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Site Policy

13 years ago
So I'm finding certain users of this site positively annoying (Written_Agreement, I'm looking at you). How do you guys (site regulars, I'm looking at you) want me to handle this? I can leave all of their posts alone, I can delete them all, what do you guys want to see?

Site Policy

13 years ago

if people would just ignore them and stop replying to any threads they started, they'd probably go away.

Site Policy

13 years ago
I say delete there posts unless a good debate/conversation is started under there comments.

Site Policy

13 years ago
I want Bo, Ugilick, Zero and October (and Fergie and others) to chime in.

Site Policy

13 years ago

I've mostly been ignoring the "trolls" since they started appearing frequently on the site and I've had little trouble with them, aside from having to take the time to skip over their posts in the forum. If everyone would actually ignore the trolls they'd go away, but honestly I don't think that's ever going to happen so the best course of action is probably deletion.

Site Policy

13 years ago

I mostly try to talk to them first through PM (you know, get to know them. Try to change their trolly ways) and if they end up still being a troll, then I just leave it to them. Just ignore them.

Site Policy

13 years ago

I'd give him a warning for now to calm down, then if he continues delete all his posts.

In all honestly he seems like he'll just move on to a different site in a week or so anyways.

Site Policy

13 years ago
I say we just kill all the trolls. Track some IPs, bust some skulls.

Site Policy

13 years ago

I personally think you should be able to have the Ban ability seeing as you've had it before and didn't abuse it, but that's beside the point seeing as we can't kill the troll at the source.

Well, I personally think if there's some troll thread, like a thread specifically designed so the troll in question can argue with you, delete it. If not, and it's actual intellectually or otherwise stimulating post then just leave it alone.

However, if you have to do the black-and-white option and either delete or leave them all, I would have to go with the deletion. True, we may have a virtual lynch mob on our hands, but then I'm gonna give the regulars the benefit of the doubt here. Hell, if you want you can make a "Lynching Committee", that would be interesting :P

Site Policy

13 years ago

That's a great question.  haha I wanna think, where might we have stood 2-3 years ago.

Trolls are definitely annoying, but then again it wouldn't be cool to just delete people for being stupid.  So, I guess it should come down to the legitimacy of certain posts.  While there are those who detract from threads entirely and purposefully, there are those who are just clueless.  I think those people would get the ass-end of many deletions, and it would be good to avoid that.  At the same time, I fully trust your judgement when it comes to determining the legitimacy of posts, etc and I'm not exactly worried that this would become too big an issue.

So... that's pretty vague. haha  I guess where I stand: Posts that are for the sole purpose to annoy should be deleted.  Known/common trolls should have their posts scrutinized more strictly, whereas regulars or those who all around are okay should have a little more leeway.  Posts that detract from the spirit of a thread for the sake of detracting it should probably be moved or made into new thread.  Posts that naturally deviate from a topic should probably be left alone.  Questionable posts, maybe in the mod board?  I dunno, at the end of the day it's your call.  Trolls don't really bother me so much as the way people feed them. haha

Site Policy

13 years ago
This is pretty much what I expected the response to be like.

So essentially, we need a grey area (like most real-life options) and I'll try to use my judgement, it's just that I find pretty much every one of Written_Agreement's posts, really annoying. Even the ones that are sort of on topic.

I'd be down for a lynching committee, Bo. Five people, myself not included, who can lynch any user if the committee votes 4-1 or 5-0. I'd be the sixth member who doesn't vote but who can veto any nomination.

Lynched members have all of their posts deleted (like a ban, basically). Just a thought haha.

Site Policy

13 years ago
I also liked the idea of a lynch committed selected by site members of those we trust to be able to judge easily on trolls or trolling comments.

My choice of the 5 would be

1.Zero (I think we all agree on this one)

2.Oct (Again one we should all agree on)

3.Bo (It was his idea after all)

4. Endmaster (He is a respected, if not odd, member of the community)

5. (This would probably be between Fergie Uglick or Myself as I can think of nobody else, who is on consistently as we are. Z would be my final choice but it looks like she has not be on in a while.)

Site Policy

13 years ago
Not Endmaster, I don't think he'd be interested. What we'd actually do is a private election.

Site Policy

13 years ago
If we do it at all.

Site Policy

13 years ago
Yeah, personally none of the trolls/spammer have annoyed me a lot, but I'm also not very democratic minded about these things.

However, if you want my immediate input:


Really out of all the troll/spammers on here, the only one that's shown slight improvement is Nevermind and that was because JJJ was constantly deleting her spam posts, so she realized she had to at least be at least mildly entertaining at times.

Site Policy

13 years ago
The risk of doing nothing is to allow trolls to ruin parts of the forum. Yes, I think they get their jollies when people respond. But I think they enjoy the role of an anarchist introducing chaos into any system. My vote is delete such posts (depending totally on JJJ's judgement). I would suggest banning as unneeded. Deleting their posts will just make them go away, unless they enjoy making JJJ work. Besides, couldn't they create a totally different persona and rejoin? Contribute to the discussion or go away please.

I've noticed a troll dance going on, where more than one troll pings off the other. Boring for the rest of us, but they enjoy watching the devolution of gaggle.

Site Policy

13 years ago
I suggest the deletion of annoying off-topic posts, but not the deletion of annoying on topic posts. Threads made by trolls for trolling should be deleted as well. I definitely approve of a lynching committee.

Site Policy

13 years ago

I have nothing against a comittee sorta thing, haha.  I wouldn't mind bein' a part of it either, if you guys want.  I remember when we tried to establish a mini-gov't here on CYS, but it got shot down. haha  Though, I thought it was a good idea, personally.

Site Policy

13 years ago
Well I am guessing that was when there was more admins. We only have one now so its time we regulars start helping out.

Site Policy

13 years ago
Alright, reply to this post saying you're open to being a member of the committee and then after a couple of days, we'll hold a vote if we have more than 5 people interested.

Site Policy

13 years ago
Well I am of course interested in being a part of it.

Site Policy

13 years ago

I'd be happy to do it.

Site Policy

13 years ago
I nominate myself to be a member on the committee.

Site Policy

13 years ago
Annoying doesn't break the rules of the site. If no rules are broken it should stay.

Site Policy

13 years ago

I have a headache, so I don't wanna reread the whole thread. :p  But I don't think anyone said we should just delete annoying posts... or did they?  Not to my recollection, haha, but maybe someone did.  Anyway, discretion will be exercised

I'd be against just deleting annoying posts, unless they're completely off topic for no reason or generally bad (racist, etc).  I think Ugi said the same thing, I don't remember, haha.  Also, I'm all for DS's idea too.  I also nominate DS do the tracking, hunting, and killing thereof.

Site Policy

13 years ago
We have mods who's soul purpose is to delete things in the forums that break the forum rules. No reason to change that.

Site Policy

13 years ago
1. That's not true. Mods have many jobs, not just deleting things in the forums.
2. We're not changing that. We're just thinking about adding a council of site users who have a completely different role.

Site Policy

13 years ago
I thought we were speaking of trolls, not just annoying people. Hopefully with such high voting requirements (3J said 4-1) we can avoid deleting someone who simply gets on someone's nerves, which is not the same thing as trolling.

And Nate, do you mean admins? If so, the only one I ever see around here anymore (unless you're an admin, which I'm pretty sure you are) is 3J. And since 3J is the only one who can delete posts, and this is how he wants to deal with the deletion of posts...

Site Policy

13 years ago
It's not like I'm going to stop deleting obviously trolling posts, what this would do is give the community a say on whether or not they want certain trolls among them. That's it.

Site Policy

13 years ago

I volunteer to be part of the committee. But I think before we go crazy deleting, we should have someone to get to know the so called 'trolls', you know? Just a thought.

Site Policy

13 years ago
I am willing to be on the committee. I'm active regularly so I feel I am qualified. I'm also very difficult to irritate. I doubt anger will cloud my judgment.

Site Policy

13 years ago

I think the committee would be an excellent idea, im not on enough to really get annoyed by anyone, i just think it should be an election type method for the decision on whos in it.

Site Policy

13 years ago
Precisely the plan. I'm going to set up a secret ballot in a couple days where everyone can choose their ultimate committee. The five users who get the most votes, get to be on the committee.

Site Policy

13 years ago

How are members chosen to be on the ballot? Who would be up for election, ill vote for sure, i just need to know my options prior so i can think it over.

Site Policy

13 years ago
Members nominate themselves, so far, Bo, Ugilick, October, Fergie, and Cool are nominated. If there's no more in the next day or two then they will compose the committee.

Site Policy

13 years ago
I'd definitely like to see Zero in that list, if he's interested haha (Wink wink)

Site Policy

13 years ago
There is no 'different' role here. Mods take care ofthe forums. No reason to Change the setup that Alex, march, and choco set up. Trolls, flaming, and all the other things discussed in this thread are all taken care of by th mods that are already in place.

Site Policy

13 years ago
I'd like to involve the community on this. I'm going to involve the community on this. That's the end of the story.

Site Policy

13 years ago
I would defiantly have interest in this! All for the best! It brings us together and makes us more active as well!

Site Policy

13 years ago

Oh, yes yes.  I'm totally down.  Gives me a reason to get on more often, too, and I definitely don't see the harm in like this... so?  What's the problem? haha

Unless there's some negative impact on CYS for setting something like this up, there should be no reason to oppose it.  More than likely, it would be active once in a blue moon anyway, because obviously troll-ish posts will be removed regardless.

Site Policy

13 years ago
Didn't read this series of comments before. So if you and fleshy are admins and you started fighting, That would be a very bad thing.

Site Policy

13 years ago

I nominate myself for the committee.


Site Policy

13 years ago

So do I.

Site Policy

13 years ago

Site Policy

13 years ago

Site Policy

13 years ago
Hey flesh,

Just notice its been awhile since I have seen you on. I actually think you left almost at the same time I joined.

Site Policy

13 years ago

He's been lurking.

Site Policy

13 years ago
I never left cool. Been here longer than any other active member, unless madglee is still active.

Site Policy

13 years ago

He is.

Site Policy

13 years ago

Unless he just left very recently. I've seen him on a few times.

Site Policy

13 years ago
Pretty irrelevant anyway. Gone or lurking, you're making the same impact on the community.

Site Policy

13 years ago
We'll hold the vote tomorrow at some point.

Site Policy

13 years ago
How will voting work? Will we be aloud to vote for only one person or will the voting be similar to the system set up for the fantasy contest? Will people who have nominated themselves be aloud to vote, and if so, will they be aloud to vote for themselves?

Site Policy

13 years ago
Everyone can vote and all voters must vote for FIVE people (including themselves if they wish).

Site Policy

13 years ago
Sounds interesting! I'm back here now, ready for the new look CYS!

Site Policy

13 years ago

Is this you saying that voting has started, or are you just saying how it will work.

Site Policy

13 years ago
That's how it will work. Waiting on one thing at the moment, latest voting will start is tomorrow evening.

Site Policy

13 years ago

I won't have an access to a computer tomorrow. Maybe near the late evening. So if you guys end up just waiting for me you can just leave me out.

Site Policy

13 years ago

Err, I mean I won't vote. Still keep me as a candidate.

Site Policy

13 years ago

If you can't vote at the time I'm sure you can just send your vote ahead of time.

Site Policy

13 years ago

Yeah, I guess I can.

Site Policy

13 years ago
I'm so glad I have more time to be on here! I'll be around to vote tomorrow, for sure!

Site Policy

13 years ago

did any voting occur while i was gone?

Site Policy

13 years ago

scratch that. I found the thread and voted :D

Site Policy

13 years ago
Yea, i got mine done as we spoke! This should be a good idea

Site Policy

13 years ago

So what's this council gonna be called? I like the "elimination committee" myself, but I'm cool with just about any name.

Site Policy

13 years ago

The Supreme Overlords of CYS then?

Alternatively they could be:

- The Committee of Terror

- The "Don't F with Us" Club

- JJJ's Personal Army

You'd be cool with any of those right?

Site Policy

13 years ago

It would sound less like a democratic committee and more like a totalitarian lynch mob, but yeah I would be cool with those.

Site Policy

13 years ago

"Totalitarian Lynch Mob" it is. haha :p

The Counsil of Five

The Counsil that Will Rape Your Mothers (Although we'd prolly have lynch ourselves if it came to this)

Cool Runnings

These are my suggestions.  I will accept any but "The Counsil of Five." haha  Actually, I don't care too much what it's called, so long as it's fair and effective. :p

Site Policy

13 years ago
CYS Parliament?

Site Policy

13 years ago

I was always going under the assumption that it would just be called the Committee. Though I do like Cool Runnings and Totalitarian Lynch Mob :P

Site Policy

13 years ago







Site Policy

13 years ago

Site Policy

13 years ago

The Banishers

Named after our own committee head 3J ^-^

Site Policy

13 years ago
Haha, I'm not really the head of the council. The only power I have is that of veto, which I'd only use in the case of someone trying to vote a major member of the site off, for no reason. And I wouldn't probably get to use the power since I'm assuming such a vote wouldn't pass.

Site Policy

13 years ago

The CYS Supreme Court!

The person who wants to delete a member and the member him/herself will be given a trial to defend whether or not they shall be able to stay or go!


Haha, just a thought :P

Site Policy

13 years ago
Nah wouldn't work because some of the judges might be testifying against the person who is accused of being a troll.

Site Policy

13 years ago

I like the idea of a troll being able to make a final plea before his stuff is deleted. I don't think it should be a trial, but it would be entertaining and possibly useful to the person being accused. If 3J's okay with it at least.

Site Policy

13 years ago
If a troll can sway your votes, that's the whole point. We're trusting you guys to decide who's a troll and who's not.

Site Policy

13 years ago

This could turn ugly but it's a good idea. Who would the judge's be?

Site Policy

13 years ago
We already voted on that:


Site Policy

13 years ago

I thought the results haven't been posted yet, have they?

Site Policy

13 years ago

(why don't I ever look first?)

Nevermind. I found it.