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Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was accepted 2/5/2006: .
This feature was completed 2/5/2006: Not completed, but combined with

Variable Behavior: Rollovers

18 years ago

Wouldn't it be nice if there was another type of varible?  It would have to be choosen at the make a varible screen.

To give you an example look at a clock.  It starts on 12 which is really 0:00 and goes to 11.  What happens after it passes 12 over?  It makes a full circle!  I want a varible that can change like that!  Here is a minor patern for a 0-1-3 varible (0 is smallest, 1 is starting, 3 is highest) 1,2,3,0,1(full rotation count +1),2,3,0...


So, what do you say?  You like the idea?  You could easily make a game clock!  Make 2-5 varibles.

Call the first one minutes (or if you really want to get technical, do seconds)
Make it circular at 60.
Then make a varible event so that every 60 seconds the below varible goes up one. (This would require a special varible type that does for rotation - see below)

Than make another circular varible for 24 and call it hours.
Make another varible event that hapens every time 24 hours have gone by.

Well, after hours make one called days.
If it is circular than make it 365, if not than don't mess with it.
 -If it is circular than make a varible event for every time it passes over 365 numbers.

Finally make years.  It is not circular.
Note:  Make sure that all are seeable.


My next part of this, after an example of use is how you could make a varible event with circles.

Players have the regular choice (get above a certain number)
Do so many rotations
The rotations pass by so many numbers - +# means they have to go in a clockwise direction on the circle and -# means they go counterclockwise

It would be really helpful in so many ways you wouldn't even think possible.

Variable Behavior: Rollovers

18 years ago
the part about the event, would need a timer, which I want!

Variable Behavior: Rollovers

18 years ago

I am talking about game time, like he walks in the door.  They greet each other hello.  Then you get to choose your conversation.

Talk about wisdom.  (Gain up to 8 wisdom)
Talk about the gods  (Gain up to 4 spirituallity but possibly lose 6)
Talk about how you are starving (Mabey gain some food)

In the change varibles you make one change 2 minutes.
You make another change 45 seconds
And one that changes 45 minutes

Variable Behavior: Rollovers

18 years ago

Variable Behavior: Rollovers

18 years ago
Timers are completly different and that above was a completely different idea.  The example was time but could be used for seasons or duck duck goose.

Variable Behavior: Rollovers

18 years ago
YAY! good idea!

Variable Behavior: Rollovers

18 years ago

Interesting idea. It sounds like this might be implemented more like a Rollover Behavior on a regular Number variable

If SOMEVAR has a maximum value of 22, and SOMEVAR is currently 20, what happens if you add 4 to it? Right now, it would be 22 (the max). However, with a Rollover Behavior it would be 2 (assuming min value is 0).

Variable Behavior: Rollovers

18 years ago