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So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

Hello everyone. It was around ten o' clock at night. I was bored. So, I decided to check out the recent news. I stumbled across this.

Here's the link to copy and paste if the clickable link didn't work:

So, after reading this report and thinking about it a bit, I found my self somewhat spooked. Are there truly aliens among us, watching and controlling our every move? I was a little obsessed with the idea of extraterrestrial life when I was younger, so this fed the tiny, and nearly dying flame.

What are your thoughts? Could these aliens be present? Or is this man simply crazy?

@SplitJawLewy  @MasonJarGuzzi  @PaperRemote @Seth4564 @iavatus @the_quiller  SpartacustheGreat  @Ashleybrooke @jb007  @Crazyboycory22  @Digit  @beckydemi  @BradinDvorak  @Wigglewigglewiggle  @InsomniacOwl  @Kiel_Farren @kyurem

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

Seeee guys, not the only guy who uses MSN :P.

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

Yeah. MSN is pretty useful. News updates, random life tips, what more could you want?

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

Well there are aliens out in space but im 85% sure  this dude was tripping balls just look at that alien, looks like a messed up weed haze from a 80, s cartoon or a weird version of leap frog

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

OH my god that was terrifying.....I couldn't stop reading. This makes me think deeply....

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

As I read this, I began to feel very uncomfortable. I felt as if someone was watching me. But hey, it was probably just my imagination.

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

I always feel like someone is watching 0_o

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

Probably because you were reading a schizo's essay? Everyone feels that way the first time they give their full attention to a conspiracy theorist. I read a dramaticised version of Charle's Manson's manifesto on Race and the Will of God according to The Beatles, but I didn't know that he didn't actually write it, I thought I was reading the actual thing at the time. There's something intrinsically uncomfortable about visiting a psycho's worldview for the first time. You'll be de-sensitized to almost everything similar after that.

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

I'm pretty sure that hypothesis is correct.

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

This kind of crippling paranoia and delusions are sadly not as uncommon as people think. The brain is capable of fabricating some seriously strange scenarios when it's unwell, I've had to deal with a few people with serious issues like that at work, it's just that most don't get the help they need and wind up homeless and driven to cutting all ties with the few people in their lives who would actually care to help them, and then just kind of fall through the cracks. 

I remember on another forum years ago there was this long saga of this poster that was positive the CIA and people in other mysterious, shady organization were following him everywhere, there were a vast worldwide conspiracy by Christian neo nazis that only he could see the truth about, other posters telling him he needed professional help and some random woman he bumped into standing in line at a Wendy's were in on it too, etc. etc. It was scary because he did own or at least claimed to own guns and carry one around. IIRC he eventually wound up running of to Lybia to be a 'journalist', and fuck knows what happened to him since.


So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

I hope so.

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

My thoughts are that this guy is insane, but I don't doubt there are aliens somewhere.

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

That's what I thought....

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

I kind of  want to read the manifesto now, see  the story from the other side.

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago
I read it, and I have to say, it is much creepier than the article.

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

This just upset me, more than anything. Poor bastard. 

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

I found this somewhat chilling. I felt sorry for the man, as he described his pain and torture. 

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

This man's batshit crazy. It does help show why we need better mental healthcare in the world, though.

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

Yeah, especially in *cough* America *cough*

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

They can get it, they just got to pay for it.

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

Which is a shitty system, hence the point.

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

Well, I live in the United States and I have to say something. America is spoiled. Right now people are fighting for some Martian named Donald Trump or some old witch named Hillery Clinton.

People in other places are starving and dying. And we are flipping killing each other because of "social drama" if that is even real. 

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

Social drama = politically correct = bullshit .

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

"Social drama" isn't political correctness. It's not even a thing at all.

 Nobody's killing each other here, and children in Africa have literally nothing to do with American politics. 

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

You live in Africa 0_o

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

Probably not.

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

I'm trying not to be racist, but to be honest I can't really picture somebody in Africa. Well, the again, I've never been out of the U.S.A in my entire life unless you count that trip to the Bahamas........

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

That isn't racist. Racism is believing one race  is superior to another.

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

Then again, what on earth do you mean you can't picture somebody in Africa? What can't you picture?

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

Now that someone said Malk lives in Africa, all I can do is picture a giant miniature space hamster in black face singing "Mammy."

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

Giant miniature?

Or do you mean a toy miniature?

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

To be honest I can't picture a town in Africa that's not like medieval......

oh my fucking god I am so racist

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

Well, if the government provided our healthcare, they could take it away. Less government is better than more government.

When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

I feel slightly bad for not reading it all. Still, I think getting caught will be the best thing to ever happen to him. Guy needs the help, or at the very least needs to be contained to stop him from harming other people. 

So, I guess not everything is as it seems...

8 years ago

I think the indefinite incarcination of somebody with mental health problems you can't possibly remedy is absurdly unethical...euthanasia is obviously the best solution.