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Seth's Kickstarter Scam

8 years ago

Kickstarter page here

(I can't figure out how to get the cool widget to work properly. Yes, someone with better coding skills is working on the actual game.)

Seth's Kickstarter Scam

8 years ago

(Visual novels, for non-otaku, are like a choose-your-own-adventure, but with pictures and music.) 

This one is part of the ever-popular "transfer student discovers their new school is weird" genre.  
In this case, it turns out to be populated entirely by demons. 
Fortunately, you aren't the usual faceless everyman VN protagonist.  You're a serial killer.  

The basic game has demon hunters, succubi, werewolves, and over 20 different endings. 
You can play as male or female, each with their own unique storyline, and there are male and female optional romance sidequests for both characters. 

There are also options to fund extended editions of the game.  These take the basic edition and add new content:

This is the version I would buy, if I were purchasing the game instead of writing it.
New romance options, more characters, and a whole new storyline focused on the relationship-building aspect of the game. 

I was actually thinking of @EndMaster when I made this version.  XD  Specifically, the several times he's complained about Bioware mucking up the story with pointless romance sidequests.  So, this is for you: a version focused on grimdark.  
More 'bad' endings, more options for NPC death, and a whole new storyline focused on the serial-killer aspect of the game.
Yes, the basic edition's romance is still in there, but you can ignore it.  In fact, you can kill off all the love interests so you don't have to worry about accidentally triggering a love story. 

The Ultra-Deluxe version of the game.  Has all the content from both Lovely and Deadly editions, as well as a third completely new storyline.

Seth's Kickstarter Scam

8 years ago

Unnecessary personal details; I'm having surgery at the end of September, and they're telling me the recovery time is at least a month.  Unfortunately, my job only pays half wage for short term disability. So, I'm trying to find something I can do to make up for lost wages.  And my options are kinda limited by the fact that I can't do much that isn't just using a computer.

If I can get this funded, I can afford to take medical leave. And I'll have 50+ hours a week to devote solely to the creation of this story.

Seth's Kickstarter Scam

5 months ago
Commended by Mizal on 10/7/2024 9:31:58 AM

Hey I'm just wondering when this one is coming out 

Seth's Kickstarter Scam

5 months ago

Considering who was funding it, you'd probably have to find the county he lives in and make a public records request with the police department.

Seth's Kickstarter Scam

8 years ago

Pledged for the "Devilish Double Deluxe Edition" - figured the full experience would be the best way to enjoy it. 

I wish you the best with your surgery, and hopefully you're able to get it funded so you can take that medical leave. 

Seth's Kickstarter Scam

8 years ago
I wish I could pledge for the OC Character creation.

Having my character in this would be awesome x3

But...Money >.>

Seth's Kickstarter Scam

8 years ago
backing this costs about as much as the last book I bought; and it's a better cause than when I usually buy a book

get well soon <3

Seth's Kickstarter Scam

8 years ago

Can't pledge but I wish you well on your surgery Seth, wish I could have helped you out :(

Seth's Kickstarter Scam

4 years ago

guys i don't think this game is gonna happen 

Seth's Kickstarter Scam

4 years ago
You bump this one but not Taco's furry art thread she made to raise money just for him? That was the more entertaining one iirc.

Seth's Kickstarter Scam

4 years ago

grifter mod seth and pedo mod kiel are grooming kids together in internet hell 

Seth's Kickstarter Scam

4 years ago

Might as well dig up this gem for this thread.

Way back in the Bantastic Thread, while we were all busily kicking that faggot Saika around and other fucktards, Malk decided to go on an unrelated rant against Seth's conman ways.

Malk's original post was funny, but I felt it could have been better, so naturally I edited it to make it better. However, I kept coming up with more shit to add so it looked like Malk was just getting angrier and angrier thinking about what Seth did and just displaying his unbridled hatred for the scum.

Anyway here's the final form of "Malk's rant" since it still applies (And always will).


Since we're digging up the fucking past, just gonna post this shit here to let everyone fucking know that fucking faggot Seth stole from the fucking community and spent the fucking proceeds on fucking opiates like a goddamn hopeless fucking junkie.

Dude’s just a real piece of fucking shit, I hope he gets fucking AIDS from the fucking dirty needles he’s using, and a fucking stomach parasite eats his goddamn fucking intestines out to his fucking asshole.

Then as he lies dying like a fucking concentration camp victim all gross and laying in his own bloody shit, I hope his fucking wife leaves him for some big fucking smooth pimp daddy soul brother motherfucker and sells her fucking skank ass for five dollars a trick until she eventually gets stabbed to fucking death by a fucking serial killer wearing a fucking knife on his nine inch fucking cock.

Then as he hears that fucking news when he’s finally in his last stages of fucking cancer of the balls making them swell up bigger than the elephant man’s fucking head, a single tear rolls down his sunken fucking cheek realizing that he brought ALL of this on himself.

And THAT will be the fucking story of him.

Rest in fucking Hell asshole.

Seth's Kickstarter Scam

4 years ago
It worked so well because it's not that far off something Malk would have posted anyway.