Imma drink it just because im curious about what'll happen
Hi welcome, what makes this site great is that, beneath the surface, it is actually a pretty serious writing community. People are excited about writing and care about producing quality. Although this is still part of the internet and hence there is a predictable amount of trash, there are also some impressive stories here.
The stuff about bans is only half joking. I am pretty much a newb here and during my first months I was slightly disconcerted by the rate of bans happening (and being celebrated publicly on the forum). They are due to a certain pattern where some random (invariably 14yo) kid joins, behaves for a day, and then starts posting a lot of short, vacuous posts that quickly become annoying. Since this happens at a high rate, tempers are short and response is swift. The perpetrator in question typically just creates a new account and (also invariably) announces this on the forum. Response is even swifter. After they burn through a bunch accounts over in a day they vanish and then the next person joins and does the exact same thing.
The quick bans and public ridicule can be intimidating, but they keep the site from degenerating into something that nobody here wants. When you know the site is actually open and welcoming and you can speak your mind pretty freely as long as you making an actual contribution. Quality content is greatly valued&emdash;this of course includes good story games but also insightful reviews, and even good forum posts.
Welcome to CYS! You're not going to get banned, I've seen the kids that get banned and you're already too intelligent. Anyone who has ever used a forum knows not to run around necroing old threads and spamming. There was just a guy that made hundreds of accounts the other day, and has been doing that for years. If he'd spent a fraction of that time using the site normally he'd be a legendary writer with thousands of points.