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Year's End Contest Results

5 years ago
The site got two featured stories and several other quality stories out of the contest. Officially deemed a success.

Winner: Enterpride - A Treatise on Heartly Matters

2nd Place: Camelon - The Book of Vanishing Tales

3rd Place: Shadowdrake27 - Merlin: Origins

All the first place votes went to either Camelon (3) or Enterpride (2). Enterpride and Shadow made every judge card.

Cricket had no way of knowing this, but Cricket's card helped us avoid another tie. Golf clap for Cricket. My next contest (late 2020) will have a tie breaker in the rules. We can discuss what that will be in about 10 months.

In other news, Mara no longer gets to complain that she can't attain a good story rating. And let us not forget, corgi and coins are lazy; Digit didn't write about Snow. And Ford outperformed all three of them.

Year's End Contest Results

5 years ago
Ur welcome

Year's End Contest Results

5 years ago
Congrats to all who placed, but really the fact that Ford made a noticeable effort was the most shocking thing to me.

Year's End Contest Results

5 years ago
Congratulations to the winners!!!

Year's End Contest Results

5 years ago


Year's End Contest Results

5 years ago
You were one of Gower's favorites. Really too bad about that whole timezone mixup, I'm pretty sure you would've placed without it.

Year's End Contest Results

5 years ago

Yeah... Next contest I'll just post a day early so I don't even have to worry about timezones. 

Year's End Contest Results

5 years ago

I really liked yours.

Year's End Contest Results

5 years ago

Thanks! Obviously yours was amazing! 

Year's End Contest Results

5 years ago

Thank you. :) Interestingly enough, we both used a similar concept of crafting different tales that share a core item/setting but differ in one element. (I did throw in a graveyard tryst prompt in one of my stories - the waitress at the Salty Fiddle tavern gives that as a prompt. But if you ask the sailor, he chooses the Alus sea, which gets a short ballad about a wintery sea. A lot of Bucky's prompts made it in.)

I liked how moody and contemplative and creepy yours got. Out of all the stories it's probably the one I've played through the most times and enjoyed the most. Though I also loved Enterpride's command of setting and language, the structure of yours was more personally compelling.

Year's End Contest Results

5 years ago
Mizal will be displeased to learn that she's not the only one hoarding my contest prompts.

Year's End Contest Results

5 years ago

I didn't manage to get them all in. But a lot were in their as references within stories or as prompts. Like there's a princess, and a dragon-man and a dragon-horse if not an actual dragon, a hospital, a plague, a tidally-locked planet, snow, Atilla the Hun, Cleopatra (though not directly named,) a lunatic empress as a character, a map, a winter horror ballad, the ambitious son of a minor noble, frozen isles in the north, I *think* a reference to a tribe of cannibals but can't remember where - there is blood-drinking, though - there's a jackass and a honeycomb (no dwarf though, and in different stories,) a mad scientist and mutant creatures, I think a reference to a girl in a red hood somewhere, recently conquered territory, taverns, a goatherder fable in one of the endings, a couple fables that involve finding a hidden treasure, a graveyard tryst, a talking bear, and the 'diversity' prompt in "Ichel's Day of Love" (including a [bucket] of piss as a character.)

Initially I wanted to throw them all in, but realized that would detract from the main story, so I just incorporated the references where I could as sort of Easter Eggs.

Year's End Contest Results

5 years ago

I noticed the graveyard tryst in your story and was like 'wait a second'. I remember wondering if you took a bit from each prompt, but I never went back to check so I appreciate the confirmation!