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The name's Wolf.

5 years ago

Hey, as you most likely know, and if not then you're an idiot, I am new to this site. I like stories, especially choose-your-adventure types, and I like reading them. I, however, don't like writing stories so if you ever want to pm me, please do NOT ask me to write a story. That is all, thank you for your time.

- TheGamerWolf

A.K.A. Wolf

The name's Wolf.

5 years ago
Let me guess.
Castor got to you?

The name's Wolf.

5 years ago

Who's Castor?

The name's Wolf.

5 years ago
Go check out the other Creative Corner to see.
Then, read this and give it an eight.

The name's Wolf.

5 years ago
+1 point for literate introduction.

-1 point for naming yourself Wolf.

+1 point for premptively insulting idiots.

Not a bad start, you might do okay.

The name's Wolf.

5 years ago

I think I might as well. Also nice profile pic.

The name's Wolf.

5 years ago
Welcome to the site, I do hope you find many stories that you enjoy here.

The name's Wolf.

5 years ago

Howdey! Congrats on learning how to type with paws. ^_^

The name's Wolf.

5 years ago

Thanks. It was challenging at first, but thank the Force that I have opposable thumbs.

The name's Wolf.

5 years ago

Welcome to the site. You will come to find a good plentiful of friendly faces around here, and so long you don't post any faggotry on the forums, nothing bad will happen.

You will want to talk with End_Master, pretty much the iconic face around here. To summon him over, you tag him (@[Name] ) 3 times in a row - that's kind of like his code for a new person.

Best of luck!

The name's Wolf.

5 years ago

Welcome to the site. You will come to find a good plentiful of friendly faces around here, and so long you don't post any faggotry on the forums, nothing bad will happen.

You will want to talk with End_Master, pretty much the iconic face around here. To summon him over, you tag him (@[Name] ) 3 times in a row - that's kind of like his code for a new person.

Best of luck!

Oh dear, it looks like I posted twice by accident. Can someone delete this please?

The name's Wolf.

5 years ago
I'm sure Endmaster will be happy to help, if you tag him three times.

The name's Wolf.

5 years ago

You commented on my repost instead of the actual post. How dare you.

The name's Wolf.

5 years ago
Noted. Please file your official complaint with Endmaster, by tagging him three times.

The name's Wolf.

5 years ago
Experimenting with the font?

The name's Wolf.

5 years ago

And the size... My poor eyes hurt. sad

The name's Wolf.

5 years ago


The name's Wolf.

5 years ago

Hello, and welcome.