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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Mizal (Who sometimes pops up over here) just linked this game over at IS.

It starts off slow, but it starts getting more complex the longer you stick with it. I don't want to give anything away since you start unraveling what exactly is going on as time goes by. I haven't beaten it yet though I've gotten to the point where its starting to play like an entirely different game.

Anyway the game autosaves periodically so when you're done you can just close your browser and it will pick up where you left off when you go back to the site.

A Dark Room

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Interesting game so far...

Ah, just had to turn away the beggar

What a unique village building game.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

do you have to keep the fire stoked?

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I;ve been doing it when I don't have anything else to do.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I stoke it every once in a while, out of fear, but no, I don't think it's necessary after the village building has really started

Woah, just got attacked by beasts, they mauled the family I just took in :(

A stranger arrives in the night.
This can only mean good things

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I just built the first hut so, and ya ive been stokin the fuck out of the fire idk if I should or not but its liek the button in lost what happens when you dont push it?

(talkin bout the code on the computer.)

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I just gave a wanderer my wood (no, not in the way you're thinking)

I hope it doesn't backfire...

Also, i;ve noticed that if you don't keep the fire stoked, it begins to slowly get colder and colder...

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Gave a beggar some fur. 

Got a trading post recently.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

hell I only have 1 hut still

the nomad wouldnt even trade with me lol


*edit just built the lodge*

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Ah, I avoided the lodge until I got 3 huts. ^_^

A Dark Room

11 years ago

How did you get the damn thing? It costs so much wood -_-' 

And i've had to expand my huts to house all of those weather-beaten families

Well screw them, now they're asking for a 500 wood tannery

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Got 12 people in town. 

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Holy crap, a 600 wood smokehouse... WHY DOES EVERYTHING COST SO MUCH WOOD?!?!?

A Dark Room

11 years ago

ive got 6

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Just wait until you can explore outside the village.

You need at least a compass to do that, but you should really stock up on supplies before sending anyone out.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

what are the teeth good for?

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Teeth and scales are good for trading for certain things.

Scales are also needed for armor. At least they are for the leather armor.

A Dark Room

11 years ago


A Dark Room

11 years ago

Damn beasts breaking my traps. :(

A Dark Room

11 years ago

yep same here

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Need a bigger village.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I just tracked down the beaast that broke the trap and killed it... I was rewarded with about a hundred of everything ^_^

A Dark Room

11 years ago


A Dark Room

11 years ago

Maxed  out Baited Traps. ^_^

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Nomad: I'll give you some teeth for 300 furs

Me: Or, you know, I could just take the teeth from the animals I got the fur from...

Nomad: Oh no, you cna't do that

Me: Why not?

Nomad: That's not important. Now, are you paying me or not?

Me: Well, it's kind of a massive rip-off...

Nomad: Ok then, goodbye.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

gave the beggar 50 furs and he gave me 20 scales....

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Well, that stranger who I gave my wood to never returned... that was a waste.

A Dark Room

11 years ago
Noises through the walls, shuffling noises can be heard.
Can't tell what they're up to.
I have the options to investigate or ignore them.
(Let's see how I die!)

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I've always investigated that.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Huh, got nothing.

I did build the damn tannery though!

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Haven't touched the smokehouse yet.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

ya ive never gotten anything either, you probably have to have a certain thing built.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I think you have to ignore it, then they'll be off-guard when you attack them in the future...

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Got a modest village.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Only? I got that a while ago, i'm going for town now. Somehow, my wood keeps on growing at an incredibly slow pace though

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Haven't done any exploration yet.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

hell ive got a tiny village and ive got the tanery and smokehouse


A Dark Room

11 years ago

All my traps... GONE,

A Dark Room

11 years ago

What happened? I've only lost one trap so far...
(Side note, i'm up to a 32 population, I want to get the wood situation handled. Also, why can't we build more carts :( )

A Dark Room

11 years ago

They destoyed it. :(

Got 24. 

How do you embark on the dusty path?

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I haven't gotten a compass yet, I wouldn't be able to tell you.

A Dark Room

11 years ago


A Dark Room

11 years ago

Got a charm.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Me too, a few turns back, can't tell what it does though.

My wood production is skyrocketting though, I think I have enough to move my population to other tasks now.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Should I give the old lady fur?

A Dark Room

11 years ago

You can add it as equipment in the dusty path.

A Dark Room

11 years ago



Gave the mysterious wanderer 100 furs, she brought back 550! DAYUM

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Woot Smoke house!

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I have no idea how i'll save up enough for the workshop -_-'

And my people are hungry, but cooking meat is so expensive...

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Yeah, Im gonna go and make a couple more huts before that. XD

Cured meat can also be taken on the dusty road.

A Dark Room

11 years ago


A Dark Room

11 years ago


A Dark Room

11 years ago

beasts just killed 17 of my villagers


A Dark Room

11 years ago


A Dark Room

11 years ago


A Dark Room

11 years ago

ya sucked I was down to 3

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Damn, those huts are getting expensive as all hell...

I'm up to 40 (large village), you guys?

A Dark Room

11 years ago

And there goes my traps. 


A Dark Room

11 years ago

Ive noticed the more you stoke the fire the more that takes place. when I havent stoked the fire nothing seems to happen, at all.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I have not had any of my traps destroyed yet ^_^ (though I ahve been ripped off by wanderers)

44 now.

A Dark Room

11 years ago



A Dark Room

11 years ago


A Dark Room

11 years ago

Large village

A Dark Room

11 years ago

This time when I investigated, the ebasts took some of my wood and left some scales in exchange. Cruel, I was about to build another hut. (got a second charm too, but that was from traps)

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I have 6 charms


A Dark Room

11 years ago

Craptacious fuck nuggets, everything in the workshop is so expensive :(

(Except for the torches, which as far as I can tell are completely and utterly useless)

*Discovers the bone spear*


Now the only thing i'm missing for the dusty path is armor... (yeah, I bought the compass)

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Aman, all you need to do to go on the path is completely fill out your weight to max.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Yeah, figured that out a while ago. Just need armor.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I'm going to have to up my village if i'm to get the 200 leathers needed for that goddamn armor...


A Dark Room

11 years ago

Nearly have 200 leather

A Dark Room

11 years ago

*checks cured meats

Holy crap, those things acumulate fast. Back to the gathering squad charcutiers!

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Ha, I have a shit ton of cured meat. 

Just too scared to use it. XD

A Dark Room

11 years ago


A Dark Room

11 years ago


A Dark Room

11 years ago

Pretty sure I've maxed out my village, I'm just trying to figure out what I'm supposed to be finding outside the village now.

Hah! Just found a big score! Got two laser rifles, two rifles, four bullets and three grenades.

A Dark Room

11 years ago


A Dark Room

11 years ago

holy shit do not go on the dusty path without a weapon.......


A Dark Room

11 years ago

What happened?

A Dark Room

11 years ago


A Dark Room

11 years ago

It was a forgotten battlefield. I barely made it back home though and I ran out of cured meat on the way, but fortunately I have a lot of outposts to stop at now.

A Dark Room

11 years ago


A Dark Room

11 years ago

750 a hut is just too much..

A Dark Room

11 years ago

You're at a 52 population too? Dammit, you're catching up!

Aha! Up to 56

A Dark Room

11 years ago

just hit 56


A Dark Room

11 years ago

current things of note:

8 Charms

400 cured meat

1,000 furs

300 leather

40 wood

A Dark Room

11 years ago

More like post apocalyptic scifi. I've been coming across ruined cities and towns of scavengers.

Found some Alien Alloy. Can't seem to do anything with it or the laser rifles yet though.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Ah, I guess that makes sense.........................................................................................................................

No. No it does not. XD

A Dark Room

11 years ago

There's no "blast the living shit out of everything in sight" button?

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Not yet. I can shoot the rifles if I have bullets and the grenades can just be thrown. I assume the laser rifles need a power source which I haven't found.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Ooh, at 60 population you're a "raucous village"

A Dark Room

11 years ago

850! omg...

A Dark Room

11 years ago


A Dark Room

11 years ago

I got evasive.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Does he ever visit again? (You all scared with your stories about the stuff on the road)

A Dark Room

11 years ago

It sounds like a lot until you realize you don't use wood for anything else anymore

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Ill be catching up while you guys are sleeping, so let me see how far I can go.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

A stranger is making stuff for me because I keep stoking fires :3

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Went traveling. Wasn't bad.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I'm almost fully travel-ready... (I spent all my leathers making the waterskin and the rusack)

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Killed an old man.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Bad aman.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Found some caves. Need lots of torches.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Killed some lizards

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Found the cave as well, I killed three old men in houses nearby me, didn't take any of their stuff, and I then proceeded to raid a cave. I got some steel :D (But I can't use it... yet. I only have 5 steel, I need 20 for a sword, and 100 for armor...)

A Dark Room

11 years ago

To Drak:

You do get to a certain point where stuff like wood becomes less important, but you still need it to cure meat and rebuilding traps.

I don't know, have you guys found the mines yet? So far I got an iron mine and a coal mine under my control. I just found a sulfur mine, but its guarded by soldiers so I'm going to get more bullets first and bring my grenades.

I haven't seen the old guy again, I did find something that requires a charm in order to talk to. Of course I had like six of those things before and as my wanders died off (and lost them) now I don't have anymore when I need it.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I still haven't travelled yet, I want to be fully prepared.

Understand that you have, like, a one hour lead on us.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Lol, yeah, but you guys seemed to be building stuff really quickly. I felt like I was going really slow.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

i turned it off for now as Im gewtting reayd to hit the sack. If I can play from my tablet then god help us all cuz I'll be on my kindle HD till like 4 am. lol


A Dark Room

11 years ago

I spent the first half an hour accumulating wood to build more houses, and now i'm trying to save up for leathers (I have no idea how you all are getting them so quickly).

Hell no, i'm using bone spears while you have laser rifles, don't worry about your speed.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I've only got a hut and my trusty cart XD. And three or four gatherers

A Dark Room

11 years ago

aha! I stupidly tracked a giant beast into the forest who destroyed my maps and got a hundred fur and meat!

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I'm addicted.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I hate that beast trap destroyer. Anyway, 6 gatherers, tiny village

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Ok, I have a fully equipped, fully armored, crazy neanderthal barbarian wanderer with alot of meat. LET'S DO THIS

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Well, i'm going to have to stop this for tonight, but I shall tell you all of how I got my wanderer killed next time! (I'm sure i'll get him killed soon)

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Theres a bug! Got 100 meat and fur in one check of 4 traps.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Fuck! That sucked. I killed the last soldier just as he killed me, now I have to attack the sulfur mine all over again without the benefit of grenades now. I need to trade for more bolas too.

I'm going to see if I can actually use these laser rifles. I'll try wandering around in an easy area and see if the option pops up to use them in battle.

EDIT: Nope you need an energy cell. Still haven't found those yet.

Managed to gain the gastronome ability though which gives me more life per food eaten.

A Dark Room

11 years ago


On a side note, I just captured my first iron mine. Good luck in the sulfur mines !

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I'm close.... I build a lodge...

A Dark Room

11 years ago

YES. I got the steel sword!

A Dark Room

11 years ago

And a bolas.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Lucky bastard.. I jsut got my guy killed after an ambush in an abandonned town... :(

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Got another steel sword

A Dark Room

11 years ago

YES, I got a sword on a dead guy's body!

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Old man came back. Got precision this time.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Haven't met the geezer yet.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Heh, he just came back again, got force this time. I think I've got everything I can out of him now.

A Dark Room

11 years ago


A Dark Room

11 years ago

Finally got the sulfur mine. Still have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing overall though. Lol.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

hey what do charms do?

A Dark Room

11 years ago

No fucking idea. You might need them htough, so give one to your wanderers :D

A Dark Room

11 years ago

End said something needs it to be opened.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Reached population limit (it's 80)

Now I can finally focus on adventuring... A different day.

Addictive game, i'll say that.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

You need the charm to speak to what I think is an ex-alien commander. (You gain an ability)

Oh I can build an armory now.

Unfortunately I need 3000 wood to do so! (The sulfur and steel are no problem)

I'm starting to get attacked by people rather than just beasts now.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Maybe they got mad some lunatic as wandering the land, killing everything he came across?

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Lol I can't figure out how to make mine leave XD. I have the compass

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Got an iron mine. ^_^

A Dark Room

11 years ago


He died of starvation :'(

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Funny enough I need to take a break from exploring and focus on building again. I need to stock pile a bunch of wood and other material.

I got a feeling I better start building some more rifles as well.

Great. I had 80 people, I just lost like 38 of them in an attack. Fortunately some religious convoy came in to replenish some of my losses.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I know the purpose of the fire! people who wander will see fire from a distance. No wonder Aeon had more people coming in when he stroked his fire..

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I got 500 wood for 100..

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I think the fire also keeps away beasts if it's really roaring, but I'm wondering if it's also attracting the soldier types that are now starting to attack my village.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Come to think of it I always have villagers and never have beast attacks and my fire is always roaring O.o

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Haha yup :3

A Dark Room

11 years ago

lol Just started my game. It's rather interesting.

 Entire village is wiped out then I get an entire village worth of people. xD

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Doing good









A Dark Room

11 years ago
alien alloy
cured meat
bone spear
iron sword
steel sword


baited trap
iron mine
trading post


A Dark Room

11 years ago

Going to sleep soon. I'll play the hell out of the game later today. :P

A Dark Room

11 years ago

End, I found 7 energy cells bbut no laser rifles at a battlefield :(

(I did get grenades though!)

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Still don't have any energy cells, though the armory gives me the option to make bullets now.

Currently I'm trying to balance my workers, but these military raids take out like 20 villagers every time and you don't always get replacements quickly.

Also trying to explore further out, I need to build up more cured meat.

EDIT: Just found another battlefield. Got some energy cells.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

You can make them out of scales and teeth, I think (I could make them the second I found some on a battlefield, it gives me the option to make things the second I get something in that tier)

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Yeah you don't get the option to trade for stuff unless you find it in the wilderness first. I'm getting the option to trade for them now with scales and teeth.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Looks like candy box. Ill play it

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I won.

The last bit is an arcade like sequence.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Just started and got to modest village but have to go to work now :(

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Damn, this game is addictive

A Dark Room

11 years ago

How are you supposed to move the person you send on travelling?

A Dark Room

11 years ago

arrow keys

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Thats what I thought, its just that I am on android, and had to use a option in my keyboard to make it pop up. I figured it out.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I'm going to see how far I can get today  :)

Last night I got maxed out on huts and villagers and liberated the iron and coal mines. Finally figured out what the way-points are for (after starving to death for the first time in the wilderness). Damn, that sucked, lost a steal sword! Now stuck with iron swords and bone spears...

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I also lost the steal sword..and wanderer died twice. Got the iron mine. Had to stop playing to make my plan in Final War.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

This is really entertaining. I've been playing for about half an hour.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Im maxed on huts and have all expedition upgrades, maxed on traps, 1000's of each resource. going exploring all day.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Actually, my fire is still raging and I just had three animal attacks in a row.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

D: I haven't gotten that kind of evil done to me,

A Dark Room

11 years ago

i've never lost more than two citizens to an attack, and I always get more than enough resources from the attack that Idon't really mind.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

2! Your one lucky bastard. I've gotten attacks of ten, and I can't track the beast in question.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Just got my fourth, and I typically lose three to four per attack but I always get more quickly so it's no big deal.

A Dark Room

11 years ago


(If you check your supplies, you'll see that you're losing 10 pers ec of a lot of resources due to thieves, my men finally caught and killed them. Well, you'll see it once you're advanced far enough)

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Haha yeah mine are only advancing now :P. 

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Since I'm really early in the game. I can't travel far due to a lack of water and houses with water so that sucks :P

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I already hanged the one thief I found..some time ago.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

^Same, I'm likely as far as Bo though.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

fifth attack. yaaaaay. This one took 8. Which sucks when you have a village of 24 :/

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Sixth attack, only two deaths

A Dark Room

11 years ago

yaaay: Workshop + shitton of stock piled leather =  longer expeditions and exploring caves. I also realize all these advancements are trivial but they're huge for me XD

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Using those torches and armor I just found nine iron and six steel O.o. After not having anytihng more than bone spears XD

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Aaaaaaaaaand first iron mine

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I never did manage to catch the thieves.

I first thought the amount of weapons you had stockpiled affected how many people you lose in an attack, but I guess it's random.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

My fists do as much damage as a steel sword atm, so I keep all my weapons  stockpiled XD

A Dark Room

11 years ago

You can use multiple  weapons at a time, so if you equip a steel sword, bone spear, and iron sword, you can attack with each of them during a fight. It helps kill everything quickly, VERY quickly.

Add the rifle, bullets, laser rifle, and bolas, and you're a killing machine. Add in the steel armor and grenades, and you just go around slaughtering things while maniacally laughing. (presumably)

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Ah, So that's why that one wanderer tended to kill everything before starving to death. Ty

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Yup... :3


A Dark Room

11 years ago

Any way to get lots of leather fast? That's the only thing stumping my exploration.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Craft torches and explore caves. The beasts might have leather around. My tannery just produces all I need fairly quickly.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

:D Found 10 energy cells in a cave. Now I just need a laser gun. 

Edit: Does having more than 1 weapon when you wander good or unneeded? I usually take two weapons.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I think you just get the attack mode from having 1 - more than that just takes up cargo space :)

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Also - laser rifle, but no energy cells  :P

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I'll trade you 50 fur for that laser rifle. xD

A Dark Room

11 years ago

If it's anything like the game, it will cost you 5000 Wood, 750 Leather, and 50 Sulfur haha!

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I carried a bone spear and an iron sword before I got my martial artist perk. I got to attack with both, use one while the other was loading. Quicker death.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I found and repaired an alien space ship but am too scared to lift off in it yet...

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Do it!! O.O

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I've put 3 Alien Alloy into it and am going to wit to put at least 1 more into it. The alien alloy beefs up the engine and hull...

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I already have 5 saved over, but still no rifle...

Make that 12, I found another battlefield

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I found a Boros hole and grabbed 2 alloy from it, I'm asusming the other "nearby" holes (still fairly far away for my current gear) will have more.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Woot, I just took a coal mine from 3 guys. After losing 4 different wanderers to it. xD

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Haha I took it on my first try (#unarmed) but it was easier than the iron mine, where I lost 2 wnaderers

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Alright guys, I ask for your advice on what to do with "The Master". What perk should I take?

Evasion? I'm guessing more misses for attackers.

Precision? Guess: More likely to hit.

Force? Guess: Stronger hits.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I have force, and I deal a very large amount of damage with a steel sword (9), a iron sword (6) an a bone spear (3)

Bo, how do you get the unarmed taits?

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Decided to go with force and I went wandering. Got a steel sword out of it. ^.^

By the way, what's a convoy do? :D "The Master' came by again.

So far my traits are.

martial artist


A Dark Room

11 years ago

Convoy gives you a LOT of storage space

I only have the barbarian trait :'(

A Dark Room

11 years ago

So much curb-stomping... :P

XD I got two perks

Desert Rat and Slow Metabolism

Basically I can walk father without food and water being consumed.

Try losing your wanderer continually in the wilderness. :P

A Dark Room

11 years ago


A Dark Room

11 years ago

I do that already XD. Sooooo many lost wanderers

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I never had weapons for the longest time, so I just wandered around killing shit with my hands. Eventually you get better at it, now I'm dealing twelve the damage at twice the speed I used to.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Caught the thief and spared him to get the Stealthy perk.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Does it decrease the chance of being spotted?


A Dark Room

11 years ago

Yeah, for wilderness treks.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

So good news and bad news. Bad news: I clearly have thieves. I moved all charcutiers to hunters to prevent the loss of wood (I have so many outposts nearby I can go on meat scavaging missions) and I'm still losing wood faster than I can build, well, anything. Good news: I now have the unarmed master perk. Meaning I can punch twice as fast and deal 11 damage per punch. Loving this XD

A Dark Room

11 years ago

You're supposed to get a bayonet which is the best melee weapon in the game when you kill the last guy at the sulfur mine, but he never dropped it for me.

Laser rifle drops are apparently random too, so it's possible you won't find any.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Woo! Just slaughtered an entire city! (a crowd of squatters all gathered together and attacked me. They hit about once a second for three damage and had 45 health)


Now, to find other cities to slaughter...

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Hey drak, how did you kill the thief? Was it random or did you have to do something first?

A Dark Room

11 years ago

random, I was so relieved, the bastard was crippling my wood supply.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Mine too, I can't even get above five traps any more since the beasts keep breaking them.

A Dark Room

11 years ago
You jelly?
Cuz I am, of your traits...

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Grrr... well at least I can woop your ass.... But yeah, I'm just gathering cured meat waiting for the random event at this point.l

On a side note, what's in a swamp? I found on eto the north but I have no clue what's there.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

There's a guy who tells you a story about space ships, You need a charm to talk to him.

A Room On Fire

11 years ago

According to what I've found and what this fancy little wiki I also found says. Nothing but random encounters.

ADarkRoom Wiki

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Got the bayonnet, combined with the grenades, convoy, water tank, rifle, steel sword, bone spear, and iron sword, my only danger is dying from lack of food ^_^

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I've got my fists, so we're about even ^-^

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Bayonnet= 12

steel sword= 9

bone spear= 3

iron sword=6

12+9+3+6=24 damage

I beat you by two points bo!

A Drak Room

11 years ago

Only if youc an use all of them at once, think of all the room I have to carry my nick-nacks into battle! MUAHAHAHAHAHA

A Drak Room

11 years ago

the convoy is amazing

i can carry everything


A Drak Room

11 years ago

70 carrying points :D

A Drak Room

11 years ago

A Drak room? really? lol when did u change the title?

A Drak Room

11 years ago

Haha! No, bo changed it (and I never noticed...)

A Room On Fire

11 years ago

That would have been Bo. xD

A Room On Fire

11 years ago

I see that now :)

A Dark Room

11 years ago


A Dark Room

11 years ago

You went into space? Also I suspect our character is an alien along with the old guy who talks about space ships.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Yep! Rode that Rocket outa here!


A Dark Room

11 years ago

I like how I originally thought this was going to be a horror type game due to the dark room and beasts attacking in the night. Then I thought it was either set during the stone age or a fantasy setting due to the swords, caves and wilderness exploration. When I started coming across ruined cities and rifles, I was like well I guess its post apocalyptic.

Of course the big reveal is that you're actually part of the original alien invasion force that caused the post apocalyptic landscape in the first place.

You can wield all those weapons at the same time because you've got more than two arms.

You can fly the spaceship and makes mention that the "natives" don't know what to do with it.

There are some other hints too such as speaking to the alien commander in the swamp.

Basically you're a villain protagonist that got stuck on earth. (One of many apparently)

A Room On Fire

11 years ago

lol It is quite a good game. I like the story you learn by paying attention.

So, right now I have every perk except the one you get from the Lone Wanderer.

A Dark Room

11 years ago


A Room On Fire

11 years ago


A Room On Fire

11 years ago


and it only deals 8 damage...


(although if you add the rifle and grenade damage, along wit hthe laser rifle, and the 24 I get from the others, my totla should be around 50-60 points)

A Room On Fire

11 years ago

Actually unarmed masters hit for 12.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

maybe that's just your bonus from the barbarian trait?

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Nope, It says on the wiki Unarmed masters get 12 damage per hit.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I told that to drak repeatedly XD

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I went into an abandonned city, this was what I saw

"Dark faces peer out of open doorways, no one attacks, these people were broken a long time ago. The shopkeeper stands by his shop, stoic (it gives me the option to loot his shit without paying)"

And then a remarkably strong youth attacked me.

Yup, we're clearly the bad guy.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Oh we're not really bad, we just want to go home.

Y'know like E.T. except with mass slaughter of humanity. Lol.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

YES, I found the starship, now I can invest those 12 alloys i'd collected... 

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Damn, so much debris....

A Dark Room

11 years ago

*Crash and burn... Crash and burn!*

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I have, three times -_-'

I've gotten three more alloys to upgrade the hull though, i'm almost certain i'll get it this time...

A Dark Room

11 years ago


(and then the game makes you restart)

A Dark Room

11 years ago

So you crashed and burned to a different spot of the world?

A Dark Room

11 years ago

You'll see when you reach end, you'll see....

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Hmm, could it be that when the game makes you restart, it just means you crash landed AGAIN and now you have to leave the new world?

A Dark Room

11 years ago

 I suspect it's the same world you just excaped from. You might be a different alien who just woke up.

2nd run = escape from little civilization I created. :D

Some other guys opinion.

    @Adam: I actually like that about the game.


You discover that the planet you're on is a ruined hell-hole where people can only desperately cling to life. Naturally, your goal is to escape. But once you've sacrificed everything to get on that spaceship, you discover that there really is no escape: the next planet is just as bad, and the next one, and the next. You can't win, because there was a gigantic war, and war causes everyone to lose.

That's my interpretation, anyway; I could be overthinking it, as usual.

I also like how different character builds affect the overall flavor of the game.


The first time, I focused on evasive/defensive skills. My villagers caught a thief (although none of my resources were noticeably missing); I spared him and learned sneaking. I never got the sulfur mine or uncovered more than ~1/3 of the map because I was never strong enough to beat the soldiers. However, I never had a problem with thieves, and I had a constant stream of friendly NPCs coming to the village. I got the space ship and alien alloys through sheer luck, and I was almost sorry to leave everything I'd built.

On my next run, I got evasion and strength ("barbarian"), and applied what I'd learned on the previous planet. Suddenly, fighting was very easy; I got the sulphur mine and was soon awash in bullets. But the friendly NPCs stopped coming. All the cities had been picked clean ahead of me, except for the one full of unarmed squatters (I killed a few of them before I realized they weren't soldiers, and stole their food). My gatherers kept getting shot. It was like everyone was afraid of me.

The simplicity of it is a real asset; I think the game would be less involving and affecting if it had graphics and deeper lore.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

It was a really big interstellar war that devastated several planets?

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Idk if anybody's brought this up yet, but that's also why you keep randomly getting attacked by bands of people. THey see you as the enemy, and your village (which is likely also made up of aliens) as something that needs to be destroyed.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I made a barbarian ruthless murderer and I was never attacked by anyone, I didn't get friendly NPCs but a lot of people came to my village, and I rarely got my traps broken, ever.

Maybe that was jsut my luck though.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I don't get them broken anymore, but I think that may be because i'm clearing out the cities and towns all around me. I don't know the difference between a murderer and just a normal everyday alien that gets jumped by the people you waged war on XD

A Dark Room

11 years ago

The difference is when you enter a city and it says that a frail man bravely and defiantly stepped up to stop you from massacring the population, and you kill him, before massacring the population. and a few kids. And stealing their weapons and food.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

haha wow never had that one before, just soldiers trying to kill me XD. Finally caught the slimy fucker btw. And got a shiny new trait out of it.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

You guys should fight a swarm of rats. That shit is crazy O.o

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Stats? (I'm never going to restart that game, ever, but stats?)

A Dark Room

11 years ago

what do you mean stats?

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Like, how much health, how often did it hit (compared to you), how much damage?

(For example, once a bunch of squatters teamed up on me, they had a total of 45 health, hit about once per second, dealt 5 damage per hit)

A Dark Room

11 years ago

45 health, 12 damage. Only those feral terrors really damaged me later in the game.


A Dark Room

11 years ago

Controlled the entire map peacefully and had the majority of my workers on getting more fur. To buy more teeth and scales to buy more alien alloys. (How does that trade make sense?)

I was never raided by anything but animals but those died out when I neared my escape. The soldiers seemed to hunt me outside of the village but they never attacked it directly.

I always sent 500 wood or fur when the guy asked. I guess I was a peaceful alien ruler.

That or everybody was terrified of me since I had every trait possible. xD

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I get ambushed all the freaking time XD. But no attacks.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I kind of feel bad for leaving my little village. Though I did help them conquer the region and push out all the soldiers from the area.

So I guess I ensured the survival of that race as I went (back to my homeworld?) into space.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

They'll probably remember you as a god :P

A Dark Room

11 years ago

1000 years later this is what they worship. ^.^

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I've taken down two bayonet weilding veterans by now, never got one -_-

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I took 3 down and I never got one either. It was quite annoying.

(v)  I got that a lot too. Being unarmed has it's perks. :D

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Probly because they're scared as shit about our super strength XD

A Dark Room

11 years ago

So I investigated the area outside of my village and found a bundle of sticks wrapped in furs. Either someone's leaving their flag or (more likely) tribute after I'm wiping everything out XD

A Dark Room

11 years ago

son a whore it erased all my status

Yep Im done frikkin playing

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Since I thought the world was in a perpetual state of nighttime for the entirety of the game, I imagined myself as an insane hooded and malformed man obsessed with light (also probably mentally impeded, or with a strong, warped view of reality, for giving people simple names, like "Builder", and describing them in his head in the third person, like "Builder says")... I imagined the monsters to be quite gruesome as well. I'll draw a comic of the intro (where you tend the fire) and show you what I was thinking atm.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Have you finished it?

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Builder has only just fallen on her face in his quaint little home.

A Dark Room

11 years ago
WOOT I beat the game! Stealthy and Gastronomic (?) were my only upgrades, and I got the bayonet on my final venture. No Laser Rifles though. :(

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Ah it's ok, they suck.

I got a bayonnet from every veteran I fought, I was a monster near the end >:D

Anyways, congrats on your victory!

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I died so many times.... Unlike all you unarmed masters and barbarians and all those cool bonuses, I had some loser who got more health per meat. :P My map was a load of shit, nearly all the cities were on the corners of the map, next to nothing was nearby. :P 

But, that was a fun game. ^_^

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Here are is the first 1 3/4 pages of the comic...



Looks like total ass so far... (I cannot copy down exactly what is in my head, my hand just doesn't do it, so I dare not trust either of them with my genitalia.)

A Dark Room

11 years ago


A Dark Room

11 years ago

Nifty  =)

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Weeeeelll I'm close to taking off and I'm probably not gonna get any more traits (or find any more freaking alloy since I've explored well over 90% of the map) so here they is.

Boxer: punches do more damage

Scout: see farther

Martial Artist: punches do even more damage

Unarmed Master: punch twice as fast, and with even more force

Barbarian: Melee damage do more damage

Gastronome: restore more health when eating

Stealthy: better avoid conflict in the wild (considering the fact that I get ambushed by desert snipers and feral beasts at least three times each every time I go out I doubt this even does anything. Either that or I'm lucky what's prevented has already been prevented XD)

Desert Rat: go twice as far without drinking

Slow metabolism: Go twice as far without eating (this is new, I didn't notice it before. I think it's because I leave with one food a lot when I loot the outposts around me for cured meat)


A Dark Room

11 years ago

I never received anything other than gastronome and barbarian

A Dark Room

11 years ago

All I got was Gasto and Stealth.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Must have been our ability to punch feral terrors to death that granted me and Bo such powers. ^.^

A Dark Room

11 years ago

We've been blessed by the power of the stache. How else could we bare knuckle box so well?

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Yeah, exactly.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I went out with alot of good stuff, captured a mine, explored a city and got some NICE guns and ammo, loads of nice resources etc, basically fully loaded with the best stuff I've see in the game so far (better than anything previously in the game) Then I didn't pay attention to food and starved 2 moves away from home...

A Dark Room

11 years ago


A Dark Room

11 years ago

that happened to me... about four times. another two with water.

You'd think i'd have learned by then XD
Once I was out in the FAR  right corner of the map, with no structure in sight. I had a shit-load of my best weapons on me, 6 cured meats left, and 3 waters. I went straight into panick mode, and tentatively moved up into a blank area, hoping to find something that would save me. After two moves, I was down to my last water, when I came across an abandonned city.
After massacring everyone inside it, I then got to return to the outpost made from it's remains, and it filled my water and food long enough for me to reach another of my outposts.

I was so happy :)

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Well I got the lazer rifle early and loads of energy cells, link that with normal rifle, bayonet, two different swords and occasional grenades and everything dies in under 3 seconds. Then I managed to die of thirst twice whilst uncovering I'd say over 3/4 of the map. Finally had no good weapons left and couldn't be bothered re-making them yet again so completed the game lol

It was VERY addictive

A Dark Room

11 years ago


A Dark Room

11 years ago

You know what my fists kill in under two three seconds? EVERYTHING! 12 damage as well as extremely quick strikes


A Dark Room

11 years ago

lol, I actually tried to use a gun on one of my city conquest-runs. The gun was soo.....   slow.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

The gun fires faster than any of the melee weapons...

A Dark Room

11 years ago

You only died outside 4 times? Such weakness! 

I died so many times before and after the caravan in my hunt for alien alloys. ^.^

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Same here, I still only got four because I died so many times after getting it ^-^. I'm waiting to get the shitload of resources needed to manufacture it and reinforce the hull.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I had 7 hull and 5 engine. I didn't want to wait to buy more alloys from far away lands.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I took off with three of each and did fine.


I usually go out with a bone spear, iron sword, steel sword, bayonet (I found one quite early in the game, when I only had five huts), and a rifle. Never found a laser rifle, though.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

found a laser rifle, but died of starvation before I brought it home XD. And I have 2 hull and 4 engine, I'm trying to earn up to 700 scales and 1500 fur.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I got jumped by a soldier with 50 hp and at the time I only had leather and a bone spear when I found mine, so you can guess how that goes.


I wish there was a sell option, and an option to buy wood, because I had so much fucking wood and so little sulfur.


I took the mine over fairly easily, though. Just never figured out a real nice balance of c-whatevers and hunters, miners and tanners.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Dude, I just go full gatherers. Late in the game it doesn't really matter much (if you manage it like mine at least) and you get shitloads of wood.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I just stuck the the very edge the entire time, and let everything hit me (I had a seven hull)

I made it through having only been hit four times. Everywhere else was hell though.


You guys should know, you can go up as many times as you want without losing anything, it won't matter.

A Dark Room

11 years ago


A Dark Room

11 years ago


A Dark Room

11 years ago

This saddens me

A Dark Room

11 years ago


A Dark Room

11 years ago

Did you at least make it up yet?

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Nope. I go farther just sitting there clueless than dodging. Still foraging for furs while that recharges tho.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

No, you're doing it wrong!
Don't stay there in the middle dodging, go to the very edge of the screen, and NEVER MOVE.

You'll get hit (at the most) three times. that's how it worked for me. (you'll notice that objects almost never hit anything there)

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Heck, go to the end and dodge there. You'll get hit, like, once. 

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I only have two fucking hulls! I can't get hit three times XD

A Dark Room

11 years ago

lol I just dodged from the middle. Only got hit 3 times though. :D

It almost sounds like I was on an easy mode.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Dodged mostly in the middle and only got hit three times towards the end of the sequence. I had five hull and five engine though.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I had 7 hull and 9 engine, and stood at the extreme left the whole time.


Sill survived though, thanks for the advice

A Dark Room

10 years ago

When I played, I had about 3 hull and 20 engine, Took me like 15 seconds, lol.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Wow, I had no idea this thread existed. And it's huge.


Thanks for reposting the link End, awesome to see everyone here so into it. :D


Basically just skimmed the thread for now, but I didn't notice this brought up, so for those of you who haven't beaten it yet, one super helpful tip I didn't figure out till late in my first game is that while traveling on the world map, stay on the roads whenever you can to avoid all random encounters.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

There are roads?

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Since I'm on my iPod I wondered if I could play. So I clicked on the link and it comes up with a black and white page  there's Stoke fire in the center. My first thought was

"What the heck is this?"

I came to find out this was the game. I was so confused. It's one of those games where don't actually see the characters and such like a platform game. 

Thanks for saying that. I thought it was my iPod. XD

A Dark Room

11 years ago

To Drak:

Yeah, there are roads. I didn't think to mention them since I figured everyone knew about them already.

Basically if you look at the exploration map there are certain sections that look like little "#" signs. (Well that's what they look like to me) When you first go exploring, that terrain is surrounding the village and if you stay on it, you'll be safe from attack.

As you start conquering cities, caves and such, you'll notice that the "#" terrain starts expanding and creates little roads to the outposts. Its a good way of getting to farther unexplored areas quicker without having to fight every two steps.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

This game is addicting!

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I'm ashamed, I knew the pound symbols were safe because I was never attacked on them (and I spent much of the late game hunting beasties for scales so that annoyed me at first) but I never made the connection between them and roads XD

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Just achieved my eighth perk (no, still haven't left yet :P) Precise: land blows more often

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Ha! Made it out! Now what...

A Dark Room

11 years ago


A Dark Room

11 years ago

I meant personality, I think I'm gonna be a ruthless warlord. Nobody gets free stay or resources unless it's the old wanderer who gives me perks XD

A Dark Room

11 years ago

I did ruthless warlord, I never saw the old bastard again :(

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Oh well. On a side note, guess who has the Boxer perk again ;)

A Dark Room

11 years ago

What does that do?

A Dark Room

11 years ago

It begins your ascension to god-hood. You will be able to smite all of those who oppose you... ^.^

A Dark Room

11 years ago

For everyone with wood troubles, if you refresh the page, you can gather wood again.

A Dark Room

11 years ago

Or just set everyone to gathering while you go clean the house or watch TV or whatever.


Then do the same for hunting. Then move everyone to curing meat. And once you have enough of that that you could theoretically reach the stars via a tower of jerky, set your entire population to making coal and iron and steel and sulphur full blast. 


Though honestly about all I ever did with the higher end stuff was make bullets, and all you need is a pile of a hundred or so to see your through since you find them so often as well. 


Towards the end I still had way more use for teeth and scales for bolas and energy cells than anything else...I never even had to actually make a regular rifle for myself since I had a stack of like 10 stolen ones.


My ship was something like 12/12 by the time my OCD need to explore the entire map had been satisfied.


A Dark Room

11 years ago

That actually doesn't do anything. It will bump you back to your last autosave. I would know since I tried that a few times. lol

A Dark Room

10 years ago

Just got back onto this again...I'm back at building a village.

Edit : Just got a charm.

A Dark Room

10 years ago

Must.... Resist... Joining in! 

A Dark Room

10 years ago

Do it.

A Dark Room

10 years ago

Will do this again this weekend. Some of the new members really need to play this. @ecolyte @TacocaT @jamescoker1226 @nmelssx @the_quiller

A Dark Room

10 years ago

Why have you summoned me here?

A Dark Room

10 years ago

Hello ^ What are we playing?

EDIT: Oh, this looks like fun ^ I'll have to try it :P

A Dark Room

10 years ago

Amazing game - I actually played this as an app on my phone when it came out a few years ago, but I had no idea there was a browser version.


Have any of you tried beating the game without building a single hut yet?

A Dark Room

10 years ago

I don't believe the alternate ending exists in the browser version, as the villagers aren't actually slaves there.

A Dark Room

10 years ago

Interesting! I'll give this a playthrough then - I'm curious what the differences are.

A Dark Room

10 years ago

The iOS version is simply more updated, if anything.  The browser is a little more bare-bones with things, but other than lacking the alternate ending (I think, since no one ever mentioned about villagers being slaves), it's not too far from the newer, updated one.

Also, the iOS had a recent re-vamp of the alternate ending, which hasn't been attained yet.

A Dark Room

10 years ago

Gotcha. Good to know, thanks.

A Dark Room

10 years ago



A Dark Room

10 years ago

I've got the app. A friend introduced me to it a while ago and I am now hooked. You have to stoke the fire when it lowers a level, but I once left it as an experiment and I didn't die or anything, so I don't think it matters too much. At the start, I was just stoking it lots, but it turns out this just wastes your wood. Is anyone up to the starship yet? If so, do you know what you are meant to do with it and if flying it is pointless or not?

A Dark Room

10 years ago

You need the starship in order to reach the ending of the game. Once you've found both the starship and the sulfur mine, it should let you upgrade and fly it.

A Dark Room

10 years ago

Yeah, I've been upgrading it slowly, I just keep destroying my starship every time I try to fly it. Do you just have to keep trying til the starship gets somewhere?

A Dark Room

10 years ago

Pretty much. You need to survive for about a minute or so. Try sticking to the very far right edge, or going out to search for more alien alloy until you can upgrade the ship hull strong enough to get through to the end.

A Dark Room

10 years ago

Cool. Thanks! I might go try that now.... :)

A Dark Room

6 years ago

Quiller still fucking sucked.

A Dark Room

6 years ago
I had a notification inflicted on me for this?