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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago

I played this game "Tower of Riddles" and found it fun, but with one problem: it had to be multiple choice. So, I thought, why not make a thread where we can just make and solve riddles, without the multiple choice issue; so that we have to actually solve and can't easily guess. I made this without having a riddle in mind, might come later with one. Meanwhile you guys make riddles.

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago

A simpleton travels light
to the Necromancer's delight.
With his scythe he slices through
who's corpse does he leave icy blue?

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago

There once was a person who made a account on a writing website 

He proceeded to argue with people, and just was a dumbass

What happened to him once he stoped being amusing?

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago

Mizal. Mizal happened to him. That or Endmaster. I don't want to read through the whole thread.

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago

Oof, both. That's not a good sign for Noobie. May mods have mercy on your soul.

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago
The reaper just arrived, his soul had no chance.

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago

Bahaha, another account for your collection. You should start a new section on your profile.

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago
Excuse me? I almost never ban anyone. I just like to playfully bat them around once I realize they're the posting dead. And End already has a dedicated graveyard.

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago

Ah, see, last time I was here you weren't a mod yet and you've banned two people since I came back so I figured it was a common occurence:p 

Edit: At least I don't think you were a mod... 

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago
ArtsyGirl and her alt were alts of somebody previously banned.

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago

I'm made of rubber, or march with brass;

I hold back the hair of a fetching lass;

Bilarro's were iron; on a bride's hand, I flash.

And what will you soon be, alas?

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago

I've got it, but are we putting the answers in the forum and will there be consequences if I answer this particular one:p

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago

Yes, one person puts the riddle, anyone else can answer.

Is there any sort of punishment for direct insults? Obviously like half of you are doing that.

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago

Sorry man, people in the forums are kinda assholes towards new people sometimes. I think they're jaded due to the years of fighting bad warrior cats fanfiction:p Nothing wrong with some riddles in my opinion, older peeps have probably just had multiple riddle threads in the forum before so they aren't as interested.  

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago

Figures this isn't original.

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago

Just try to search out if a threads been started before you make one. Also post only when you have something pertinent to say until people start to like you more:/ I was on here about a year before I started in the forum honestly. 

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago

Thanks, but I'd rather post as I please and endure the insults. I've already gone through it on Warzone forums (which is frankly more appealing then this one), so I'm more or less used to being insulted for arbitrary reasons and such. Although, I will take your advice about checking before posting once I find the search bar.

And yes I know that sometimes I'm not appealing, usually because I don't know it.

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago
You should try figuring out Gower's riddle. It divines your future, pretty neat trick.

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago
It happens when the new people behave like bitches, in one or more senses of the word.

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago

Just checking, are you referring to a stereotype here, how noobs here tend to be, or are you talking about someone specific?

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago
Well you see, I was responding to a statement in the post that mine was written in response to. That's how conversations usually work, among the neurotypicals.

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago

Pardon me, I don't understand that. Could you rephrase please?

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago
Maybe the new thread title will help.

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago

Never mind, forgot what the question was.

Is the answer a husband?

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago
Who is fucking idiot Hint: it is you

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago

Why did you give away the answer like that?! 

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago

What's the answer!!?! I hate it when people leave hints that don't tell you anything

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago

Since there are a lot of sarcasm in this thread and in the forums in general, I do not know it this is a genuine question or not (I'm not the best at social cues, if you can tell...) But I'm going to answer it regardless. After scrutinising the riddle for a bit (I can't believe I did not guess it right away, the title was a giveaway), I think I've solved it. The answer is BAND 

I'm made of rubber (rubber band), or march with brass;(Musical bands)

I hold back the hair of a fetching lass;(Hairbands)

Bilarro's were iron (this required a bit of web browsing, but the answer is the same); on a bride's hand, I flash.(wedding bands)

And what will you soon be, alas? (banned)

Oh, and if this is sarcasm...perhaps this would save other people a few seconds of their time trying to figure it out?

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago
She was responding to Chris' post, but there are some people that apparently didn't get Gower's riddle (the OP, for one...) and this is as good as explaination as they could get.

Guess Who’s Banned?

5 years ago