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Searching for NTR/cuckold(-containing) stories

3 years ago
Greetings folks,

I search for cuckold/netorare stories. Both explicit and tasteful. This topic may be even a sub-branch, only one scene for entire story etc. TBH. I seek rather decent story with one/few scenes at >50% of the content, rather than p0rn stuff from the beginning. NTR/cuck-dedicated stories are IMHO boring, but unexpected NTR deep into non-p0rn story is sth the best!

"The Sleeping Dragon" (1983) / "Guardians of the Flame" ship scene.

This is why I ask you. There are ofc dedicated adult chyoa/story sites, but content there is typical, boring p0rn, often starting on 1st page. Normal chyoa/story (well-written, good story, good characters, relationship development, etc.) but with just NTR elements is sth far more valuable for me.

Assume topic is quite wide - MC's coping with his GF sexual past or future-GF sexual current live is ok too. So, the key is a reality-based jealousy. GF's/wife's cheating/ONS/paternity fraud stuff is OK too.

Please only serious answers.

Searching for NTR/cuckold(-containing) stories

3 years ago

The story of your mom and dad, and the shit cuck genes that made their child become a retarded faggot asking for cuckold stories on a choose-your-own-adventure site. 

Searching for NTR/cuckold(-containing) stories

3 years ago

If you want to play as a cuck, I'm sure there's CoG games out there for that kind of thing. If you plan on writing your own, @Ficsean_Chef is an expert on the subject. Gonna go out on a limb and assume @enterpride knows a thing or two about this since he's Dutch, so you can consult with him if Ficsean is unavailable.

Edit: Wait, Enter's storygame actually contains a cuckolding and everything, so there you go.

Searching for NTR/cuckold(-containing) stories

3 years ago
You mean Choice of Games? Well, I asked on their forum, but forum is spammed to the limit and my question was lost. If you know specific CoG stories, please provide any info,

"Enter's" you mean user called enterpride`?

Searching for NTR/cuckold(-containing) stories

3 years ago
It's a cuck or be cucked world

Searching for NTR/cuckold(-containing) stories

3 years ago

I'll check your stories. Do you remember any NTR(-containing) stories besides your ones?

Searching for NTR/cuckold(-containing) stories

3 years ago
I'm afraid not. This site is mainly used for reading for reading's sake and not to scratch a fetish, so the stories have a different target.

Searching for NTR/cuckold(-containing) stories

3 years ago

Searching for NTR/cuckold(-containing) stories

3 years ago

You should try again on CoG, they have tons of this stuff. If not, I think would be a better place to ask.

But first, please take a few moments for self rejection. Take a long look at yourself, here on an interactive fiction forum and unable to fake normalcy for even a moment before breaking down and begging strangers to fulfill your fetish. Try to figure out what made you this way and whether it can be reversed.

Searching for NTR/cuckold(-containing) stories

3 years ago
I never asked you for personal advice. Read again question in OP.

Searching for NTR/cuckold(-containing) stories

3 years ago
Good thing I don't need your permission to post.

Searching for NTR/cuckold(-containing) stories

3 years ago
But first, please take a few moments for self rejection. Take a long look at yourself, here on an interactive fiction forum and unable to fake normalcy for even a moment before fucking off. Try to figure out what made you this way and whether it can be reversed.

Searching for NTR/cuckold(-containing) stories

3 years ago
Christ, what a retard.

Searching for NTR/cuckold(-containing) stories

3 years ago

Wasn't even a good retort. He just literally copied what you said to him and changed a few words.

But yeah, what a fucktard.

Searching for NTR/cuckold(-containing) stories

3 years ago
Still I truly wish the best for him. Hope he finds a nice girl and settles down, then has her leave him for muscular guy named Jerome, but only after taking him for everything to the point he can't even afford a used belt to swing from.

...fuck, he probably got off to that. Nasty.

Searching for NTR/cuckold(-containing) stories

3 years ago

Man, I'm genuinely vexed here. I can't even begin to fathom even the broadest metaphor that begins to describe what a piddly punctured whoopee-cushion of a comeback this was. I had to reread it a few times to believe my tired eyes. This post actually hurt me to read, not because of its insulting content, but because of how aggressively pitiful it is. I still almost refuse to believe it, it just doesn't make any sense. The weakness displayed here brings to mind images of baby birds tied in knots- Or 90 lb men with concave biceps.  I struggle to comprehend how we (allegedly) share a species, though it's really no wonder he's made peace with the fact that people prefer the company of literally anyone else to him. And so fervently, too.

Searching for NTR/cuckold(-containing) stories

3 years ago

Serious answer, I would ask on the intfiction forums, they're pretty familiar with cuck stuff.

Specifically ask for an author by the name of Dan Fabulich, he even wrote some stories based on his real life experiences as a cuck himself. (Tasteful though, so it might be what you're looking for)

Searching for NTR/cuckold(-containing) stories

3 years ago
Oh but for real, I just remembered Mathbrush (over on Intfiction) wrote a CoG game about being a submissive elf cuck for a "hot" Mrs. Claus who was some kind of mythological goddess. It looked sort of weird but might be right up this guy's alley.

Searching for NTR/cuckold(-containing) stories

3 years ago

Sure thing.


Reason: Assuming the Administrator's gender.

Searching for NTR/cuckold(-containing) stories

3 years ago
Christ, what a retard.

Searching for NTR/cuckold(-containing) stories

3 years ago

Christ, what a retard!

Searching for NTR/cuckold(-containing) stories

3 years ago

Thank you, End. 

Glad the appropriate actions were taken in this instance. 

Searching for NTR/cuckold(-containing) stories

3 years ago

Maybe if he'd been more explicit in what he was asking for and why, he would've gotten more attention.

Searching for NTR/cuckold(-containing) stories

3 years ago
I bet this is because we had a dark fantasy section at one point.

Searching for NTR/cuckold(-containing) stories

3 years ago
Absolutely correct.