applegirl, The Reader
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The Street Children Preview on 8/8/2012 12:04:49 AMWow. Really impressive and I love what I'm reading so far. Can't wait to see the finished product :) Have to agree with what 3J was mentioning earlier, I can definitely see this being featured.
Two Year Anniversary on 8/7/2012 11:39:46 PM
Congrats :3
Rich Text Editor Updated on 6/24/2012 1:23:45 AM
Nice :)
E3 2012 on 6/17/2012 9:41:58 PM
Just to clarify: stealth in games=automatic death for me. But assassin's creed seems pretty cool, I like to watch it when my guy friends play.
E3 2012 on 6/17/2012 9:39:43 PM
Oh, I'm not that good at gaming. Dying over and over in a game really gets depressing after a while.
Eternal released...sort of! on 6/17/2012 9:37:50 PM
:D Waiting patiently...
"New" search on 6/17/2012 9:36:50 PM
I really like this idea too. It'd help because I seem to always land on stories I've already read.
My game is looping now! Urggh! on 6/17/2012 9:36:14 PM
Did you delete the page that the initial page led to? I did that once for my story and published it without realizing it had an endless loop. It is an easy fix if that is the case.
E3 2012 on 6/17/2012 9:31:27 PM
I only am interested in PS3 games, so I have a bias there. Pretty interested in the new God of War and FFversus (if that still exists, not sure if it is real or vaporware yet).
A Hello from Caity! on 6/17/2012 9:23:59 PM
Hey :) Welcome to the site~