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What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

27 days ago
I just got here, n im already loving it. I dabled in CYS coding, n even made a technical demo. I'd really like to share it with yall, but it's not really a story... Single page with pretty moving elements. How should I go abt showcasing that? I would also like to write a few how-to's on levereging JavaScript when writing stories with complex logic. Is that okay?

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

27 days ago
If you want to share something without fully publishing it you can enable Sneak Preview for that game. That way people will be able to find and play it with a link. As for JavaScript stuff I'm pretty sure people won't mind. Brahma knows this place could use some tech form this century.

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

26 days ago
Thank you! Is this what you meant by link?

Can't wait to show you guys what wonders are possible! CYS is just functional enough to allow JavaScripts from diff pages to communicate information, which is all you really need.

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

26 days ago
Yep, already tested it out and it works no problem besides me needing to refresh 10 times to get enough blocks for the algorithm to not die out on the first iteration. Runs smooth even with the delay set to 0

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

26 days ago
Aww, what a shame! It's supposed to look cleaner but browser compatibility wasn't on my mind ehile writing it. Will make an improved version soon tho, maybe even figure out how to allow players to edit the canvas.

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

26 days ago
Probably a good idea to not use me as a test base for visual formatting considering I use a modified privacy browser on a literally never updated barebones install of Linux so it might as well be my fault not yours.

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

26 days ago
I'm no less linuxy than you, which makes you a perfect test base!! I wanna make sure it works on all kinds of weird and wonky os-browser pairs! :3

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

26 days ago
In that case if you ever need me to test anything feel free to PM me. I don't do much work in JavaScript because I have a certain level of self respect as a programmer, but I did dabble in it at some point.

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

25 days ago
All of the incompatibilities *should* be fixed!

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

25 days ago
It does work and look better. Dynamic canvas scales a bit too big on my horizontal monitor, but does better on the vertical display. Still a huge jump in polish between version 1 and 2.

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

26 days ago

Doesn't work on my version 89 firefox browser no matter how much I refresh. Worked immediately on chrome though.

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

25 days ago
Please try again!!

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

24 days ago

Still a nope, but I was just memeing anyway. Like 20% of the internet doesn't work with my 2021 browser.

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

24 days ago

If you got a fairly modern phone, it might work on that. Worked on mine after I couldn't get it to work on my ancient laptop.

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

24 days ago
Exploring the internet with a browser that has not changed since the cancelation of MLP:FiM keeps Cel in a parallel universe, protected from junk information.

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

24 days ago
If you've got the inspector, you can check the console to see what type of error message it's throwing. Would be helpful in making it compatible, although I suspect I already know what it will be. Even though I aimed for compatibility, I didn't go tryhard mode, and there are many things I could write different.

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

24 days ago

Uncaught TypeError: ctx.reset is not a function

    Choo 3




What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

23 days ago

That is so cool. I feel like you guys who are ninja with javascript and stuff like that are magicians and I am like a caveman. I don't know HOW you are able to change the properties of games like that. Do you just get a link or something from javacript and add it to the story somewhere? Anyway, welcome to the site! Sit down by the fire, grab a drink and make yourself comfortable

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

23 days ago
I think the code is uploaded somewhere else and then referenced by a script inserted in the storygame. But my understanding of javascript is pretty shaky.

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

22 days ago
This is also a valid way to do it, but it's too cumbersome for me

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

22 days ago
The %PAGETEXT variable allows for HTML insertion. I simply inserted a scriot block and I basically have full control over the site page, since all script blocks are global

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

26 days ago
Welcome to the site. You might want to add Brad's extension for dark mode and some extra features you can toggle on in your profile.

The editor was more or less intended for emulating physical gamebooks, but people have used HTML or Javascript to do some extra fun things before, I imagine there'd be a certain amount of interest. Maybe this could be something you got together with Brad on, he already knows all the secrets.

JohnX's Altair game and what he's done with that is one you might be interested in.

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

26 days ago
I really dig the extensions already! I would definitely love to chat with Brad. Gonna fhack out the game later tonight.

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

26 days ago

Oooooh! A coder. You may stay. ^_^

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

25 days ago
Aww!! Thank you! :3
I just finished polishing it and I think I'll leave it at that. I'm not gonna make it prettier than this.

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

25 days ago
Cool little demo. I haven't done anything in javascript in years, but this si a nice implementation of GoL.

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

25 days ago
Thank you!! I'm so proud too!! There is more optimisation that may be done, but I think ive had enough lmao

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

25 days ago
You sound like just the kind of person MHD has been hoping to stumble across to help make her quirky storygame ideas a wonderful reality!

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

25 days ago
Is MHD their username? I'll send them a message.

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

25 days ago

Short for MadHattersDaughter

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

25 days ago
Thank you!

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

24 days ago
I hope you have an amazing time here btw!

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

24 days ago
Thank you! I'm certainly enjoying this place

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

23 days ago

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

22 days ago
Oh wow!! This is immensely helpful...

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet

22 days ago
I was actually thinking of using cookies to store variables accross pages, but I'm exploring other ootions too.