A young, third-generation human is faced with the basic task of survival after the mysterious fog that protects his village vanishes, allowing the gods' first creations, monsters, to invade. Guided only by his will to survive, his friends and family, and a vision of a mysterious spear wielded by a goddess, he must discover the true reason for why the deities have forsaken his species.
Gran: A young, impressionable seventeen-year old boy. He works the farms to help support his baker mother and retired grandmother while occasionally going to visit his childhood friend and crush, Liliana. Despite being physically average and terrified of fighting, he's one of the smartest men in the village and one of the few survivors of the massacre that occurs after the fog vanishes. Throughout his journey, he's plagued by visions of a goddess, a glowing spear, and color.
Liliana: The local blacksmith's daughter, Liliana is a skilled fighter who takes great passion in following her father's footsteps. She first met Gran after breaking his nose. Depending on your choices and route, she can end up as a romance option. I just realized I never described how she looks. Esh and I should probably do that. I did describe her father though, so at least people can guess she shares the orange hair color her father has. Which she does.
Siga: The local blacksmith. Siga wears a blacksmith apron... and nothing else. Whether it's forging a weapon, threatening Gran with a number of gruesome deaths if he goes anywhere near his daughter, or running for village leader, Siga is mad scary and probably one of the few villages who can take on a monster in open combat.
Gran's Unnamed Mother Whom I Need to Name: Gran's mother. She bakes things and is famous for her darinberry pie. Since color doesn't really exist, all her pies are stark grey. Even the filling. Even the crust.
Gram-Grams/Gran's Unnamed Grandmother Whom I Need to Name: She's a first generation human who loves to tell Gran stories about the first generation, and how there once was no fog.
Chapter 1 is almost entirely done! Woo! It'll be around thirty pages or so but boy is it interesting to read! I was kind of reluctant about Esh for a while there but he's pulling his weight quite nicely.