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Any storybooks here with stats

7 months ago
I just wanna play storybooks with stats. Any recommendations?

Any storybooks here with stats

7 months ago

If you're looking for a typical dungeon crawl, these two might interest you. They both include extensive use of stats to explore a dnd-themed dungeon. Dungeon stompage (by Berka Zerka) is more narrative-based while secrets of the crag (by me) is more exploration-based.

Dungeon Stompage

Secrets of the Crag

The Price of Freedom (By Avery Moore) has a lot of stats, but they don't impact game play until the final scene. The game is a part one of an unfinished series, but it's very well written.

The Price of Freedom

I know there are more, but this is all that jumps immediately to mind. Most people on this website perfer narrative-focused games with fewer stats.

Any storybooks here with stats

7 months ago
You could always put yours back up.

Any storybooks here with stats

7 months ago

Man I keep forgetting about that one. I'll fix it eventually. Tomorrow.

Any storybooks here with stats

7 months ago
Stats like an RPG or just lots of numbers?

Lots of Numbers

RPG stats

Any storybooks here with stats

7 months ago
You might like the Terra Proxima games. They don't have stats exactly but the one I played so far was designed like an old (printed) gamebook with skills, hp, luck, and ammo that the player tracked by hand.

It was short but would take some time to win if you were playing honestly, and the retro concept was an interesting one. I wouldn't mind seeing more like it.

Any storybooks here with stats

7 months ago

Any storybooks here with stats

7 months ago
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