Nope, I didn’t forget your flailing yet interesting thread undr.
Personally, I didn’t do much searching though, some of the stuff I stumbled on long ago and already connected it to a specific story, for others I just sort of did random searches and went with something that seemed fitting. Probably spent the most time looking for music for the Suzy stories.
Probably could have found some better stuff in some cases if I was more motivated. Tried to avoid mainstream stuff as much as I could. Also tried to stick with just pure music, but that wasn’t always possible. Oh well.
Let’s get the major fantasy stuff out of the way first.
Necromancer (Probably linked to this one before)
Death Song (Glad I found this fairly quickly since there probably were a bunch I could have used)
Eternal (Probably linked to this before too)
Innkeeper (Works for me)
Rogues (This one seems to fit)
On to the one shots.
Imagination (Needed something invoking “childlike wonder” and didn’t feel like searching too hard)
Alpha Wolf (This one is probably a little too “serious” for the story, but meh, it still works)
Paradise Violated (Seems like it works)
A Very Special Choose Your Story (Honestly didn’t know which way to go with this story, just decided on this because the lyrics seem semi-fitting and fuck you that’s why)
Finally, the crapsack “modern earth” series.
Geek (Works well, didn’t feel like looking for others after the first try)
TRASH (Considered a few others, wanted something less mainstream though)
Repression (Most mainstream one oddly enough. Can’t believe I’m even using something from this band at all, but it really does seem to fit perfectly)
Tales From the Basement (Decided to do 3 separate songs)
Ebay Escapist (Honestly, this one could have been used for GG too)
Good Girl (Lyrics seem to fit. Just be glad I didn’t pick any mainstream “girl power” songs)
Anime Addict (Perfect. And for added fun translate the lyrics!)
Suzy’s Strange Saga (Fuck it, going with this one. Mainstream be damned)
Ground Zero (There are a wide variety of music tracks I could use, but settled on this)
Love SICK (Saved the best for last)