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Character Customization

one year ago
My question is on the first page could I have a bunch of options to choose from like hair colors, different types of facial hair, skin colors, clothes, and so on or would that make it impossible to write all those different stories or could I just have all options leading to the same progression without really referencing those choices at all, does that make it kind of pointless or is it nice to have the choice to choose what kind of character you'd like to be?

Character Customization

one year ago

You could incorporate these aesthetic choices with some variable work and on-page variable magic. It will take a bit more effort though and some reading up. I'll link those articles below. This one helped in particular.


I wouldnt advise you to make these choices meaningless though; readers will know and will comment on it. 

Or you can skip all these appearance choices all together if they don't matter to the plot which is frankly the easiest thing to do.

Character Customization

one year ago

I wouldn't bother. There are some sites where people really like that sort of customization, but people here generally prefer distinct narrators to customizable one.

Character Customization

one year ago
Thanks both!

Character Customization

one year ago
Yeah, it's doable with on page scripting, but it'd be a pretty tedious process for something readers here don't really care about. You'd be better off spending that time developing your characters and expanding and polishing your story imo.