the full game for 2 bucks, or pay 99 cents. If not, screw you, because you have to wait OVER TWO hours... It's completely ridiculous.

Mobile non-linear storygame with RPG elements

10 years ago

Yeah The one I am playing now is Choice of Death? or something. its free but 2.99 to play again. CoG in general is weird. Because you can play for free online (including mobile devices) but the apps cost money? 

I don't get their Business Scheme, especially considering their best work was Choice of romance and Choice of Vampire.

Mobile non-linear storygame with RPG elements

10 years ago

Mostly, playing online just gets you a small demo portion of the game (though, there are a few older games that are exceptions); and after a bit, it stops you with some BS like "that's it for the demo", and it suggests you to go buy the game on one of their platforms. But yeah, some of the free games cost money if you wanna download (like Apex Patrol) the apps, which truly makes no sense.

Mobile non-linear storygame with RPG elements

10 years ago

The stuff from Tinman Games is normally pretty good. A little more expensive than CoGs stuff, but it's a one time payment.

I like how they've been redoing some of the old 80s gamebooks as well as working on their own original series of gamebooks. From their recent news updates seems like they've got a lot more stuff planned as well.

Mobile non-linear storygame with RPG elements

10 years ago

Mobile non-linear storygame with RPG elements

10 years ago

Never heard of Tinman Games; I'll look into them.

Mobile non-linear storygame with RPG elements

10 years ago

Click my link there. get that game. all you need to know :)

Mobile non-linear storygame with RPG elements

10 years ago

I looked at the website, when my kindle gets a better internet connection I will check it out.

Mobile non-linear storygame with RPG elements

10 years ago

Would love to hear your feedback!

Mobile non-linear storygame with RPG elements

10 years ago

Hi, moved this to the Lounge, as the Parlor is specific to Games on this Site :)

So, the Overlive game is a complete and finished App?

Mobile non-linear storygame with RPG elements

10 years ago

That explains where the thread went, I thought it got deleted :(

The game is 100% and released.  First major update is going up this weekend, adding difficulty levels and an accelerated start option for people that have completed the game once. 

Mobile non-linear storygame with RPG elements

10 years ago

the game looks pretty cool. I will probably download later tonight.

Mobile non-linear storygame with RPG elements

10 years ago

Did you end up checking it out?  Did you like it?

Mobile non-linear storygame with RPG elements

10 years ago

Looks cool so far, thank for spamming sharing. I'll check it out later :)

Mobile non-linear storygame with RPG elements

10 years ago

haha, no problem :)  Hope you checked it out, curious what you thought!

Mobile non-linear storygame with RPG elements

10 years ago
This sounds cool. Could I have a promo code?

Mobile non-linear storygame with RPG elements

10 years ago

Can you send me an email at [email protected]?  Just let me know what market and what your user name was here.

Mobile non-linear storygame with RPG elements

10 years ago

Hmm, looks alright. Just to let you know I'm a huge critic in games. I tend to pick out everything sooooooo yeah...

But I would love to give it a try, I'm a bit broke though.

Mobile non-linear storygame with RPG elements

10 years ago

I can promo you, just fire me an email and let me know what your forum user was.  Oh, and the market!

Mobile non-linear storygame with RPG elements

10 years ago
How much did you earned yet?

Mobile non-linear storygame with RPG elements

9 years ago

It's been a year and we grossed $27,000 on it.  No where near the development cost, unfortunately :)  This game was a work of love though, our other games pay the bills.

Mobile non-linear storygame with RPG elements

9 years ago

By the way, I'm doing an update on Overlive in about two weeks.  I've restored all the background art and music back to it's highest quality; the original release had me compressing a lot of it down to meet the market upload requirements.  

There's also two new music tracks (one for combat, one for your home/apartment), minor combat fixes, and some new easter eggs :)

Mobile non-linear storygame with RPG elements

9 years ago

downloading now!