There actually was a member who was a Nazi for realisies (As opposed to Cel who's just Serbian) and he was found out to be a member of Stormfront when another member was trolling that site.
He got confronted and he claimed he wasn't but it was pretty obvious he was. Funny thing is he actually never said any racial slurs or anything like that he just kept doing the whole "I'm not racist, I'm just pro-white!" thing. Which is probably worse than if he'd just came out in full SS garb (Y'know, like Cel lol).
Anyway, he ran off from the site after getting exposed and nothing of value was lost since he only wrote one shitty story which ended up getting deleted for low ratings anyway.
But yeah other than that one guy, there's no real bigots here contrary to what others might screech about us from time to time.
(Well alright I still don't like Mormons, but they aren't real people anyway. Suranna's okay I guess though.)