AestheticLlama, The Wordsmith
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Hello. The name's AL. I like to draw (sometimes), write, and play video games. Oh, and procrastinate on schoolwork. That's the thing I like to do the most. Until my parents scold me. Then it's not so fun.
Not having much motivation anymore, sorry 'bout that. Not gonna be online much anymore.
"Sorry AL, I know you're trying your best, but I'm afraid you're just far too cute and wholesome to write creepy dragon erotica. :p" -Avery_Moore
"You see AL, there are a large amount of people who get butthurt over the most minor of things, these people are generally known as faggots." -EndMaster
"Weird, I would've assumed you were homeschooled by Mormons or something." -mizal
"Cover your eyes AL! We don't want you to know what a fetish is! >.<" -Avery_Moore
"Who are you and what have you done with AL?" -Killa_Robot
(proud MHD fan right here!)
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Attention Newbies! Being a Respected CYStianRecent Posts
Sweet 16 on 6/22/2021 8:45:24 AMAw man! :[
Sweet 16 on 6/20/2021 7:48:21 AM
You can drive cars now, vroom vroom! :]
Briar's Friendly Forest Critters on 5/14/2021 8:49:32 PM
I shall never expose myself!
-signed, A Llama
Briar's Friendly Forest Critters on 5/14/2021 7:36:01 PM
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand done! Any thoughts?
Briar's Friendly Forest Critters on 5/14/2021 7:06:25 PM
Quick update to let everyone know that I will actually try and attempt this.
Briar's Friendly Forest Critters on 5/13/2021 7:06:53 PM
Has anyone made a drawing of Avery surrounded by the animals listed on the thread? Because if not, then I could do that.
Briar's Friendly Forest Critters on 5/11/2021 6:58:45 PM
You're right. It's time. I'll go get my llama herd.
Briar's Friendly Forest Critters on 5/11/2021 8:29:53 AM
I know, but they keep scaring away the birds. :[
Briar's Friendly Forest Critters on 5/10/2021 5:06:30 PM
We get squirrels. Evil, evil squirrels who keep messing up the bird feeder. >:[
CYS Book Club? on 5/8/2021 4:19:54 PM
Maybe Wonder, Wonder's a popular book.