Translation: I'm sitting at my computer, keeping up with this thread. You deleted my work which makes you a prick, but not only that, you try to make people feel terrible. In my case, you're terrible because this was my first story and I've never done this before so your words mean nothing to me. And Mizal, I do have perfect English, but it was still my first time. I'm sorry about stealing the plot and story, and I only said prick because of Seto.
Reply: First of, I didn't delete your work. I didn't even pay it much mind until you made such a big fuss about it. Second, while your spelling is pretty good, you do need to work on your grammar. Try speaking the sentences you type outloud, and see if it a) makes sense and b) flows well and isn't a run on sentence or a fragment; mostly with you it's the odd formatting of your sentences and the nonsensical run-on bits with lack proper punctuation. It makes it a chore to read your writing and replies, and it takes a lot of time to interpret what you're trying to say - definitely not perfect English, or even understandable English to most people. Take a look at the things you type, and what other people have typed. See the difference?
I understand it was your first time making a story, but most of the people were likely trying to give you constructive criticism, which actually helps improve your writing, or couldn't understand a word you typed because of the grammar and just decided to leave something funny. It doesn't help if you flail and throw a fit - we'll just make fun of you because of that. Most of us have been put through the same thing, and I don't see why you think you're so special it shouldn't happen to you.
Lastly, I honestly don't go around trying to make people feel terrible - I usually do the opposite, in fact, and I don't see what I said on my above post that'd make you feel terrible. I will admit I am in a low mood right now, so that could be affecting my feelings and the way I interpret things. If anything there was insulting, I do not apologize for them however, since nothing I've said was false.