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6 years ago
Commended by Ford on 7/22/2023 11:03:20 AM

Hi there.
Heard that it's rude to start speaking(or posting forum answers) before introducing oneself first, so here we go.
I'm not a native speaker, and I hope my writings won't be unreadable because of that. Not that I make a lot of mistaktes, but still.

Speaking of writings : my main objective is to write a CYOA about WW1. I'm still gathering data and defining the plot. I want it to be as realistic as possible, and of great quality.

Which means I ain't ready yet. So that's why I'm starting by writing a zombie CYOA. It's just an way to exercise and won't be published - but I'll ask for feedbacks with sneakpeek when it's finished.

Also, new member of the lowercase username clan. And of the "I was 12 when I choose this username" clan.
ps: I did read the article. And I'm using advanced editor (because, why not).

Glad to meet y'all!


6 years ago
Welcome to the site!


6 years ago

Welcome! Your project seems interesting, I hope I'll be able to read it sometime in the future but take all the time you need. Always wear your lowercase username with pride.


6 years ago
Well you're hardly a newbie, but welcome! A WWI story sounds like it could be really interesting, people mostly seem to want to write about WWII when we get those kinds of stories at all.

The advanced editor is a good choice, it was changed to the default for new games how without all the scary warning messages about not being able to change back because it really does make a lot of things simpler as far as organization and the like even if you're not using extensive scripting.

Lowercase names with an m and a z are the path to success here so I'm sure you'll do fine.


6 years ago

Yeah, people have more interest in what they see in movies, what they have shitload of archives of and what happened less than a century ago. Also, nazis.
Whereas the WW1 is seen as a useless slaughter of nameless men, on only one front and an overuse of disposables forces and artillery :/ "no glory in that" one would say.
Still it'll be a hassle to balance, between long exposition and quick deaths :D

And yes I have been a long time lurker, it was time to see some involvement from my part


6 years ago

The lowercase username clan has mixers every Tuesday and Thursday, so be sure to mark your calendar and bring a friend.

Welcome. By the way, I think it's funny you misspelled "mistakes".  


6 years ago

damn, son, you're right :o
I'm usually more afraid to use a word in a wrong way or to build a sentence that makes no sense. I guess i checked the sentence at that moment and not what I was typing.


6 years ago
I assumed it was intentional.


6 years ago

Greetings and best of luck to you. World War I is a great topic. I can understand why that'd take you a while on the research-front. Writing your Zombie Apocalypse Storygame will give you some experience which will come in handy later when you do the Historical one. Be sure to read as many Storygames on this site so you can get a better idea as to possible options you might have in doing your own stuff. 


6 years ago


6 years ago

 Should probably find a bathroom...