Hello people of CYS, this is Jaystar. I used to be very frequent here until the big WC ban, and have decided to return to perhaps rebuild the CYS weekly paper. Those who are interested may comment below, and if any of my past 'employees' would like to come back, then you are all welcome.
The CYS daily paper was an old thread from over two years ago that started a big craze.
I was about eleven at the time, and to be honest, quite childish. And I'd even go as far to say that I still am. But that aside, It was of quite poor quality as far as grammar and juiciness goes, though after a while it seemed to be running alright for a period of time, until many more threads popped up that were based off my idea.
And so competition became to much, along with a spy in the paper and lots of my employees going off to create their own news buisnesses for CYS.
Many of you probably don't even know anything about this, as CYS has seemed to have grown massively since I left.
So, basically, I have decided to try and rebuild the CYS weekly paper, the paper that started the craze, and the first news paper of CYS.
I, along with anyone who would like to help, would like to bring it back, and bring it back better then it was before. Hopefully much better. Go ahead and comment below as you like, but just keep in mind that I would appreciate it greatly if you all could refrain from derailing this. I'll put up the sign-up thread tomorrow morning, aka, 11 or so hours after this is posted.
up above in the blue letters you can find the old thread link, and actually the first thread related to this subject. It's quite disastrous though so, those who enter, beware.
Jaystar, out!~