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hi im new

2 years ago
any tips anyone?

hi im new

2 years ago
Read the top rated storygames, they'll give you a sense of what's wanted and celebrated around here.

Read the articles too, especially if you're thinking of going into something with scripting(not recommended for newbies)

Get used to writing a lot if you're spending your time here. (proper introductions help, too.)

hi im new

2 years ago
Try @'ing Endmaster 3+ times, he's one of the most helpful members around here. (Syntax: "@ Endmaster" without the space.)

hi im new

2 years ago
What class is your Egypt storygame for?

For school protects we usually recommend not publishing them officially unless you're confident in their ability to stand up beside other stories on the site and are willing to take criticism from other users. You can just share the URL with your teacher and whoever else.

hi im new

2 years ago
that's what i'm planning on doing

btw its for social studies

hi im new

2 years ago

We need to talk.

hi im new

2 years ago


hi im new

2 years ago
"For school protects we usually recommend not publishing them officially unless you're confident in their ability to stand up beside other stories on the site and are willing to take criticism from other users. You can just share the URL with your teacher and whoever else."


Well, she was just slightly miffed that you've agreed, then completely disregarded it.

hi im new

2 years ago
Welcome to the site, I do hope you enjoy your time here!

hi im new

2 years ago

Wait, your school blocked Infinite Story? I wonder if that's due to all the ad pop ups they have there now (Along with the increased degenerate stories over there)

hi im new

2 years ago
Mine did, it was very sad :(

hi im new

2 years ago
Seeing how 'Explicit Pokemon Adventures' is still listed as the most popular over there, and the newest list includes at least one of those weirdo pee stories, I'd say it's about damn time.

Anyway, the kid is in the right place. Your stories were the only ones really worth reading over there, and now you're over here.

cooldude, you should rate Endmaster's stories up on IS whenever you do get the chance though, you can get some points here for it.

hi im new

2 years ago

made a pretty cool thing on infinite story

(my account is cooldude82343 just like on here
they blocked infinite story and then i tired doing it with croxyproxy (croxyproxy is weird with infinite story, it makes you sign in every times you click on anything.)

found this when i searched cyoa makers. i hope i can make some cool things on here. so far the interactivity with this site is a lot better than infinite story. it's really not that hard to learn on your own lol

anyways i do like this better, so far it has more interesting stories and a better and more helpful community. i'm gonna use this a lot more than infinite story, considering the fact that it's unblocked, has a better community, more interaction, no(t much) coding, and, well, yeah. okay my hands are getting tired

hi im new

2 years ago
Yeah it's pretty sad how IS has gone downhill. End and I both started out over there years ago but there's just no community anymore, the perverts have started to move in and at least on mobile the ads are extremely annoying and constantly get in the way when trying to do things.

Let us know if you have any questions about using the CYS editor.

I'll just add though that since this is a writing site, people on the forum prefer seeing the use of grammar and some amount of effort in posts. Not a big deal in a newbie thread of course but if you're going to be wandering around in other threads later, it may annoy people if you post like you would in a text or chat server or something.

Anyway, looking forward to seeing what you come up with. The biggest difference between here and Infinite Story I think is just that stories here have a published/unpublished state, and are expected to be finished and as polished as possible with no loose or dead ends when they're published.

hi im new

2 years ago

Time to write like I don't usually do in threads. I never use shift. Thanks, and I hope to see you around the site.


- cooldude82343
quick note: i like italics so you'll see them in my posts

hi im new

2 years ago
You could use caps lock instead; it's easier than pressing shift all of the time. I would use it myself, but my caps lock key is broken.

hi im new

2 years ago
If you're planning to do a lot of writing, and want to include images and such, try turning off the RTE.

In that case, though, you'll need to use HTML to add in fancy stuff.

hi im new

2 years ago
Slightly concerned that your hands are tired after typing only that chunk of text, may want to work on typing posture and all that.

hi im new

2 years ago
Good luck~

hi im new

2 years ago

rip cooldude82343 2021-2021

hi im new

2 years ago

lol this thread is so old.

No I am not dead.

hi im new

2 years ago

rip cooldude82343 2021-2022

hi im new

one year ago

Nah bro hes alive