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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

I mean, I've seen several drawing request threads, and all that. But I dunno about commissions. Are we allowed to do that here?



I can also do a single person, without anyone else.

Or animals. (<- for something of this quality, there must be several visual references depicting what you want from which one)

Or furries.

(If you haven't noticed already, all the ones I'm linking on my da page have either no color, or just a single color in a small area as an accent. Though there are others with well done full color ones on my da page, I'd prefer to find a quicker way to do color since currently a fully colored pic takes like ten hours. Only a minor exaggeration)

$1 - Either 2 people/furries, where they are Giant/tiny. Or just one person/animal/furry alone.
$2 - For especially hard poses or difficult perspective or excessive amount of decoration.
For one person alone, I'd be willing to do a single accent color for an extra $1.

For something of the quality of the Dragon Sketch linked above, we can negotiate on a price. It'll be more or less depending on what you're asking for, and you'll need many reference pictures for me to draw traits and perspective from. I'm thinking somewhere around $3-$10 for them.

So, lets say you want a silly scene. A furry bowing down to a tiny on a throne with an owl eyeing the tiny like they're a tasty snack, and another person panicking and trying to shoo the owl away. (you'd need alot more detail on what the people look like etc, but lets keep it simple for now.)

Leaning towards 2 for the furry since having anyone in a bowed position is hard, though I'd be alright with 1. 1 for the owl. And 1 for both the person shooing away the bird and the tiny on the throne. So, $3/$4.

Send it to my Seth's kickstarter instead and pass me proof that you did it.

I will only take 5 commissions at a time. When one is done, I'll accept another sort of thing. Commissions may be terminated at any time, for various reasons, therefore do not pay until I have the piece finished and ready to send to you. And I may not do them in order of which ones I accept first.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

Do Not Reply To This Post Or I'll Kill You. ^_^ I will potentially be editing it frequently.

Pending Commissions From:

Accepted Commissions From:

1. Open Spot
2. Eshspoyeofdoom
3. Zaghero
4. Chris
5. Mell

Finished Commissions From:


This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

I saw the words "Giant/Tiny" "Furry" and "Deviantart". You're not allowed to post porn here, no matter how esoteric and SFW it might be!

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

I'm not! I suppose I should have made it clear before, but I'm not doing anything that'd be above a pg-13 level.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago
PG-13 would include topless women and man ass though.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

And one use of the word "fuck". 

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

Do you accept Dogecoin? 

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

This isn't for me. This is for Seth. Ya know, his kickstarter so he can take medical leave without worry over financial issues?

I don't care how you pay, as long as kickstarter accepts it and it helps Seth out.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

Oh, then I expect you'll find Dogecoin quite useless. It's mostly just a fun cryptocurrency. 

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

Still say I make a good looking wolf. xD This is awesome of you, Taco. Hm. Maybe I should start offering stuff, too... "stuff"... might take the mangled remains of my cock out of this here trenchcoat, if we're sharing stuff. 

This Thread is Cursed

18 days ago

Awwwwe. Is that what your furry littles told you to cheer you up after your wife left you? Or was it when the hospital fired you, after they walked in on you harvesting cadaver dicks for your 'special surgery?'

Of course, being the complete degenerate you are, that didn't stop you from hiring the Bangladeshi 'surgeon' who dropped out of medical school. You got your pig dick, but ended up having Seth run a kickstarter for ya after it turned out he ran off with both your kidneys too.

Hopefully you've blown your brains out by now after finding out you have AIDS.

This Thread is Cursed

18 days ago

On a serious note, I genuinely fucking hate you. My first friend on this site was either a alt of yours or someone who you were abusing into helping you with your furry ring. You and Seth (who also may or may not be you, although considering you guys were both mods, I'd say probably not) exploited young, impressionable people. I could have been one of them. For the last several years, I've just looked at you with distaste. But finding out recently what I know now, about how many people you may or may not have roped into this... you sicken me.

You are a manipulative predatory sociopath. I know people who were groomed at a young age, and STILL cannot handle being in any type of intimate situation or even friendship past a certain point 20 years later. The effect that you had and probably still have on the psyches of your victims... if you are still alive, I genuinely hope there is some small part of you still coherent enough to feel some type of remorse for what you've done. 

I doubt it.

This Thread is Cursed

18 days ago

Okay. I needed to say that after the last couple days of processing this. I'll drop it now.

This Thread is Cursed

18 days ago

Jesus fucking christ man. Not only have you re-exposed us all to Kiel posts, but you've re-exposed me to 2016 Sentinel. This shit is why we need to make cats that glow when you get too close to cursed threads.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

Alright, having actually seen your drawings, I can safely determine that it's not porn... Except maybe the Kiel one. You can never tell with Kiel, because he's just such a MILF. I'd also like to pretend that your depiction of Lapis Lazuli is in the middle of a Zui Quan routine.  I just saw the way her arms and hands were posed and couldn't un-see it.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

MILF... ? xD You've been talking to Ford too much again about me being a pedophile, haven't you?

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

I don't see what Ford has to do with you being a Man Imbued with Lavish Fuckability.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

<deleted comment here>

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

Geez, Taco. That was really uncalled for.

I feel personally insulted.

Honestly, it was almost racist.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

I honestly can't think of a response to that. xD ... >///>

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

No need, I know it can be hard to deal with. As a fellow MILF, I struggle with my beauty on a daily basis.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago
fuck you my abs hurt and I fucking died laughing at "as a fellow MILF" Dx lol

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

Same, Ford.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago


I am still thinking about that xD

MILF lol

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago
If anyone donates $10 I'll cover a song for you or write one on piano. Proof of ability

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

That's really well done. ^_^

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

I can pay you in pocket lint and maybe a nickel.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

I don't think an nickel will go very far when seth needs another $428 (someone else has offered to cover the other half if he gets to $750)

Although, then again, I doubt a $1 will do much either.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

Lol, it was a joke. Too poor to actually do that.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago



Thanks to IronPanther, the next 5 commissions are covered.

1 drawing per person, for 5 people.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

... What?

Free stuff?

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago


This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

Can I have a free thing?

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago


This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

In that case, I will PM you a thingy.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

Sure, if you wanna for me. ^-^
I'm not too picky with things, so like, maybe kinda looks like me? But have fun with it, that's what arts supposed to be right? ^-^

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

*doodles devil horns and a pitch fork and a tail with an angel halo on a stick*

It's perfect!

In all seriousness though, are you sure that's it? You don't want anything else? No specific detail? Poses? Accessories? Slashy? I mean, comeon, this is supposed to be a commission, not just a doodle what you feel like. XD

(this goes for esh too. And Tim. XD)

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

Maybe you could add slashy. ^-^ Hold on I can send a drawing I've done of us two as reference.. But like... I dunno, cuddling? XD

(Edit: BOOP )


This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

How was I not aware of this?

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

Sssssss not ur comison bich

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

Awww... how romantic! 

But personally... I don't really care. I have nothing to do with this. This is none of my business. 

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

That guy's face tho

It's too good XD

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

When you find the perfect characters to ship.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

Oh god that face is beautiful..

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

Y'know what.


You asked for it.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

You know what? You're right. I really want a picture of me and Tim buttfucking... yeah... if you could do that, thanks!


If it's possible... I'll be on top of a burning bus firing my uzi's at a horde of zombies with a ruined city in the distance...

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

Sorry, but that's not gonna happen. 

Alright, cool.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

I'm kidding! XD

Great! Thanks!

Here's some music to help you...

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

Oh wow, hadn't realized about any of this.

Hrm...I don't support Kickstarters on principle unless they're by a team with a proven record, and my interest in traditional VNs even when normally priced can be measured in the negatives. Sooo, @Sethaniel, any way to just donate directly?  (Suprised you went this route instead of a more traditional CYOA honestly...COG is enjoying a lot of popularity right now and obviously you've got a built in audience. Meanwhile EVNs are extremely niche, and so much depends on the art....)  

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

I saw this on BHB.

... I mean, technically, I COULD buy the top thingy and have Tim forever embedded as a character, but then I wouldn't be able to eat or live in a house.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

We can do free stuff now?

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

Thanks to IronPanther, 5 people can get 1 commission free. Tim has taken one already, so there's four left.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

It's like Mom's cookies.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago




Yeah... I'll take one please.



This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

Join the dark side and get a cookie. >:3


So, you can send me a pm detailing what you want, or you can post it here.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago







M'kay. Thanks!


Just draw a picture of me (my profile pic) in a tux, firing dual uzis.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

Cool. Any specific pose and whatnot?

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

Just arms stretched out... thats it.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

How would we send money to you?

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

You don't send to Taco.

You send to Seth's kickstarter and provide proof you've done so.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

Hm. How would we do that? Don't you need a credit card, or Paypal?

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

Wait, free drawings? Nice. Can you draw my avatar standing back to back with Chris' ?

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

Spell ICUP nigga

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

Lapis Lazuli with a wine gourd, using drunken kung fu to fight a tiny person of your choosing. Or fighting nothing, if that'd cost more and get in the way of another person's commission.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

The 5 free slots from IronPanther are taken. Do you have a way to send stuff to Seth's kickstarter?

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

VNs are not my N of choice, pointedly not schanime ones, so I'd have no use donating for any reason other than the fact that it's for an internet acquaintance... Which is generally the worst reason to invest in something you never plan on playing. But, if they're taken, then my intentions to take up my "Fair" share of space and get other people who were genuinely interested in one thing or the other donating, as opposed to not donating, are pretty much fulfilled. Feel free to not do it.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

You'd be paying to get the art, Sent. That's kinda the point of this whole thing.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

Drawings are nice, but I'm not really up for spending an hour and a half making an account and giving it all my numbers to pay for a thing that might actually end up sending it back to me. Feels like effort I could put into other things.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

Yeah, pretty much my feelings too. I was/am willing to donate directly if Seth is really strapped for cash, (minus the step of buying drawings from a little girl though this whole thread is a really sweet idea)  but in that case it would be helping out an internet acquaintance, not paying over my limit on even most triple A games for a VN I'll never play.

Even for genres I'm into it's very, very rare I'd put forward money for a kickstarter, and definitely not for games still in the 'handful of concept sketches and one sentence description' stage of development. I understand he's got a lot more important stuff going on and probably had to rush it out, but I don't see funding for the game really taking off (though honestly so far it's doing better than I expected) until there's something more concrete to show and a concentrated effort to make people aware of it.  Even for really professional pitches with screenshots and videos of gameplay included, I've rarely had good experiences backing projects, and I know I'm not alone there. Kickstarter just has this way of turning even the most enthusiastic would-be players into a cynical, wary lot.  

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

GoFundMe sounds like it'll work out better, imo.

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

Yo, is there a free comission still available?

This Thread is Cursed

8 years ago

Sorry, but no. 

This Thread is Cursed

18 days ago

Jesus fucking Christ, why have you lot been necroing cursed threads recently.

At least necro something amusing like the infamous Words thread or JJJ calling Ford a nigger (Actually I'm pretty sure he deleted that) or something.

This Thread is Cursed

18 days ago

The mod who was telling people to watch their words was calling someone a nigger?

Honestly, I only find that plausible cause it's Ford

This Thread is Cursed

18 days ago

Basically JJJ went on a rant about Ford for calling someone a nigger and then hilariously proceeded to say the damn word like multiple times afterwards, even in the same post.

It was something like:

Ford: You're a nigger. (Don't remember who he was calling that)

JJJ: What the fuck Ford?! You can't call people niggers! Seriously, we don't want people to look at the forums and see the word nigger as the first thing they see.

Ford: But he was calling me names.

JJJ: I don't care. Don't call people niggers.

Ford: Okay. Sorry.

Later in another thread...

JJJ: "I think Eskimos are faggots and should go die with the niggers." is an example of something we don't want to see around here...blah blah blah..."nigger" blah blah..."nigger"...etc"

Shit was was hilarious.

This Thread is Cursed

18 days ago

He was using the soft A!

This Thread is Cursed

18 days ago

This actually does beg the question: site rules do say 'no racism' but site members throw around racist comments all the time. Is that just a rule that doesn't get enforced anymore? Like, if I said that creationism and evolution were both true because white people came from God and black people came from monkeys, would that be against standards?

For the record, I don't actually believe that. Im just wondering: where exactly is the line drawn?

This Thread is Cursed

18 days ago

I think its more so if people mean it, like theyre actually racist, racist. Ive seen plenty of people throw racial slurs around on this site, but from the times ive seen them used theyve been used in a way where it felt kind of empty, or you couldnt conclude they were actually racist just for using the word. I just know you can kind of 'sense' it dependant on context lol

Most of the time it comes across in a mocking/teasing 'for a laugh' kind of way, as opposed to a KKK way. 


This Thread is Cursed

18 days ago


There actually was a member who was a Nazi for realisies (As opposed to Cel who's just Serbian) and he was found out to be a member of Stormfront when another member was trolling that site.

He got confronted and he claimed he wasn't but it was pretty obvious he was. Funny thing is he actually never said any racial slurs or anything like that he just kept doing the whole "I'm not racist, I'm just pro-white!" thing. Which is probably worse than if he'd just came out in full SS garb (Y'know, like Cel lol).

Anyway, he ran off from the site after getting exposed and nothing of value was lost since he only wrote one shitty story which ended up getting deleted for low ratings anyway.

But yeah other than that one guy, there's no real bigots here contrary to what others might screech about us from time to time.

(Well alright I still don't like Mormons, but they aren't real people anyway. Suranna's okay I guess though.)

This Thread is Cursed

18 days ago

Lies and slander! Do not listen to End. He does not speak for us. I can assure you that I am the most genuine of bigots. ^_^

This Thread is Cursed

18 days ago

Pfft. You make videos about story diversity. 

This Thread is Cursed

17 days ago

Yeah, but did I mention Jews in that video? Curse those pesky Jews!