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I SAW SPIDERMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago
it was the second best to me. I liked the first the best.

I SAW SPIDERMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago

i was gonna see it tonight. but i hate opening nite. not to mention that the theatre was packed.


I SAW SPIDERMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago
I so want to see it. Hopefully I'll be able to tomorrow.

I SAW SPIDERMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago
Jimi_the_Z liked the first movie best. What about you other guys, did you go and see it?

I SAW SPIDERMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago
I saw it, that was my fav.

I SAW SPIDERMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago

I agreed with Jimi. I saw Spiderman 3 already. The fighting was awesome and venom's costume was amazingly put together. However, the storyline sucks! There was this one part where Peter Parker turned all....ah, I shouldn't spoil it.

First movie was the best, second was too sad, third was horrible, IMO.

I SAW SPIDERMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago

emo is the word you are looking for. (it doesn't spoil anything) i thought the 3rd was the best one, I saw it twice. And it has been confirmed that a Spider-Man 4, 5, and 6 will be made.


I SAW SPIDERMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago

IMO stands for in my opinion. :0)


I SAW SPIDERMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago

Oh, I know that, she put "Peter turns all... i won't spoil it." I was saying that emo is what he is.


I SAW SPIDERMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago
I saw it last week, it ruled the special effects( sandman's in particular) were great and peter's emo hair was just funny' though I thought that the ending was rushed, and venom was wasted, but overall I think it was the second best of the three( spiderman 2 is still my favriote but only by a little bit).

I SAW SPIDERMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago
I saw it, I thought it was awesome! I would like to see it again soon. My dad watched it with me in the theaters, he liked the way they did the sandman.

I SAW SPIDERMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago

It was a good movie, but I kind of have mixed feelings about some of the plot elements, etc.

If you have not yet seen the movie and do not want any spoilers, don't read any more of this until another bold-faced message says otherwise.  I would hate to spoil the movie for anyone, but I also would like to discuss the film with anyon who is interested in the same key points. Making Marko responsible for Ben Parker's death takes away from the themes, I think.  The entire reason Peter became Spider-Man was by obligation to Ben and society because he believed himself to be responsible for his uncle's death.  Power and responsibility.  Church's portrayal and delivery for the character (still referring to the Sandman) was good, however, and I love that they used the classic green striped shirt.  Also, Gwen seemed a little--just a little--mischaracterized, and I didn't enjoy the fact that Peter, in the movie, really only used her to make Mary Jane jealous.  In the comics, Gwen was his true love.  And the symbiote isn't really... symbiotic in the movie--I guess to go with the theme of  "fighting ones inner darkness" they decided that in the movie it one only amplify the host's aggression.  As someone said earlier, Venom was completely wasted in the movie (come on, filmmakers, why do always have to kill the villains?!).  Still, they didn't give Brock or Venom nearly enough screen time, and both of their personalities are very different from the comics--Venom, in the comics, was out to protect the innocent and punish whomever he thought was guilty.  Still, Topher Grace was pretty good as this new pompous, arrogant, insecure Brock/Venom.  But the New Goblin.  I suppose the filmmakers were trying to compromise between, you know, Harry as the Green Goblin and the Ultimate version in which he becomes the Hobgoblin, but Harry's alter ego was completely unprecedented, and I might have to see the film a second time before I can make a final judgment.  Did anyone else notice that the score was noticably worse?  Can you believe that Danny Elfman didn't write it?  I had never even heard of this Christopher Young fellow before this movie, but his music... just wasn't the same.  I guess I've kind of been a fan of Elfman since I saw the first Spider-Man movie, so maybe it's just some kind of emotional attachment I have. (If anyone's interested in the story behind the composer change--which I doubt anyone will be--here it is: end here.  I repeat, the spoilers are over.  I have finished writing spoilers in this forum post.

So anyway, the movie is definitely worth seeing for anyone reading this who has not.  If anyone wants to discuss this further (and/or argue with me) I'm more than ready to answer on this thread or via private message.

As to the question of which Spider-Man film is my favorite, I guess I'd have to say the first one.  The second is almost equally good, but the fact that everyone and his brother knows Spidey's identity by the end makes it a little worse. 

I SAW SPIDERMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago

i liked church as sandman, and i agree that venom was disappointing for me. he needed more time. i dont THINK thats a spoiler lol

however, this is: im writing this stuff in white so you will have to highlight it. however, this is a spoiler so dont highlight if you havent seen it:

i found it hard to believe that peter would come to harry for help after what he did with mary jane. my girlfriend says that it had to do with that forgiving but i just didnt buy it. thats about the only real big thing that i have against the movie.


I SAW SPIDERMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago

I posted the thing about sandman being the killer on IMDB. I don't like that either.


I SAW SPIDERMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago
Another thing I did'nt like about the movie was that it was the butler that told harry about his father' I mean he could of told him after the first movie that spidy did'nt kill his father and all of this could of been avoided , it felt like a cheap way to get harry to forgive peter.

I SAW SPIDERMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago

i kinda felt the same way. but look at it this way, the butler only speaks when spoken to. if the head of the house wants to be psycho and get angry and wallow in his pain, the butler allows this to happen until he is asked for help.


I SAW SPIDERMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago

Do you think if Alfred knew who killed Bruce Wayne's parents, he'd keep it a secret unless Bruce asked?

Especially after Bruce started dressing up like a bat. . .

I SAW SPIDERMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago

sort of actually. bruce wayne had to come into his own, find his own path. thats the plot to practically all comic books. lol so yes, if he knew. i think he would wait till bruce was old enough to come into his own life. who knows, somewhere, im sure there is a story arch where alfred does know lol


I SAW SPIDERMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago
Yeah, Venom did need more time.

I SAW SPIDERMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago
I noticed Elfman's name at the very beginning of the movie. It was right after the director's name. I guess it wasn't score.

I SAW SPIDERMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago
On what you were saying, madglee, Elfman was still in the credits for writing the theme for the movies (which was borrowed extensively in many of the new composers score pieces), but he did not write the score.  I don't seem to remember seeing his name next to Raimi's, but it's possible since Raimi owns the copyright to that piece of music.

I SAW SPIDERMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago
The storyline wasn't that bad.

I SAW SPIDERMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago
I finally saw it. It's an awesome movie, a friend at school was telling me about Parkers' dance. It was hilarious, but a good movie at the same time.

I SAW SPIDERMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago
Oh yes, and there were too many villains going around at once, which means none of them lived up to their full potential and they got hardly enough screen time each. I like what Harry did towards the end though, and the Butler is awesome.

I SAW SPIDERMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago

I saw it with mixed emotions



As a kind of big reader to amazing Spiderman not so much ultimate - though I love Bendis
I wish Harry would of stayed bad and killed Gwen as the green goblin as in the comics with a scary mask
I wished the symbiote would of acted the same way
I wish Brock wasn't so much of a wiener
didn't care for Emo Peter.
wished he could of said to Mary Jane that the suit possesed him.
Brock knows his secrets from the suit wish that was stated more clearly
.Wish the suit didn't come from the sky but from a shutlle and not stuck to Peter randomly but sought him out because he'd make a powerful host/Symbiote
Venom should of did more damage like ate a dog or something to use the teeth


I still liked the movie
liked One the best
folloewd by three then two


I SAW SPIDERMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago
Yeah, the past two movies have some more realistic stuff (Green Goblin, Doc. Oct - Both could probably happen if somebody had the scientific capacity) but I don't get how Sandman could be changed into the villain and how Venom just came from nowhere.

I SAW SPIDERMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago
I mean, in Spidey 2, when MJ was going to marry Jamison's son, the astronaut, I thought it would have something to do with that.  Isn't that where Venom symbiote really came from-- it was on the shuttle that Jamison piloted?

I SAW SPIDERMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago
it is where it came from. i saw the new cartoon ( nothing was on ), read the comic, checked fan sites, and went to plus i liked 2 the best. 3 stunk because 1. harry get's killed 2. venom, and other villains don;t get enough screen time, and 3. venom came from a shuttle not a meteor GET IT RIGHT WRITERS!! 

I SAW SPIDERMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago
Here's another thing. This is coming out of nowhere, but why did the symbiote look for a person and not settle for animals like on weirdos from another planet?