I didn't manage to get them all in. But a lot were in their as references within stories or as prompts. Like there's a princess, and a dragon-man and a dragon-horse if not an actual dragon, a hospital, a plague, a tidally-locked planet, snow, Atilla the Hun, Cleopatra (though not directly named,) a lunatic empress as a character, a map, a winter horror ballad, the ambitious son of a minor noble, frozen isles in the north, I *think* a reference to a tribe of cannibals but can't remember where - there is blood-drinking, though - there's a jackass and a honeycomb (no dwarf though, and in different stories,) a mad scientist and mutant creatures, I think a reference to a girl in a red hood somewhere, recently conquered territory, taverns, a goatherder fable in one of the endings, a couple fables that involve finding a hidden treasure, a graveyard tryst, a talking bear, and the 'diversity' prompt in "Ichel's Day of Love" (including a [bucket] of piss as a character.)
Initially I wanted to throw them all in, but realized that would detract from the main story, so I just incorporated the references where I could as sort of Easter Eggs.