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Hey, I wrote a very short story with many flaws.

2 months ago
Hey I wrote a very short story and a friend recommended I post it here for feedback.
Tell me what you guys think.

"Yuri had been walking through farmland almost 20 minutes now in pitch dark trying to find a friendly soldier. After a while he found a white wooden two story house. Having not eaten anything in almost a day he had no choice but to enter it. Yuri first looked through the windows and saw no one, he then kicked down the door with his Kalashnikov. Nobody was in the living room so he continued searching the house, downstairs there was only the bathroom, kitchen, and living room. Yuri continued and went upstairs.

Upstairs there was only one bedroom. He knocked the door open and saw a man sleeping next to a pistol. Yuri immediately shot the man. A woman was sleeping next to him, she immediately woke up screaming. He shot her too. On another bed there was a younger girl who looked 10-12, she started screaming and crying after seeing Yuri kill the two people.Yuri aimed his gun at her but did not shoot. He realized she was not a threat.

Yuri buried the two bodies while the girl continued to scream and cry for 2 hours before she stopped saying anything completely. Yuri attempted to communicate with her but she said nothing. Yuri stayed up all night watching her. The next day he went into the kitchen and cooked some food for himself and the girl. He picked her up and tried to get her to eat but she didn’t. Eventually he force fed her so she wouldn’t die.

This continued for 2 weeks until the food ran out. After this he started to harvest the potatoes and they had to eat potatoes for months. The girl still didn’t talk or say anything. One day, 6 months later, he heard the bombs stop dropping and concluded the war was over. He decided to go back home but brought the girl with him. The people in his hometown were confused about the girl but he never said anything about it. She still never talked to anyone. One day the girl took a knife and stabbed her throat, she bled out and died before anyone could save her, Yuri took his own life by shooting himself the next week."

Hey, I wrote a very short story with many flaws.

2 months ago
Why didn't the girl stab him in the throat?

Also, who is supposed to be telling this story?

Hey, I wrote a very short story with many flaws.

2 months ago

There are a few choice places in this where a comma would serve you well, to break up the sentences and make the flow more natural.

Having not eaten anything in almost a day he had no choice but to enter it.

For instance, a comma after "having not eaten anything in almost a day"
I'd also like to point out that usually in writing you should write out numbers rather than just type the numeral, especially on smaller numbers.
Another thing is how unattached the narrative feels from the action going on in the story. I mean for goodness's sake, he's shooting people. Try to make your readers feel something about that.

And the last scene in general is also very rushed and ineffective. 

I'd suggest reading some articles like this and this one to further improve your writing's tone and readability.

Mostly what you have here is the summary of some events. You should write the details, meaty descriptions of what's happening and how the characters respond to that. There's also a distinct lack of any setting. Try to make the readers feel as though they're really there.

But congrats on writing something and shoving it out into the world! Taking feedback and applying it to your writing is the first step to getting better at it.

Hey, I wrote a very short story with many flaws.

2 months ago
Thanks for the advice!
I'll keep it in mind for next time.

Hey, I wrote a very short story with many flaws.

2 months ago

I just have some questions that might help you develop your thought process when writing. So in the first sentence, Yuri is looking for friendly soldiers or some sort of ally. Having found a building, the first thing he does is knock the door down with his rifle. Not exactly the friendliest way to find someone. Plus, if there ally was in there and this was a war scenario, probably would have gunned Yuri down. I see he saw no one was in the rooms through the window, did he see if it was unlocked? Next, he found 2 people sleeping and immediately killed them. No questions, no communication, and most importantly no context into who they were. These could have been explained by saying Yuri was in farmland that was in enemy territory (meaning that locals are most likely hostile). If they were both asleep, why not just take the pistol away and gather information? 

Also, what's the deal with the kid? Why does Yuri not kill her? Why does he take her for no reason? Why is Yuri, a soldier, suddenly farming and living with this girl - then suddenly assume the war is over? What are Yuri's motivations in this story? 

Thinking of these questions can ground your writing in reality and make the reader see the story from the character's perspective. We really have no idea why anything happened or why we should even care about what happened. 

Def keep at it and don't be afraid of feedback. Looking forward to your next short story :)