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invovations in gay little cars

one year ago

 I had an idiot in my finance class at university that said once that if more people bought the gay little cars, the more affordable they will become because "People just don't understand how supply and demand works."

invovations in gay little cars

one year ago
Economy of scale is a real thing, but supply and demand typically explains why prices go up. (Like when there's suddenly more demand for electricity but the infrastructure can't supply enough to meet it....)

invovations in gay little cars

one year ago
I think the real benefit is less supply and demand decreasing prices, and moreso the fact that if the demand grew then the industry would grow as a result. And if the industry grows then there will be more invovation, which could make them cheaper to produce, and more competetion, which will lead to lower prices as well, and most likely more inovation.

invovations in gay little cars

one year ago

Yes. That is probably what they meant. I have turned out to be the idiot. 

invovations in gay little cars

one year ago
How do you manage to type this way in every single post?

invovations in gay little cars

one year ago
Type in what way?

e: okay I get it now, lol.

invovations in gay little cars

one year ago
Did you deadass just explain the law of supply and demand but in a retarded way?

invovations in gay little cars

one year ago

Clearly, since I understood it.

invovations in gay little cars

one year ago

invovations in gay little cars

one year ago

This isn’t a typical case of supply and demand. Like others have said, it’s an example of economies of scale and technological innovation reducing prices, which usually isn’t accounted for when you learn about supply and demand in Econ 101.

invovations in gay little cars

one year ago
I was looking for a way to say that this is different from usual supply and demand, thanks for putting it into words.

invovations in gay little cars

one year ago

Supply and demand

invovations in gay little cars

one year ago
With all the vast economic knowledge on display in this thread, someone should explain what's going on with the British pound for the masses while they're at it.

Using real words that exist in a dictionary please.

invovations in gay little cars

one year ago
The euro too, please. I've got some savings in it and it's going down down down. Should I buy the dollar?

invovations in gay little cars

one year ago
Buy the yuan. But don't get the electronic ones, those actually expire. The next big economic war will be between the US-backed oil dollars and the yuan-ruble backed oil dollars.

invovations in gay little cars

one year ago
If there's any expected eventual recovery for the pound I've seriously been wondering if I should buy some when it hits bottom and just hold onto it. But it's looking pretty bleak right now from what little reading I've done on the situation.

Euro isn't quite so dramatic at least, it's a slide but not falling off a cliff.

invovations in gay little cars

one year ago
I'm going to go ahead and declare right here that as long as the US dollar remains sound, no Europeans on CYS will be allowed to starve. Why, I might be willing to pay as much as ten cents per thousand words if things get dire enough.