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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

What’s Up

4 years ago


What’s Up

4 years ago

What’s Up

4 years ago

coming back here is the exact kind of baffling decision that would be surprising from anyone except you,  the most chromosome-rich child soldier in kiel's army of kids who have more crayons lodged in their brain than IQ points 

What’s Up

4 years ago

<3 lowkey kinda forgot about u weirdos

What’s Up

4 years ago

Leak Kiel's discord already and be gone 

What’s Up

4 years ago

I don't even own discord n I forgot he existed tbh 

What’s Up

4 years ago
Ah, you got the amnesia just like Taco. F.

What’s Up

4 years ago


What’s Up

4 years ago
Four years later, Mason triumphantly returns to demonstrate his newfound literacy to the skeptics and unbelievers. "Yo"

What’s Up

4 years ago

Yeah I forgot about this place it's kinda crazy it stills exists

What’s Up

4 years ago
This place existed before you were even born, it's not going anywhere. I just noticed you have nine unfinished stories in sneak peek. Have you done any writing since wandering off?

What’s Up

4 years ago

I would like to but no sadly. I actually haven't seen this in a while I'm just checking in on this site cuz I forgot about this place. It's cool to see you guys still chillin.

What’s Up

4 years ago
Clearly you were summoned back here as part of a mission from God to write reviews. There's a lot of new stories, now that introductions are over you better get to it.

What’s Up

4 years ago

I might check out some new stories while I'm on this 9 hour drive seems interesting. I'm probably not gonna be on this site tho cuz I'm just living a whole different life than I used to. I'd like to try and write a story someday...

What’s Up

4 years ago
Nine hour drive seems absolutely miserable, what's that about?

What’s Up

4 years ago
How long it takes to get to the sulfer mine each day?

What’s Up

4 years ago

Yikes, but hey.

What’s Up

4 years ago

What’s Up

4 years ago
Lol fag

What’s Up

4 years ago

What’s Up

4 years ago
Oh God