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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago
My Favorite Quote: 
Some people are like a Slinky ... Not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you shove them down the stairs.   

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago
Damn!... I had all of my favorite quotes typed up in my cpu, and now the file's gone!

Let's see...

"None are most hopelessly enslaved then those who truely believe they are free" - John Milton

"Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"No, kids.  I don't hate your mom, it just won't be sad when she dies." - Homer J. Simpson

"Hey, hey, man.  Bitches runnin' wild" - Steve Carell, 40-Year-Old Virgin.

"It takes years to build up trust, and it only takes suspicion, not proof, to destroy it." - (?)

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation." -David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations

"*sigh* Yeah, I almost got banned for destroying an old man." - Me

"When angry, count to four; when very angry, swear." - Mark Twain

"Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret." -  Ambrose Bierce

"The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time." - Mark Twain

"Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real." - Tupac Shakur

"The government solution to a problem is usually as bad as the problem." - Milton Friedman

"If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions? - Scott Adams

"Just because I don't care, doesn't mean I don't understand." Homer J. Simpson
I know this is a lot, but believe me, there were many more...

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago
"He who has never followed can never truly lead."
"Great achievers dream the impossible dream."
"To those who say to stop dreaming and face reality, I say to keep dreaming and make reality."
"If you truly believe in yourself, the dreams will become reality, and failure will be no more."
"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more,  you are a leader."
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the mastery of it"

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago
"He who has never failed, never tried anything new." - Albert Eintstein
"Defeat is not really defeat, but rather victory in itself." - It's either mine, or I heard it from someone and remembered it later.

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago
"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I'm not" -Kurt Cobain

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago

"There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary and those who don't" - Unknown


Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago
"All toasters toast toast!" - (You can guess)
Ugh... That's all I can think bout. Hold on

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago

"Death is just natures way of telling you: Hey your not alive anymore!"- Bull Night Club

I have others but that one is my personal fave, so is that slinky one!

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago
Rommel - "There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary and those who don't" - Unknown


Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago
Yeah I thought that was great

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago
...This is one of the jokes I wish I got but I don't. *_*

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago

Go read about binary on google

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago
I have no idea what that means. . .

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago

"Man prides himself on being the only animal who can modify his nature, yet when he chooses to do so he is called a phony." -Anton LaVey

"It's too bad that stupidity isn't painful." -Anton LaVey

"You cannot love everyone; it is ridiculous to think you can. If you love everyone and everything you lose your natural powers of selection and wind up being a pretty poor judge of character and quality. If anything is used too freely it loses its true meaning. Therefore, the Satanist believes you should love strongly and completely those who deserve your love, but never turn the other cheek to your enemy" -Anton LaVey

"I'm grateful that I have two middle fingers, I only wish I had more." -Marilyn Manson

"Is adult entertainment killing our children? or is killing our children entertaining adults?” -Marilyn Manson

“If people really stopped and realized how much art and creative people move the world versus politics and religion, I mean it’s not even up for debate. An artist at least creates things, puts things into the world. Where as these other people are destroying things, taking things out of the world.” -Marilyn Manson

"I hope that with our music we can inspire other people to be creative and to use their imagination, because it is something that is so lacking nowadays. You have virtual reality, MTV, video games and VCR's. Nobody really wants to think about things or create things. You have programs on a computer which will write a poem for you." -Marilyn Manson

"Parents and legislators love to blame people like us for corrupting the youth of this country, but the kids were corrupted long before we ever got to them." -Marilyn Manson

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago

There are assholes everywhere in life, but if you only focus on the assholes, eventually everything will smell like shit.


That's a donteatpoop original.

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago

Only stupid people quote themselves - Me

Contrary to popular belief, shit does not just happen, it's caused by arseholes. - Unknown


Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago
That is downright intense DEP. Thanks :D

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago
"Life is like a game of poker, you gotta play the cards your given." - Me

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago
Woops, meant to say, "Life is like a game of poker, you gotta play the cards your dealt." - Me

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago

Another one from donteatpoop:

My stomach is an airbag for your mother's forehead.

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago
"Don't always agree with your own opinions"
-Dylan Denton

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago
"I took a speed reading course and read 'War and Peace' in twenty minutes. It involves Russia." - No clue

Has anyone noticed you cannot reply to the first post? Seen this before on CYS. Wonder if it involves mods moving posts or something? Otherwise, bizarre.

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago
Hahahaha, this whole thread reminds me of this store in Victoria and it has a REALLY funny shirt that says some stuff on it thats REALLY funny! Its kind of making-fun of religions of the world but its HILARIOUS!

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago
"Paranoia is a normal state of mind..."  -- (I don't remember), 88 Minutes.

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago

did you like that movie zero? i love pacino, but i didnt really care for the movie. seemed too much like scream and i know what you did last summer. you know the movies, the ones where the killer is in the first and last scene only, and you have no clue on how to figure it out.


Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago

Holy shit Zarok, you and me need to have a talk, NOBODY ever mentions or even seems to know who Anton Lavey is, I thought I was the only one.

Anyway...... funny I should find this thread coz after suggestion from my friends I started writing down my own quotes, which is a rather ridiculous concept but anyway.

Life would be so much easier if everybody was dead. -Miccy2000
Coleslaw tastes like superpowers. -Miccy2000
If the eyes are the windows to the soul surely the hair is there to act as the curtains. -Miccy2000

Really Satanism is so true, but nobody else seems to think so. Oh well, their opinion, I don't care.

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago
I got two of Anton Lavey's books "Devil's Notebook" and "Satan Speaks!" but I only browsed the actual Satanic Bible, for whatever reason, that one just didn't interest me.

One thing I always found sort of amusing is that Anton died in a hospital called St. Mary's which was a Catholic hospital.

Anyway, this quote sounds like something by Anton. (But it wasn't)

"Idealism the disease of idiots."

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago

Yes, I quite agree with Anton Lavey's philosphy. Though I hate the term Satanist, most people think devil worship when they hear that.  I knew a guy back in high school who claimed he was a devil worshipper. When he found out about LaVeyan Satanism he thought he said he was one because he was convinced it was all about devil worship.

I always thought it was kind of ironic that Anton Lavey died in a catholic hospital.


Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago
Oh come on, nate, the killer wasn't only in the first and last scene in Scream.  I really like that movie.  (IKWYDLS was pretty stupid, yes. Although, I always knew you couldn't trust the Gorton's Fisherman.)

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago

madglee its because the first post is more than sixty days old or something (or has gone a certain amount of days since being replied to.)

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago
Oh I see hmm.

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago
"It's a very complicated system, it works very well, trust me." - Tom Brokaw, American reporter explaining US government during an interview.

This is true. Scary, eh?

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago

Ah shiiit theres so many dumb things George Bush has said I can't remember any.

Anyway that is funny how Anton died, but yeah, who cares?

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago

This is a thing I made, so I'm quoting myself:

You're gay!!!



lol :P

Favorite quote(s)

16 years ago

Here's some dumb things Bush has said

"I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family."

"Will the highways on the Internet become more few?"

"It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it. "

"The thing that's important for me is to remember what's the most important thing."

"I want everybody to hear loud and clear that I'm going to be the president of everybody."

"I have opinions of my own, strong opinions, but I don't always agree with them. "

"I hope we get to the bottom of the answer. It's what I'm interested to know."