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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?


4 years ago
Who has beaten it? I've become obsessed, but I die pitifully early every time. The dwarf priest seems logically to me to be the most useful character and yet it doesn't seem to improve my survival time much. Maybe I should just stop doing this or thinking about it until after the contest...


4 years ago
me! Just recently!

You want overpowered, eh? Go mage, and try out lightning. Then, try out chain lightning later on.

Thank me later...


4 years ago
I may try this. I am also extremely bad at the game and always died early, but an ability for crowd control seems really useful considering how I always got my ankles gnawed off by not especially dangerous by themselves enemy groups before I could collect party members.


4 years ago
Unfortunately, you only get chain lightning later on in the game, so the group monsters will still be a headache. I suggest just fleeing if there is even any mention of group, swarm, horde, or any plural mentions. Even if you have chain lightning, it's still good to avoid group fights since you can only have so many chains at the same time, especially if you have a familiar.


4 years ago
Cool, I'll try it!


4 years ago
Right, make sure to stock up on the guarenteed stun item near the end.
I think it was called "Symbol of Pain"?
Anyway, it is absolute value


4 years ago
I recommend skipping the rust monster on the first level, as well as the last multi-opponent before the first level boss. you lose some money, but make it back up quickly.

Also, try the spear with a buckler or barbed chain. The spear is OP.


4 years ago
Learned about the rust monsters the hard way. Came out the fight naked and half dead :P


2 years ago

Definitely listen to Berka's advice, the shagging creatures that destroy your gear obviously suck to fight against, but also at such a low level, and when alone, you're not well equipped to deal with multi opponents. As soon as you get one good teammate you're practically set.

You may think you're supposed to be able to beat it all, but I've tried multiple times, and it's just not worth it. You have to guzzle potions more than my ex girlfriend guzzles wieners, and even then you're probably going to have to "go back" a few times.

Another thing to note is that your starting health is random, so if you wanna start off on the right foot, consider going back on the page before your HP gets rolled.

You can also do this to get teammates with more HP, and not have the mage you just bought have 12 HP and die from the first mob that looked at him funny.

I realize that OP is a banned loser, but someone else may find this ancient thread one day.