Im gonna leave
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"Too few ratings to be ranked"
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20 ratings
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"No possible way to lose"
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"Make sure not to blink"
Maturity Level
"Appropriate for all ages"
Stories with this maturity level will not, by design, have any potentially objectionable content. An example of a type story with this rating would be a quiz on mathematics.
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I’m leaving
Player Comments
Constructive criticism helps.
The reason why they're "mean" is because they're giving their honest opinion about the game. Parents usually are not the best people for constructive criticism.
And now you're going to leave because some people just said your storygame sucked? I mean, if it did suck, then they were just giving their honest opinion. But if it didn't suck, then just keep in mind that people are going to hate your storygame, no matter what.
And plus, how are you going to improve if people just say nice comments all the time like "this is great!" or "nothing needs to be changed!"? The problem is that it's challenging to improve your storygames in the future if nobody gives you constructive criticism.
Also, what was the point of this storygame? CYS is a writing community. Instead of writing this storygame, you could've just not come on anymore. It was that simple.
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on 2/4/2021 8:06:07 AM with a score of 0
I don't know who you are but you are a fucking loser. Stop trying to be edgy, and just fucking write. Put effort, be constant and stop fucking whine each time someone tries to advise you.
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on 10/6/2019 1:32:02 PM with a score of 0
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on 10/6/2019 6:21:12 AM with a score of 0
I...don't understand. What was the point in creating a game to tell people that you're leaving?
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on 10/6/2019 3:47:20 AM with a score of 0
You really just created a game to tell everyone that you're gonna leaving?
That's quite strange of you... Welp, everyone already covered everything that I want to say. Except your title, it's supposed to be "I'm gonna leave" not "Im gonna leave"...At least I got a free point.
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on 10/6/2019 1:25:07 AM with a score of 0
No one thought your game was awful. Could've at least taken the criticism to heart. Anyway, thanks for the free point.
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on 10/6/2019 12:40:39 AM with a score of 0
Also, it seems worth pointing out that this whiny child got some extremely detailed feedback and advice on their previous game. The kind of comments that represent more thought and effort than they put into making the game in the first place.
And they just rage deleted the entire game, turning it all into a wasted effort and making these reviewers less likely to want to bother helping the next struggling writer that comes along who might be genuinely appreciative of honest feedback.
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on 10/5/2019 9:57:49 PM with a score of 0
One of our best writers has dyslexia
You're just being a baby
Practice your writing more instead of whining about it
Also Gower talks about you a lot and its getting a. Little weird between you and me, you could at least return the poor dudes letters
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on 10/5/2019 9:57:22 PM with a score of 0
Let's, for a moment, just ignore how stupid it is to publish a game dramatically announcing that you're leaving a site you never meaningfully contributed to, to a bunch of people who don't know or care who you are, because you never tried to involve yourself in the community. (shoving a real story from someone else off the New Storygames page in the process...)
Instead, let's look at this sentence:
"But It could have been nice to tell me things to improve, not the things I got wrong."
......yes, that's right, it's a request to not be told about the things that need to be improved, but to instead to be told about the things that need to be improved.
There are no words for this. Thankfully, Gower already wrote something funny in the comments that redeemed the whole three minutes I've spent reading and then typing this.
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on 10/5/2019 9:51:25 PM with a score of 0
The great conquerors of history can be considered the embodiment of ‘manifest destiny’. Alexander the ‘Pretty-Alright’ subjugated the mighty Persian Empire, with a war machine constructed by his father. The ambitious Julius Caesar subjugated the barbarian tribes of Gaul, building upon three hundred years of pre-existing Roman superiority. And the overreaching Napoleon subjugated most of Western Europe, utilising the mass mobilisation brought about by revolution. While their feats of military mastery are difficult to disparage, some of their success can be attributed to the traditions and infrastructures they inherited. In comparison, the figure who would forge the largest land empire in history – subjugating more than half of the ‘known world’ by his death in 1227 – apparently came, from nowhere. The creation and expansion of the Mongol Empire required Genghis Khan to found his own tradition, solve a plethora of political and social problems, and assemble his armies from scratch. All this, he achieved – while being an illiterate nomad... heir to a primitive pastoralist lifestyle without any access to the wisdom of the ages. In modern historiography, ‘The World Conqueror’ is a prime example of an individual, who shapes the course of history. There is contention, however, between the conception of Genghis Khan as being the destructive yet triumphant barbarian or the constructive civilisation-builder. While today’s Mongolia celebrates him as an ethnic hero – as the founder of their nation – his invasions were characterised by the systematic, wholesale slaughter of sedentary populations. Both Adolf Hitler and Winston Churchill reference the Mongol hordes in describing Nazi policies of genocide. And as Hartog puts it, “under Genghis Khan, the Mongols had no idea of the social function of a town. All they knew was to plunder and destroy it and massacre its inhabitants” (2004, p.70). It must also be considered, that in the span of eighty-eight years, acute insecurities in the Mongolian aristocracy brought about the empire’s demise. Thus, it is hypothesised that Genghis Khan’s direct legacy has been relegated to one of widespread devastation, since the civilisation he sought to construct failed spectacularly in the long-term.
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on 10/5/2019 9:45:10 PM with a score of 0
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