Walking Dead Zombies?
I'd take a boat to Lake Michigan and wait it out there. These guys have no conception of swimming. I'd probably head north to Canada if the zombies were coming from the south, and south to Ohio if they were coming from Canada.
Food, medicine, general supplies. You don't really need much weapons, other than a reliable corpse-opener, since you can just cover yourself in a dead one's guts and never be bothered."Wow, dude, that was a genius idea, wearing their guts so they wouldn't notice us!" "Yeah, let's never do that again. People want to see us fight them instead." "People? Which people?" "They know who they are..." *glares across the fourth wall*
My friend with 3 black belts, my cousin, who went to militiary school and was an Eagle Scout, some chick from our school in case we end up being the last humans on the planet.
If I got a sniper, I would bandit the hell out of people.
No shit.
Deadrising zombies?
The same thing, except I'd probably stay out there on the water longer.
Weapons, supplies, lots of zombrex because my reflexes can be shit at times.
Same people.
No, I want to become a Psychopath. All the male ones are badass. Capcom is as misogynistic as fuck.
Yes. Who wants to be one of those redshirt shitpieces?
Left 4 Dead Zombies?
I'd sail to a coast guard base from Lake Michigan, probably down the Mississippi river.
All the weapons I can find, all the food I can carry. Medicine is inadequate since as long as one of your friends helps you up, you're pretty much immortal.
Same people.
No way, you need a militiary force in order to exterminate those things!
Resident Evil Zombies?
To the nearest Umbrellacorp base.
everything that would help me sneak in.
No one!
Not exactly.
Fuck no, I'd sneak to their deepest vaults, steal their T-Virus serums, and shoot myself up until I'm as powerful as Nemesis, intelligent as Wesker, and immortal as that mentally retarded chick in those medieval stocks. I don't care if I have to talk like Rocky Balboa, It'd be awesome!