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Free publicity (and infamy!)

2 years ago

Well on my routine Google search of my name, the site, etc, I found this retarded reddit gem.

Some whining faggot

For those too lazy to click links, here's the highlights

Geez, he got triggered by the front gate? I can only imagine the spastic fit he would have had if he'd actually entered the courtyard.

At least Jarl is making some sense. Honestly the IF "world" would be a lot fucking duller and faggier without us.

Besides all that, we're the only ones bothering to teach the writing youth of tomorrow the correct way of doing shit.

Free publicity (and infamy)

2 years ago
"Stay away from this place that I'm providing the name and address to and making a special thread to announce!" is an interesting strategy indeed.

Major kek at Jason popping up, must have been out on one of his patrols tirelessly policing other IF communities for names to ban from CoG.

Weird we haven't seen him pop up here in awhile, I always enjoyed his posting.

Anyway, thanks End for the usual updates on the state of the rest of the IF world. Seems it is still populated by the shrill and unfun...but then maybe that's just reddit. Everyone in the last screenshot seems chill at least.

Free publicity (and infamy!)

2 years ago

The beatings are from given consent between all participating parties.

Free publicity (and infamy!)

2 years ago
Admittedly there's a modicum of charm to the social backwater you reprobates have let fester on this site. I'd never want it taken from you by an influx of pearl clutching puritans for the same reason that I don't want something like Twitter taken from them; there simply has to be an observable yet out-of-the-way place for you rejects to congregate away from the larger populace.

Free publicity (and infamy!)

2 years ago

Interestingly a more recent comment was made on this thread yesterday (Some lurker on here perhaps) and upon looking again the comment has seemingly been deleted.

Fortunately screenshots preserve everything.

EDIT UPDATE: Now that whole reddit is gone due to that failed faggot "protest" they all did awhile back. Nothing of value was lost because we kept the good stuff.

Free publicity (and infamy!)

2 years ago


The major reason I decided to start participating in stuff around here was the fact that if something sucks everyone will let you know, creatively and in no uncertain terms. 

Personally, I thought the news write ups for the contest were simply just humorous.  How people get upset about stuff like that boggles my mind.

Free publicity (and infamy!)

2 years ago
Tsk, not even a word about (2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!) - F