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Life as it is

5 years ago

Has anyone else been having a really busy life as of late? I don't know, I just want so much to be able to slow down, and yet I spend most of my days running around (even literally at times), doing one thing and trying to get another done.


I've got a job that mostly consists of me scurrying around getting carts, helping customers, and keeping the store clean. I go home and more often than not, I'm stuck with chores, and cooking when I'm not on the closing shift. I spend most of my free time in front of a screen, and it's been a while since I actually picked up a book to read it. I can't find the push to get a driver's license and sometimes I don't even feel like I'm giving my girlfriend enough time (she's doesn't seem to have a problem)...

Honestly, I'm not going to sit here and pull the whole "woe-is-me" act, but it's just way too  easy to focus on and/or perceive negatives.


Sorry for the weird rant...

Life as it is

5 years ago
Now you mention it I'll be happy to have a good complain (which is, after all, the national sport in the UK).

I work six days a week for 45 hours (previously 62 but after too many near-misses where I nearly gave into my urge to push my boss down a flight of stairs I cut back) teaching the young and loud English. When I am not running around doing this I am busy grappling with wedding plans for me and Mrs Will11, dealing with ongoing visa issues with the laugh-a-minute commie party of china, studying online, tackling financial worries and trying to pick up more work via private tuition to deal with aforementioned financial worries.

Oh, and when I can I still do a bit of writing from time to time :) Around Christmas time I might be able to finish another gamebook.

Life as it is

5 years ago
Hey, Congrats!

Life as it is

5 years ago
That's called being an adult. Your parents did all that plus raised kids.

I used to be really resentful of anything that took away my free time and in some ways kind of still am, but the problem there is the mindset and expectation that by default all your time should be spent relaxing and entertaining yourself, and any thing that takes away from those things is bad. That's unfortunately a very childish or at least unrealistic attitude that makes everything more frustrating than it should be, but there's something about our society that makes a lot of people carry it over into adulthood. Even when aware of it it's hard to avoid sometimes. #firstworldproblems

(Although it can also be #introvertproblems for a lot of people here I suspect.)

Life as it is

5 years ago

My thing is that I'll gladly do the work, but I'm always getting the impression that I'm not doing it well enough (even though people will tell me I'm doing a good job). It's just the setup of things that get at me. As to free time, as long as I can use it for other people, I'll have it. Otherwise put me to work for crying out loud.

Life as it is

5 years ago
Unless you were typing that with one arm while feeding orphans with the other, this statement is ridiculous and you know it.

Life as it is

5 years ago

I haven't fed any orphans to the best of my knowledge, but I do have a habit I'm being self contradictory aren't I....


I do what I do. I enjoy what I do, but sometimes I stress a little. I don't sit around thinking I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders, but I try darn hard to carry it for some reason.


Someone recently asked me if I think people can change, yeah I do. It's probably not going to be easy to change. But commitment is what gets you there (Yikes, probably a big tangent...). Then,  I started talking about how responsibility is freedom.


I'm going to stop since I forgot where I was taking this...

Life as it is

5 years ago
I'm getting some contradictions from you here. It's all very faggy.

Life as it is

5 years ago
Yep, life gets busy as a grown up. My favorite shirt to wear on chore day says "COFFEE - Because Adulting Is Hard" lol. Daylight hours are for work, that's how I look at it(If you're working a night shift obviously that would flip flop). Sometimes there is time here and there to do other things, but typically that's just how it is. This summer I worked 65 or more hours a week, I had zero free time. Now my industry is hitting the slow season and suddenly I have little windows of opportunity again! Anyway, work days are what they are. We all have them, so I won't go into that. But weekends when I'm off work I spend the daytime working on chores unless it is raining and I get stuck inside. I've got animals to care for, we're trying to get pasture fenced and barns built, building a house, doing landscaping, I'm currently ordering in my seeds for my spring garden and planning it, also have to build some shelves with grow lights for my plant babies to start up before they are garden ready, and of course there are the usual household chores. I do my best to knock out all my adult responcibilities during daylight so I can kick back after dark. That doesn't always mean I can do whatever I want. I still cook around 5-6 days a week. If my husband is going to be around then typically we spend the time together. Maybe once a week I get an hour or two to myself to just do whatever I want. I try to look at as if I wasn't busy then I wouldn't have a life. 75% of these busy things are things I enjoy doing and care about, so I'd say life is good despite being busy. And of course I do carve out days to go have fun. I took a whole saturday and went to an Apple Festival an hour away just last week, it was a blast. It's important to do stuff like that when you can, but not at the cost of something important that you should get done. It's all about priorities. I love my free time, but it is not a priority over my responcibilities. Sometimes I miss the massive amounts of free time I had in my late teens when I just had to work and then I could come home and do whatever because it was just me and a tiny apartment. But, I wouldn't trade my busy life now for anything.

Life as it is

5 years ago

Life as it is

5 years ago

This. I remember trying to train a kid who had the audacity to complain to a cashier about his feet hurting.

Life as it is

5 years ago
Normally I could contribute to this thread, but I'm on vacation this week. I've literally spent the last couple days drinking coffee, Johnnie Walker, going to the spa, and writing. The hotel I'm at has free wine and cheese during the evenings, so got some good stuff on the page while sipping Chardonnay (beggars can't be choosers).

Life as it is

5 years ago
I understand how your girlfriend seems to feel

Life as it is

5 years ago

I don't think I'm eligible and qualified enough to say this, but I can kinda relate. University is just getting so fucking hectic on me that I literally can't take it anymore. I have classes usually from 9 to 6 so for nine hours and after that, writing club duties, and after that helping out my (extremely annoying) "aspiring to be PhD" seniors in their papers, and through all of that, using the weekends and holidays to work on my own paper and studies.

But, you know what the most annoying thing is? Its that when you finally decide to get on the screen and write something, at that exact same moment, you get a writer's block. Then you end up replying to a pointless thread which in no way will be of any benefit to you, using up the time that you should've been spending in completing your contest entry...

Life as it is

5 years ago
Why are you helping seniors with their papers?

Life as it is

5 years ago

Not really 'helping' per se, more like learning. You see, this particular senior is doing something pretty similar to me, so our professor asked us to like help each other out.

Life as it is

5 years ago
>having professors make you help non-classmates

Life as it is

5 years ago

Lol. Its a way for me to gain 'valuable experience and insight in the laboratory', or so they claim.

Life as it is

5 years ago

Yeah, life gets busier as you grow older and more shit needs to get done. I know the issue well, I've like no freetime anymore.

Life as it is

5 years ago

Ironically, we spend freetime complaining on this thread.

Life as it is

5 years ago

Relatable, but also not. Life is busy, but I like it this way. I'm absolutely clueless and restless on the rare completely free days that I get, that I want to have something on my hands to work upon. But then again, I'm always also complaining about the multitude of tasks I need to do. So it's a never ending cycle. Kinda like it though.

Life as it is

5 years ago

Buy your girlfriend a turtle if you're worried about whether or not you're giving her enough time or whatever.

Everyone respects turtles.

Life as it is

5 years ago

I've been juggling work, family, and adult responsibilities since I was about fifteen (more than thirty years for anyone who's counting) so I haven't a clue what you're going through. And back then I juggled sometimes as many as three girlfriends at once, so you should count yourself lucky that you only have the one to worry about.

Right now, I'm still working nearly every day from sunup to sundown/seven days per week to keep customers happy, having to keep everything sorted out for my dad (medical and financial) long distance since his stroke back in March, do all the things that need doing around my place so it doesn't end up falling in or looking like a salvage yard, plus the hundreds of things that adults have to do just to keep on keepin' on. On top of that, I'm remodeling my house in my spare minutes so I have somewhere to live in my old age or else sell to buy something better.

One of these days, I hope to find time to write again, but staring at a blank screen or else getting caught up in Discord seems to be the only way I get to rest my weary bones. It's okay, though, when I'm shuffled off to the nuthouse or nursing home, I'll probably have more than enough free time to do enjoyable things.

Life as it is

5 years ago
Sorry, IAP, that's old people talk. Today's "Adults" don't do that kind of crap. They're just not going to put in that kind of effort.

Life as it is

5 years ago

And yet you rarely really complain or rant. 

Life as it is

5 years ago

Sorry. I can't spare the time.

bitching and pissing thread <3

5 years ago

I think being a young person is just difficult in general, depending. Because young people's brains are all sorts of whack. And also college. And also jobs. And sometimes you find yourself in a situation where you have too much to do and it's all of little meaningful substance, so you end up being busy with nothing of value. How terrible!

I like keeping busy! Because my mind races a million miles a minute! But also I don't feel my feelings until long after I've felt 'em, so I end up wearing myself out something awful in the end. In college, I payed my way through while also lending money to my parents.... I worked 5 nights a week and went to a 9 hour day of school 3 days, so I only got ONE NIGHT of real sleep during them twinkly starlight hours at all! I think I gots real brain damage from that time, I did. Like an icepick straight through my pituitary. Remember, resting is important as well!

Right now, I'm trying to crawl out of an empty hole of deep dank darkness! The kind that ferments in your soul for as long as you can remember! And that sticks to your bones like glue! But everything is going extraordinarily excellent otherwise, so as long as I'm here, I really can't complain~!