I think it was pretty clear from the moment you mentioned that textbooks were the only thing you could read for fun other than HGTTG, and that your level of "Inspiration" was directly proportional to the amount of anime you've watched recently, that you were always going to be that one autist sitting in the corner whose crowning achievement on the site was losing a fictional war.
So you can sit here and wait while you play with your useless k'nex robot that no longer means anything, create threads that no longer say anything of relevance, nor take us on trips approaching any subject of interest, and post Muppet Porn on the forums, because we all know you're losing this account, just like you lost your 73 other accounts before this, and you're going to lose this contest, just like you've lost every contest before this one, storygame or otherwise.
You, Ford, are a shell of the shell of the human being that you used to be, and trying to be ironic about it isn't going to change shit.