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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Digit's Thread

5 years ago

That wouldn't be very cash money of him. also S.O.S from recovery unit send rescue and sedun

Digit's Thread

5 years ago

Hi Digit! Good to see you online again.

Digit's Thread

5 years ago

they only have windows vista here i cant read your pixels in your message but thanks.


oh shit my escorts are here, will see you alls in a few months, with a gud story to tell


Digit's Thread

5 years ago
Alright. Bye again Digit. See you in a few months.

Digit's Thread

5 years ago

Have fun.

Digit's Thread

5 years ago

Good luck, digit! 

Digit's Thread

5 years ago
That's funny, right there. Usually "Escorts" in the military aren't like the escorts you can buy from the yellow pages -- they usually show up armed and with handcuffs...

Digit's Thread

5 years ago
Oh, he posted too! This thread is now auspicious, the random noob of an OP and his obvious alt have been blessed.

Good to hear you're still alive, Digit. Sorry about the rest.

Digit's Thread

5 years ago


Digit's Thread

5 years ago
digit pls come back i miss u

Digit's Thread

5 years ago

Digit's Thread

5 years ago

Digit come back pls

Digit's Thread

5 years ago
I guess End split this but I just banned the OP from the original plus alts so no need to double tap just fyi.

It was Fang again.

Digit's Thread

5 years ago

Remember Digit, you still have a mission to launch a nuke from a sub for the glory of CYStia.

Digit's Thread

5 years ago
Digit is alive! Have fun on your underwater tube of death as you reign hellfire down upon us for a CYS achievement! But really, thanks for your service (unless you nuke me).

Digit's Thread

5 years ago

 thanks guys for the love.

Lied a bit, will be getting out in about a week, cant use discord from this shitty computer but cys works fine.

They mix people with injuries with people who want to commit suicide, or people who are really depressed so its a really fun mixup here. 6 dollars to use a computer for a hour though, what is this the Soviet Union smh.

Anyway suprisingly you can get injured a lot of different ways. Just recently I talked to someone who passed the fuck out out of nowhere, no one decided to catch him, and he literally broke his face. Was bloody and everything from what he tells me, or from what people told him who witnessed it.

The anxiety people are a bit more fun with their stories, some of them are sad, apparently full metal jacket level shit happens.

Will be back in Civilization in about a week for a full story after all this legal stuff simmers out.

Fuck Chicago though, I've never have witnessed a sky being totally grey before.

Digit's Thread

5 years ago

This is so mysterious.  I love it.  I can't wait to chat with you on Discord about whatever the hell happened.  I should just head on over to you.  Aren't you like a few hours away from me?  Hey, I'll just go bust you out, broken body and all.

e:  no, I missed the Chicago bit.  Why are you in Chicago?  Even if it's top secret level, classified information is safe here.  I'm sure of it.

Digit's Thread

5 years ago

I got injured the 18th of August.  My graduation date was the 23rd of August

They're seperating me and saying. "K heal up, come back in 6 months, better luck next time." To sum it up.

Digit's Thread

5 years ago

Goddamn, a week before?  That sucks.  Would you have to repeat a bunch of stuff if/when you came back, or could you just do that last week and then graduate?

Digit's Thread

5 years ago

Oh I'm totally coming back to graduate. I just found a loophole to get me home quicker, as this injury could of made me stay here for Thanksgiving and Christmas, fuck that.

I would have to repeat most things, but once you've been through once the difficulty of everything goes down a bit. The only hard thing per say I have to redo would be inspections. Also getting another shot in the ass.

Digit's Thread

5 years ago
Ah good. Do they let you take the nukes home with you?

Digit's Thread

5 years ago

I fackin wish, I blame Obama for this travesty that has befallen on me, could of Nuked Korea months ago already.

Also please send Aid, the only things to do here are to Watch every season of vampire diaries, play chess, or talk about your fee-fees. And I just finished with vampire diaries.

Digit's Thread

5 years ago
One case of inexpensive store-brand pork-n-beans is on the way. Should be a good conversation starter and might change some people's fee-fees.

Digit's Thread

5 years ago
See if you can get a crazy suicidal girl to let you touch her boobs, perhaps you can cure her depression. Maybe she'll even stay in contact after you leave and you'll have a very unique 'how I met your mother' story to tell the kids one day.

Although I suppose hoping it might not be all men and lesbians in there with you might be a stretch.

Digit's Thread

5 years ago
Well that sucks. And that must be some injury!

Digit's Thread

5 years ago
Jesus, that timing.

Well, glad you're making it home for the holidays at least, but sounds like it's been an incredibly shitty couple of months.

Digit's Thread

5 years ago

Also can someone please put a TlDR in this thread of what has happened in the world since June, I've been in a fucking deadzone since I left, plz and thank you, my six dollars is up, time to find and sell more contraband, see you all whenever.

Digit's Thread

5 years ago

- The people in Hong Kong are rebelling cuz of some shit about free speech

- Trump is under investigation and might be impeached

- The Area 51 raid failed

- Blizzard is being attacked by Reddit because they support China for the money

- Reddit is frantically making memes about Hong Kong

- Skybreak was made and played for many hours by a lot of members of this site

- Anything else I haven't mentioned, I don't really pay attention to the news that much, and I wasn't active for a while over the summer

Digit's Thread

5 years ago
Yes everyone should play Skybreak. Except me because I have a deadline....

Digit's Thread

5 years ago
Mexican soldiers got assfucked by cartels yesterday and a bunch of things got set on fire for lols because somebody tried to arrest El Chapo's son. (They decided to let him go. Lol.)

Oh, and we found a more authentic, actual Mexican from Mexico and replaced you btw.

13 Reasons Why has gotten even more hilariously terrible.

Coins finally lost his virginity.

Six Ages, the sequel to King of Dragon Pass was finally released on Steam. (I WAITED 20 YEARS AND THEY PUT IT ON IOS FIRST AND MADE ME WAIT ANOTHER YEAR? I MEAN, ARE YOU SHITTING ME? But it's okay I have it finally, and I forgive them....)

JJJ came back from the dead and I have a personal trophy now.

We've adopted several CoGites.

Everyone still hates Trump and can't shut up about it.

The wall has NOT been built.

And ghost ate a live chicken feathers and all because she couldn't tell if it was raw or not by looking at it.

That's all I can remember, sorry.

Digit's Thread

5 years ago

If this Mexican isn't under 5'5 then he's Faux.

Digit's Thread

5 years ago
Don't worry. Mizal still loves you better. She's just a tsundere, smh.

Digit's Thread

5 years ago
- killa is a koala now

- it's you and corgi vs aman in ~ recently [linky]

- gower wrote some stuff that others may link to you in a bit - the games have been all the rave recently.

- at least 2k memes have been posted in the discord since whenever you last died

- everybody is currently some form of cunt

Digit's Thread

5 years ago

Welcome back!