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Accidentally commending story

one year ago

I kind of fucked up very very badly by misclicking things on my phone which ended up having me commend this vile piece of garbage called mercenary queen part 3 hemlock band or something. (Why isn't there a button with: are you sure? Like in the comments?) It was so bad that I remembered reading it and thinking it was written by a teenage boy who was jacking himself off to his video game dream girlfriend.

I don't know whether it's possible to withdraw my commendation or if an admin can fix it somehow. Can my mistake be scrubbed from the face of the earth? I don't know how I'm able to atone for my sins. 

Accidentally commending story

one year ago

This is the Link

I'm still in denial with this being some divine punishment. 

Accidentally commending story

one year ago
Bad dog

Accidentally commending story

one year ago
Commended by Sherbet on 1/3/2024 3:05:54 PM

I formally apologize for my uncouthly behavior towards your dog. I hope this can appease the divine CYS Gods and get my points back to 3000 again. 

Accidentally commending story

one year ago
This is good.

Accidentally commending story

one year ago
Freudian slip

Accidentally commending story

one year ago

Accidentally commending story

one year ago
I did that once with some unpublished noob trash, but then I just deleted the whole story to hide the evidence.

We can't do that with the Mercenary Queen series, you're out of luck. But I complained about the same thing, no idea why it just does it like that when JJJ put in a confirmation for putting comms on everything else.

Accidentally commending story

one year ago

It's currently a mid 4 so can't take it down. Though I suppose a loop hole exception could be made since for some reason Drydenhouse NEVER posted part 2 of the series making the whole thing a bit incomplete to begin with.

However, it's funnier to leave it up as an example of Darius' fuck up.

Accidentally commending story

one year ago
This story is wonderful, it's got boobs, and a cumbling city that has been begeiged. We're leaving it right where it is with Darius's name proudly emblazoned across the top, forever.

Accidentally commending story

one year ago

Lol, those mispellings remind me of a certain member.

Surprisingly enough, the storygame has somewhat positive comments from regulars like Ninja, Will, Corgi and Malk. The standards in 2015 must have been really different.

Accidentally commending story

one year ago
I remember the first in the series being pretty decent, as far as pulpy D&D fantasy goes.

Even if it was deleted though, the author (a Warden) would still retain those 50 comms. Which honestly is fair, he's done more to deserve a place on their leaderboard than some others there.

Accidentally commending story

one year ago

The Wardens need those commendations the most anyway. 

Accidentally commending story

one year ago

Now he has more comms than me, sad

Accidentally commending story

one year ago
Fun fact, this is the first time a Warden's storygame has been commended since Wrath of the Edomite in December of 2022.
They went all of 2023 without one.

Accidentally commending story

one year ago
From the ashes, we shall rise with a vengeance. Much like genital herpes

Accidentally commending story

one year ago

Has Enter taught you these words?

Accidentally commending story

one year ago
Hey, shut your gruel-hole commender of garbage, enjoyer of gay furry porn, and speaker of Windmillese

Accidentally commending story

one year ago

I'm glad that at least someone agrees that it was garbage. May the Wardens be productive this year so that this mistake can be buried over the passage of time.

Accidentally commending story

one year ago
Shouldn't you be writing instead of commending tits anyway?

Accidentally commending story

one year ago

I sadly now have a schedule of writing 1.000 words a day to reach my quota and the story could only work by having a straight romance be the focus. It's agony.

Accidentally commending story

one year ago

I hate that you emphasize the boob part

Accidentally commending story

one year ago
This should be put in newbie central, because Darius has proven himself a n00b with this one

Accidentally commending story

one year ago

a b00b, if you will

Accidentally commending story

one year ago
Nightwatch has added in a confirmation for this now.