For anyone struggling to find a path:
I made an answer key for anyone looking for the rest of the endings.
This is my Eternal choose your own story answer key to all paths (they are in the order I did them in). 1 means first option, 2 means second, etc
13121221112111212211221221211112211121111121121111212122112 - Eternal Destroyer (9)
13121221112111212211221221211112211121111121121111212122111 - Eternal Hero (10)
13121221112111212211221221211111222111221121221122111211111111211121113 - Eternal Harbinger (13)
13121221112111212211221221211111222111221121221122111111111 - Eternal Paragon (11)
13121221112111212211221221211111222111221121221122111111121 - Eternal Emperor (12)
12121212121122112211121211211112 - Eternal Messiah (7)
12121212121122112211121212121121212 - Eternal Terror (6)
1212121212112112112111121121111112 - Eternal Survivor (8)
11112211212211121211122121 - Eternal Warrior (3)
1111221121221112111111212 - Eternal Savior (1)
11112211212211121111111111112 - Eternal Bane (2)
11112211212211121311121211112 - Eternal Couple (5)
1111221121221112131112211212 - Eternal Patriot (4)