Instead of writing on actually important subjects, I started a new work tonight. Now because I don't have nearly enough writing to do that I am not doing and because Mizal suggested it, I am getting the community involved with this one. Vote for a choice or suggest a new one. If the choice I wrote does not please you, or if you think of a new idea later, this story will be posted on Infinite Story as it is written. Submissions are open to anyone. So guess what, admins and faggots! All you have to do to get a direct piece of this action is to make an account there and start writing, Go crazy.
DISCLAIMER: If these characters bear any resemblance to any non-fictional person, living or dead, said person has a problem.
You walk into your home after a long day of trying to promote tolerance and self-awareness among the ignorant masses who continually insist on fighting your efforts to create your utopia. Even after you spent hours crafting your patient yet firm response to their questioning (Which you didn't have to do! You could always have just banished them!), in which you remind them of your compassion for allowing them into your home--for this land is your home--, they still yet rebel. You can only assume it is the Great Lich Master (a pox on his name) and his undead army that has spread his hatred and intolerance onto your land like this. Some of the rebels even had the audacity to tell you your speeches were inappropriate, They met a swift end.
You are tired of people shoving their asses in your face and demanding they be kissed.
After the exhausting day you had, it is your hope that you have some time to relax in peace before bed. Unfortunately, from the sound of your wife's ecstatic screaming that can be heard from the bedroom, you will not even have a peaceful supper. They're going at it even earlier than usual tonight. Perhaps your father got off work early. Whatever the reason, you won't be getting any peace if that's what you're looking for.
"Hey, Jason! Get in here!" you hear your father demand. He must have realized you were home.
A. Go into the bedroom
B. Continue with what you were doing
C..... Open submissions