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Hi guys

11 years ago

Hi guys! I'm new to the site kind of. I've been reading stories the past couple of days and I think this site is awsome. I like rpg stories like dungin stompidge and action like zombie stories and stuff. I like all end masters work and JJJ-Thebanisher's Order of the Midnight Son.

Hi guys

11 years ago

Hello there, TSR Awesomedude! Would you like a spork?

Hi guys

11 years ago

I thought you didn't have any sporks to spare?


Hi guys

11 years ago

O.o I don't know what to believe anymore...

Welcome, and don't take the spork.

Remember: the pudding is the best!

Hi guys

11 years ago

Listen to her, her madness makes sense, most of the time...

Hi guys

11 years ago

What kind of madness makes sense?! That's nonsense!

Hi guys

11 years ago

I'm trying to help you now, you know.

Hi guys

11 years ago

You can do so without lying!

Hi guys

11 years ago

Ok, she's mad, very mad, but she is not evil neither is pudding, it is very good, as for the sporks, do not even touch them!

Hi guys

11 years ago

The sporks are amazing machinations of goodness and glory that deserve no such slander. Her brand of strawberry pudding, however, is nothing short of nazi-like evil.

Hi guys

11 years ago

It's all in the penguin-man's head, I assure you. Apparently being thrown into a pool of strawberry pudding really messes someone up, even if it was only a half-thought.

Hi guys

11 years ago

Oh, no, no, that's not what actually happened. I was thrown into a pool of strawberry pudding, and at that point I disliked the smell. When I actually set out to eat some, I realized once and for all that it was a demonic creation.

Hi guys

11 years ago

Very well, but you still blew it way out of proportion. You made it seem ten-times worse than it actually was (never). It has gone to your head.

Hi guys

11 years ago

It was always awful! Have you even given anyone any of the pudding you promised!? Hrm? Exactly! Because it would kill them in their sleep!

Hi guys

11 years ago

I haven't gave anyone any pudding because I have to trust them first, unlike you. And I haven't promised any pudding! Well, I don't remember for sure...

Hi guys

11 years ago

You have, you've always said it was better than the sporks, but then you never gave it to anyone.

And besides, you don't need to trust someone to  grant them the power of the sporks, if they become evil, the spork leaves and starts killing their people.

Hi guys

11 years ago

I still don't think I ever promised anyone any... How do you think I begin trusting? I watch and see if they decline the spork and/or are determined to get pudding.

Hi guys

11 years ago

And yet you've never trusted anyone here. Just goes to show you how marvelously superior the sporks are!

Hi guys

11 years ago

I have given people pudding! But it's not like strawberry pudding is a team or something.

Hi guys

11 years ago

It is, it is a creature of extreme evil that murders children!

Hi guys

11 years ago

See, it's gone to your head.

And if it did murder, it wouldn't murder children, but old ladies and men who aren't gentlemen. And the occasional penguinite... But that will and never did happen.

Hi guys

11 years ago

Then how do you explain the dissappearance of millions of men, women, and children, into a sea of strawberry-flavored muck from hell, never to return again? I saw it all, and I was forced to kill it, but it was too late. They all died.

Besides, you know not the things that pudding does behind your back, right now for example. It's strangling this man to death and I have to kill it now.... BRB!

Hi guys

11 years ago

Oh, this is good...

A man who thinks strawberry pudding is some evil concoction from hell. He's forced to stay in his cell and often mistakes various foods for the pudding... And hates the young nurse because he thinks she is the one behind it all...!

Do continue, but let me grab a pen and paper first.

Hi guys

11 years ago

But I'm not even in a cell. Besides, you're the one who thinks she owns an asylum, but there isn't one... Wait a minute...

Well, fuck me....

It was strawberry yogurt the whole time... Nevermind then...

Hi guys

11 years ago

BUT... It was strawberry yogurt the whole time! He had been fighting the wrong strawberry! Oh my, what a twist...

I must get to writing this...

Hi guys

11 years ago

you all are crazy.

Hi guys

11 years ago

I feel like its strange that 3 people have joined the same day that TSR "left."

Hi guys

11 years ago

Meh, I try to look on the good side of things.

Hi guys

11 years ago

Your calling me the story reviewer? I could never right crap stories like he can. And if your wondering how i know about tsr? i did say I had been lerking on the sight for a couple days before registering didn't I?

Hi guys

11 years ago

Well, you did pass my test. I implied that you were TSR and you didn't immediately deny it in such a way that TSR does...

You're safe, and worthy of this spork.

Hi guys

11 years ago

I'll be sure to prove i'm not him. You all just wait and see.

Hi guys

11 years ago

I'm not wondering why you knew who he was. Anyway welcome don't be a spammer take the spork ignore the pudding. etc

Hi guys

11 years ago

Wow dooling is fun. Especially when i find a pattern to the choices cysid picks... 20 minutes registered and 65 points already.

Hi guys

11 years ago



Your tsr

Hi guys

11 years ago

Just don't spam and all. 

Hi guys

11 years ago

^what he said!

Hi guys

11 years ago

Welcome, have fun.

Hi guys

11 years ago

Welcome to the site!

Hi guys

11 years ago

Welcome to the site.