Farewell, My Childhood Self
love & dating
storygame by
Commended by BerkaZerka on 9/21/2019 9:17:00 AM
Player Rating
, #2 for
Based on
6360 ratings
since 06/16/2012
Played 95,163 times (finished 5,670)
Story Difficulty
"Trek through the forest"
Play Length
"Not going to lose any sleep"
Maturity Level
"I'll need to see some identification"
Some material may be inappropriate for persons under age 16. If this were a movie, it would probably be between PG-13 and R.
Do all first loves end up like us?
Player Comments
Spoilers Below
Hello, I have been looking for some good Love & Dating storygames on this website, and I found this. I looked through the description, and thought that it would be most related to me. This reason will be announced later. So, without further ado, here are my thoughts:
Plot: 4/8
The plot was coherent and represented many twists and turns along the way. I found some of the endings to be quite cliche, but I may be wrong because I've only played into two endings. Sophia in the story dies in a hospital at some point, but there was also one where they got married? There was no time gap between the hospital call and the marriage scene. The pacing makes me very confused; I can't tell which pages are real and which pages are dreams! Pacing was very slow and I got bored. Even though this is a featured storygame, there are still things to improve!
Characters: 7/8
Despite the slow pacing of the plot, the author really put in some character development into the story. The good writing really showed a real connection between the protagonist and Sophia. Even though they are the only characters to talk about, This section of the story is almost perfect. The protagonists' dreams and the dialogue really showed both parties' desire to be together forever. Great job on showing the connection between the characters!
Grammar: 6/8
The grammar is probably how the Characters section got such a high rating. The appeal of the reader to the senses of smell and touch really makes you imagine all the scenes in the storygame. However, the smell of 'mint cinnamon' is repetitive around the storygame. Would use different imagery for higher engagement. There are a few minor grammatical errors, but nothing too alarming about them.
Gameplay: 8/8
Again, I wonder how many endings this storygame can possibly have. There are so many options to choose from throughout the storygame, and i feel like I am heading towards a certain ending on every click. Even though I only experienced two endings, the possibilities are endless! Also, the art on each page makes you really imagine the scene. Really helps with the imagery used throughout the storygame. The art alone just shows how much effort the author put into this storygame.
Overall, I am relieved to finally leave a good comment. I've commented on a few bad storygames in the past, but this is my first good review. The connection between the Protagonist and Sophia is great, the imagery used is great, especially with the art, and the possibilities are endless! Would be better if the pacing of the plot wasn't so slow, but is overall good.
Final Rating: 5/8
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on 11/30/2022 9:16:04 PM with a score of 0
Oh man. This was so much nicer to read after that last storygame I just read. (Don't bother looking, it's trash) I really like the way the story was written in flashes of memory, and yet still incorporates everything a good and complete storygame requires.
The writing was very elegant and had a nice flow to it. It rose and fell, each time dragging me in even more until I had to play every path, click every link, and read every word until I had read it all. I did exactly that. It was so effortlessly sad, because it was written in such a way that no other story could meet this natural level of set mood.
It was the perfect length for the writing and the mood so that it lasted and only got stronger near the end. The characters were developed nicely, and were introduced quite impressively. There is an evident plot, even though it was written in such a broken way, and it still felt smooth and effortless. This is still one of my favorite storygames on the site and I hope you can return and create more works of art.
There was no obvious grammar and spelling mistakes, and this wouldn't have take away from the overall rating at all. It was a good use of pictures, but not everyone enjoys the animation style, but still, very good job. 8/8
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on 11/5/2017 4:29:57 PM with a score of 0
Many of these types of Choose Your Own Adventures are linear in the sense that the choices throughout the story create specific endings; however, this story is wonderfully different. The choices, to me, felt like the narrator was simply thinking of his many memories with Sophia (which is probably the intention). Each section's choices were not tied into the next section.
I loved the tone of this story as well. It seemed like the happy memories of something tainted by sorrow which is something everybody does. The narrator never became depressed, but I always could feel his melancholiness on the matter (due to the story's end). I also liked the way that you portrayed the two. Their relationship seemed to be simultaneously as friends, as brother/sister (not genetically), and romantic. It is much better than "he likes her 'cuase she's pretty".
The plot was wonderful. I was able to experience these two growing up together which made the endings (I am trying to stay spoiler free) all the more sad. I normally have an ending that I like the most, but this is the only story in which I am unable to do so. They were simply to great to choose from, and each had their own benefits and drawbacks.
Finally, I did notice that people say that the story is blatantly sad... I do not really see it that way. The endings are about to happen, and our narrator has to choose which one he wants. I feel that he was merely sad about his situation which bled into his narration of his and Sophie's past. Furthermore, I LOVED the pictures. I felt they added to the story and looked spectacular, though not everybody likes the style you selected...
This is definitely one of my favorite stories of this genre.
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on 1/24/2016 6:25:34 PM with a score of 0
One of my Favourites. Absolutely Perfect
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on 3/7/2025 5:12:27 PM with a score of 0
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— Ddvb on 2/6/2025 5:20:20 PM with a score of 0
its so good but sad I like the story but it makes me cry I love the story!!!!!!!
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on 12/16/2024 5:26:43 PM with a score of 0
so wholesome and heartbreaking 11/10
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— Shadow445 on 10/29/2024 11:16:10 AM with a score of 0
First dating story game I played. Very amazing.
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on 10/17/2024 10:12:36 AM with a score of 0
6/8 - Wonderful! Better than I expected!!!
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on 10/7/2024 4:44:40 PM with a score of 0
This is just sad
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— Mia on 9/28/2024 10:38:10 AM with a score of 0
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