So, I finally read all the featured puzzle games (except for JFP which I can't figure out for the life of me.) Found it hard to compare Tower of Riddles to them all, 'cos they're all so different.
Jurassic Fairview Park is in a completely different league in terms of length and difficulty.
The Object was pretty awesome, I loved how it kept looping back to the first day.
Dangerous Memories was really cool with the amnesia, and I think it had the most mystery out of all the mystery games.
I really liked the setting for The Free Hand and how everything was all spooky and surreal, plus I liked figuring out how to use all the items.
Creature 2 I actually loved. It didn't have much writing but I liked how you had the choice of different characters that used their different skills to do different things.
Riddle of the Sasquatch was cool 'cos you got to learn about the legend and it was more linear than my game in that while there's only one (or two) right endings, you do get to explore a bit before you get there instead of just going from one place to another.
So I'm just curious, what is it about a game that people look for in the site? I guess quality of writing and length of the story are big factors, but also I've found from reading comments that the biggest drawback from a game seems to be that it was too linear, which my game definitely is since it just goes from one room to the next with no branching out except to die or get hints. So what do you guys think is the most important factor that makes a good CYS game? Just so I know ^_^