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new and i need help...

6 years ago

so how do i make decisions in my story?? i need detailed explanation PLEASE! 

new and i need help...

6 years ago
@Ogre11 is the man for the job.

new and i need help...

6 years ago
Seriously though I feel like this wouldn't be such a mystery if you'd follow the advice you were given in the previous thread of reading literally any story on the site.

(Assuming your question is about plot structure rather than the physical act of adding a choice, as you did in fact create a link in your game earlier and also read the articles on that...)

But really, you probably shouldn't worry too much about it.

new and i need help...

6 years ago
Uh... what?

You make a decision by making a choice between options. I'm not sure what else you need to know.

new and i need help...

6 years ago
You're about to make a thread on the CYS forums! But first, a snack.

1.) Laundry detergent
2.) Paint chips
3.) Litter box treats

new and i need help...

6 years ago

Hmm, I think I will chose No. 1. A nutritious and delicious poison for all your emo needs!

new and i need help...

6 years ago
Click on "Add Link to New Page" at the bottom of the editor. When prompted, type one of the choices that you wish to give your reader. A new page will pop up where you should write what happens if you make that choice. Repeat for all choices. If you wish to connect a choice to a page you've already written, click on "Add Link" instead.

new and i need help...

6 years ago
She did that before she made this thread. See: her other thread, and also my first post in this one.

new and i need help...

6 years ago

thank you for the detailed explanation ! i get it now 

and thank you guys soooo much for the help ! 

i hope my story doesn't disappoint you . 

i'll try working really hard on it <3

new and i need help...

6 years ago
But you got it ten hours ago.... I saw the link you added before you even made this thread, which was the second thread you made asking the same question. What was even the point of this?

new and i need help...

6 years ago

yeah i was kinda confused since I'm new here ... but i really appreciate the help . so thank you so much!! 

new and i need help...

6 years ago
Are you trying to say this, Leora?

'To add a link to the page, simply click the “Add Link” button and select an existing page from the list provided. If you do not have any other pages, click the “Add New Page” button and enter in a title for the new page that will be created. Creating a link is as simple as that, although there are many more things that you can do. The next few paragraphs will focus on these link options.'

If only someone would create an article explaining these things, and if only some helpful person could point our poor hapless noob there...

new and i need help...

6 years ago
I know the articles exist... But this was already sent there.