Hey look everybody, it's The Wal*Mart Game! But this isn't your ordinary Wal*Mart game, oh no, terrorists have taken over, and it's up to you to ... well pretty much do whatever you'd like.
Please note that this is an Advanced Game, and takes full use of Objects. To use an object, simply pick it up (click on it), and then go to "My Inventory" and click USE. You'll pretty much need to do this thoughout The Wal*Mart game!
Also, there are three endings. See how many you can get!
2003-06-11 6:42P - The ÜberEnding does not work! I am looking into fixing this ASAP.
2003-03-10 9:29A - I've added a walkthru generously written by beholder! Please check it out if you get stuck!
2003-02-15 8:30P - Okay, I've finally remembered to publish the game by the contest, and fix a few broken links. I have put my Heart and Soul into this game, so please give feedback, positive and negative!
2003-02-09 8:00P - The game is pretty much finished. There's a ton of room for expansion, but I would like to get some feedback. Please play it and beat it!